
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

a peek inside Lucy's nature journal

Nature is a big part of our lives and as Lucy gets older, we are having so much fun sharing and teaching about the world around her! One of our favorites activities is documenting and creating in a nature journal.
After a trip the Oregon Coast Aquarium, we came home with tons of inspiration and lots of curiosity about all kinds of creature but Lucy's favorite were the jellyfish.

A few tips for keeping a kid's nature journal:

1. Use everyday activities (walks, playing outside, outings) for learning opportunities. From animals and insects to leaves to flowers and weather, we always like to be on the look out for opportunities to learn and observe nature.

2. Incorporate art with learning. Lucy (like me) absorbs information when she is creating so we like to work on creative tasks (like drawing and painting what we've observed) with writing and journaling exercises.

3. We like to work side by side. I also keep a nature journal and it's really fun to spend time creating, talking and working through our observations together.


  1. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Lucy is such a great kid! Just love watching her grow and learn. Good job, Mom!

  2. Side by side is great!

  3. What an incredibly lucky little girl to have as parents!! Ill say it again! YOU ARE A FABULOUS MOM!!! Passing this post on to other moms of kids young and old!! tell Lucy my favs are the jellies as well!!

  4. You are such a great mother...Lucy is a lucky little girl.

  5. How wonderful! We went on a camping trip over the weekend and although it was wet, there were some gaps in the weather for my five year old, and two eight year olds to join me in some drawing and painting. One of them being extra passionate about looking for things to draw. It was such a buzz to see her and all the other kids finding their way in nature in their own ways. I can't wait to do it again!

  6. Hello. I am also an artist and mom of a five year old daughter. We often paint together as well. Sometimes my daughter will get frustrated and compare her art to mine ("Yours looks better than mine!") and want to pout about it. I reassure her and tell her how beautiful and smart her paintings are and most of the time it isn't a major issue but I was wondering if you ever came up on that with your daughter and how you handled her frustrations, if any.
    Kitty Smothers

  7. If Lucy's favorite is the jellyfish, here is something fun that you might want to take a look at:
