
Thursday, October 17, 2013

exploring we will go- chasing waterfalls

A while back we made the promise to each other to always make time to seek adventure as a family (you can read about it here). Exploration and going outside is a big part of our daily lives and once in a while I like to share a little peek into our adventures.

What is often referred to as "waterfall ally" is located in the Columbia River Gorge where you are able to hike to a variety of amazing and beautiful waterfalls. We took Historic HWY 30 and explored 4 family friendly waterfall hikes (.5- 2.5 mi) Latourell FallsWahkeena Falls, Multnomah Falls, Horsetail Falls

For more information on hiking the Columbia River Gorge and the numerous waterfall hikes visit HERE


  1. BEAUTIFUL Photos!!!

    We LOVE to visit Seaside. Have done so on a regular basis now. We will have to add visiting the waterfalls on our next Oregon trip.

    Thank you for posting all the waterfall sites, too.

  2. P.S.

    Awesome Video footage!!

  3. What beauty you see on your family adventures! I also love how you and your daughter are all bundled up and there is your husband with a pair of shorts on. Reminds me of my one son who will wear shorts till the snow flies!

  4. What a beautiful place, it's so important to remember to explore and be thrilled by what we see- I need to get out exploring more often

  5. someday we must go here!! just gorgeous!! and always inspirational!! and totally LOVE lucy's smiley face walking with leaves like she's got the best leaves in the place! haha!! :D xoxooxox you.three.are.precious!

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.

  7. Gorgeous! Would love to visit one day. I LOVE how happy Lucy looks in these photos. Nothing like enjoying the outdoors.

  8. super pretty and the pics of you and familiy are terrific!

  9. Looks beautiful - the colours so rich! How about a tute on camera straps? Thanks

  10. livethegoldenrule8:32 PM

    Love the family picture! You live in such a beautiful place. I just discovered someone today that does work that reminded me of you. I love their Easter eggs. Don't know if you are familiar w/their work. It is at:

  11. stunning photo's. i was lucky enough to see those waterfalls in person once~and hope to go back again one day...

  12. You should work for the tourist board....they would love your work!
    You make me want to vacation there!

  13. Anonymous11:32 AM

