
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

artists for love movement

Well friends, there is a lot going on over here in America and honestly, I am still not sure what to do with myself. I think I need more time to process and heal from this election year. But right now there are people celebrating, there are people hurting, there are are people scared, there are people angry and divided and there are people holding their breath to see what comes next. After lots of thought and lots of conversation, I've come to the simple conclusion that I WANT TO BE A LIGHT IN THIS WORLD. I want to engage, unite and love those I agree with and those I don't agree with. I want to come together in spite of our differences and find a way to heal the divide. Right now the only way that I know how to do this is to put my faith, my gifts and my creativity to work. If there is one thing I am sure about, it's that art has the ability to unite, spark conversations, inspire hope, ignite change and spread love.

Thankfully I am in good company! A few friends of mine have come together to start a movement! It's called #ArtistsForLove. We have all created art for you to download, share, print out and use. For those of you who want to join the movement, we invite you to create your own art and use the hashtag #ArtistsForLove so we can all find each other!

Art By Alisa Burke download HERE

Art by Kelly Rae Roberts download HERE

Art by Flora Bowley download HERE

Art by Pixie Lighthorse download HERE

Art by Alena Hennessy download HERE

Art by Simone Star download HERE

Art by Orly Avineri download HERE

Art by Jennifer Mercede download HERE

Art by Lynzee Lynx download HERE


  1. Thank you Alisa, this is a beautiful idea, so many people I know are feeling the same shock and uncertainty you write about. Thanks again for your inspirational words and actions...Trudy

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Thank you Alisa for this opportunity. I too have been trying to figure our out how to support those who have been attacked, either verbally or physically. My art will follow when I finish it.

  3. I love this so much but feel left out in many ways. I am an artist and a dreamer. I LOVE all of your work!!! Each artist here is INCREDIBLE and inspires me so much!! I have your books, have taken your classes, etc. I voted for Trump...I have my own reasons and I am not ashamed of them. But just because I voted for him DOES NOT MEAN I don't agree with EVERYTHING you all stand for. I am NOT a bigot or a racist or against ANYONE. I am very conservative in certain areas. I LOVE all my LGBTQ friends (I have many). Anyway...ladies you are ALL AMAZING!! I am not writing this to bash anyone....I just want to HEAL with LOVE just like each of you do!!!! Thank you for sharing this and thank you for letting me share my opinion. Leslie Ackman

    1. Thank you Leslie for the comment! And I completely understand where you are coming from and I so appreciated the courage it takes to share what you believe. This first piece of art that we put out there felt important to acknowledge the groups of people that have felt marginalized this last year and who are hurting this last week. But I do know from my own experiences and conversations, there are people (those who supported Trump for all kinds of reasons) who also feel dismissed and blamed and moving forward, I really want to to be able to have fruitful conversations, learn from each other and show them support too. Love and blessings to you!! Xo Alisa

  4. Beautiful art from beautiful people. We all have opinions and they are all important. We should be able to lift each other up and we should all be a part of the solution and not allow ourselves to be part of the problem. This is a choice we all have. And what a great way you have chosen to share and pull folks together for the greater part. Thank you.

  5. I feel all political changes have an economic reason. I understand from my friends in USA ( mainly from the Indian origin ) some of the reasons for people to vote for Trump and reading this post and Leslie's comment supports that. this is a great initiative and a positive and constructive way to deal with this change. The divisive and fascist forces seems to be on the rise all over the world, I agree that this may be the only way to heal and maintain sanity.

  6. I was wondering how you felt on all of this. I knew you would have a positive take on it. I've just seen Jessica Swift's input and I have slowly being trying to put things together myself as well as I feel this is a time for unity, not separation. People of your elk are sooooo needed in this world. keep doing your beautiful work for the good of mankind you lovely soul. I feel so privileged to be surrounded by such positive people on Instagram and through blogs like yours. Even though I'm not in America, or an American myself, we feel it here so I'm glad I'm feeling positivity! Big love. <3

  7. This a great idea...simple yet effective...
    I believe little things make huge impacts...I am sure this art movement will comfort many who are in dire need of it...

  8. This is wonderful, thank you so much.

  9. Absolutely beautiful!!!

  10. Jen Reardon7:30 AM

    So awesome! Thanks for making these available!

  11. It appears that you have included everyone, but white men, who are not veterans. White men have been discriminated against in the job market since the 1960's, when President John F. Kennedy introduced Affirmative Action. It was intended to be temporary, but has been with us ever since. Regardless of their qualifications, white men are on the bottom of the list for college acceptance, federal and state government jobs, and all assistance programs. Perhaps you might consider standing with, and supporting, all Americans.

    1. Hi Ann, thank you for your comment and I'll respond the same way I responded above in another comment above. This first piece of art (there will likely be more), it felt important to this group of artists to create something to show support for the groups of people who have felt marginalized this last year and are hurting and scared this last week. I appreciate your opinion and commend you for have the courage to share it on this platform.

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Beautiful focus for such a raw time. Born during Harry Truman's time in office, I have seen our country and world struggle through so very many painful times. And witnessed many wonderful shifts in thinking, actions and global caring as well. And yet last weeks new shift has given rise to a feeling in me of free fall, no net in sight. This post, those fine, fine words of support living in these works of art and the intent of love form a strong path forward. I will head back to my paints, fabrics and music with a lighter heart and ponder which targeted areas I can offer my working support and energy. Thank you for all you do! Chris Schutz

  13. Great idea Alisa - I'll share this to my Facebook

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Congratulations for taking part in this!A;; posters look nice!I love all the words ,well said!AriadnefromGreece!

  16. Bravo for speaking out! As a dual citizen American living abroad, I can assure you that Americans are not the only ones feeling the sequela of this election.

  17. Thank you for your contribution to #artistsforlove - I love your blog and your piece of the work. Here is mine: Let's support each other no matter the choice or the results.

  18. LOVE this! Thank you so much <3 <3 <3
