
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

bugs for lucy

Becoming a mom has been the most wonderful addition to my life as an artist. It's hard to believe that 
I spent my entire pregnancy worried that once Lucy was born, somehow I would lose my creativity and inspiration 
for making art (you can read about it HERE). None of my worries came true, in fact the opposite happened. 
With Lucy's arrival I have become more productive, inspired and creative than I ever could have imagined. 
Being an mom, who is also an artist has provided me with endless opportunities 
to approach creativity in so many different ways. 

My latest creative venture is drawing and creating bugs for my little Lu. Ever since she saw a lady bug land on my 
shirt she has been obsessed with all things bugs. She talks (babbles) about the bugs that she has seen outside 
and is always asking (babbling) to go looking for bugs. So I've been hard at work creating little bugs 
for her to look at and play with around the house.

The bug sketches have evolved into painted rocks that now live in a "lady bug garden" in the yard. This little spot 
is the perfect place to play and explore bugs when we can't find real bugs. 
Using my passion for creativity to make little treasures has become one of my favorite ways to show Lucy
that I love her and that I will always find ways to support and foster her interests- even if her interests have six legs!


  1. Wien i see want you give your child my eyes fills with tears, she will be such a confident person. I wish all children more of this. And you are giving her not only life but the best possibilities for a grand life.
    You are both parents incorporating her into you life instead of letting somebody else taking care of her days.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. So sweet how your daughter is looking at the beautiful stone bugs. Love it.
    Liefs, Melanie

  3. absolutely adorable -- alias you continue to inspire me -- love life with luch --

  4. I felt the same way when I had my first baby... thought maybe I'd never have time to be creative and it has delightfully turned into a more creative household now more than ever! With 3 little one under age 5, we are constantly doing things like you have done here with the bug rocks. Children love to explore nature and our favorite thing to do is to make a "field journal" and then go out collecting things in nature. My kiddos LOVE doing this! You're inspiring as a wonderful mother AND artist! Keep it up!

  5. That is the sweetest thing you've done for Lucy! My grandson is a little freaked out with bugs so this would be a great way to make him more comfortable -- Thanks Alisa!

  6. May be the cutest post I've ever seen--love it!

  7. Love this so much!! She is so cute, thanks for the video!

    My niece has loved bugs since she was young like Lucy. Even now at 11she won't harm any bug and carries them outside to safety. Sadly she's allergic to bees though but still loves them and wants no harm to them.

  8. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Supersweet and I just love how you create so many different and individual toys for Lucy.

    Greetings from Vienna Claudia

  9. I also found myself so creative when my daughter was small, and it was so much fun. When she became older we often worked together at my work table. Now she does so many creative projects (if she doesn't have to do homework), it's wonderful to witness.
    Your little Lu is super cute, and so are your bugs!

  10. Beautiful photos, Alisa! I love your blog! very inspiring! Thanks for your creativity!

  11. Allah bağışlasın...Bebeğiniz çok tatlı...Bloğunuz çok hoşuma gitti.Banada beklerim...

  12. Thanks for this post Alisa. Being a free-lance artist, more than worried I am terrified I would be too busy with a child and I would have no time to nurture creativity, and I am often ashamed to share this fear of mine with not-fellow workers.
    Blog more about artist mamas if you can.

  13. Lucy is so blessed to have such loving and creative parents. Takes me back to growing up on a small, family farm. We had a grove of trees and a small stream and huge boulders. Great for imaginary adventures.
    The rock bugs are great. Think I will make some for the garden and flower beds.

  14. How cute! I love your creative ideas for Lucy :)

  15. Such a lucky little girl your Lucy is to have you and your hubby as her folks~ Smiling for you all today

  16. I love those little bug rocks.
    And she is just precious.

  17. My daughter loved worms! She would bring a bucket of them to pre-school... the only girl who would even touch one! Somehow I could never paint or draw them....bugs are much better!

  18. So adorable. I just love the photo where she is holding the red ladybug rock out for you to see. Such precious days.

  19. She is SO SO SWEET!!! Love the fun ladybug rocks!!! (=

  20. I had a fascination with bugs as a child and I still do. I totally credit my Mom, who would never recoil at seeing a spider, but instead would point out the beautiful webs they made, or show me the intricate colors of a beetle. She would let us bring home fireflies, snakes and frogs and other living treasures and then help us release them later.

  21. This is my favorite post I've ever read on your blog.

  22. I love how creative you are and how you are using your creativity to teach your daughter. The bugs on the rocks are so adorable!!!! You are a great mom!

  23. Hi Alisa. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award!

  24. love the little bug rocks and how your creative spark jumped from one project to another - very cool. with a newborn in the house, I too was worried about changes in my artistic life. but I think you are right, that the change can be an inspiration!

  25. oh I love this post! Lucy is so adorable and very lucky to have you as her mom! your creative ideas are just wonderful and inspiring! :)

  26. Loved it! It's amazing your creativity. Congratulations. Lucy is beautiful and happy.

  27. Long time lurker...just gotta say that is one of the PRETTIEST little girls you've got there.

  28. These rocks rock! They look so cute and i think
    it will be fun to make them together with my girls.
    Your little one is so sweet


  29. When I was a small child, being raised by my grand parents, my grandfather, an artist, would make things for me. For Easter he always build me an elaborate nest with a trail of tiny things leading to it. I am 63 years old and I tear up when I think of him and the things he did for me. Keep it up, she will always remember these things..and love you for it..

  30. Great of you to go with the flow even if it means "liking" bugs ;) What a great idea to paint those rocks as outside toys. And I have to say I see so much of your hubby in Lucy (her expression and eyes!). Enjoy your Mom journey!

  31. I love this! I created my son a snake garden when he was young (he is 24 now). We used to paint rock villages too. I still have several of the shops that we created. So many good memories you guys are making right now!

  32. This post is so sweet and Lucy is fantastic. I can only imagine how great opportunities for Lucy's mind to grow up with such a creative and entusiastic mother!
    Moreover, I adore insects and most of all ladybugs (I'm a biologist) ... I think I will copy your stones .. in my terrible way, of course!

  33. Did you use acrylics for this?

  34. Love this! and Lucy is adorable. I just remembered a book that my children loved called "I Like Bugs" by Margaret Wise Brown (of "Goodnight Moon" fame). It's very sweet and simple with lovely illustrations. I loved reading it to my kids when they were young and it made a great beginning reader when they were a little older.
