
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

vegan/gluten free mac & cheese

I am happy to report that the changes I have made to my diet over the past 3 months since Lucy was born have helped tremendously with controlling her reflux. I have cut out all dairy (and been eating vegan as much as possible), no spicy and acidic foods and gotten rid of most wheat (gluten)! Talk about discipline folks!!! Something in these changes have not only made a difference for Lucy's tummy but have made me feel really amazing both inside and out!

But boy do I miss creamy cheesy dishes! So I set out scouring the internet (thanks to many of you for the links!!) to get inspired to create some of my own recipes to somehow recreate or at least come close to some dishes that would satisfy my cravings. Let me just say nothing will come close or taste like real cheesy goodness- at least to me- but I am so happy that I can enjoy something a healthy and keep my dear daughter comfortable.

After doing tons of research and reading lots of recipes here is my take on a quick vegan and gluten free mac & cheese.

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There are all sorts of gluten free pastas out there- Whole Foods and Trader Joes seem to have the a bigger selection but I have also been able to find some options at the regular grocery store too.

Boil pasta and drain water leaving just a little pasta water in with the noodles and return pan to burner set to low heat.

Add the pureed squash to the noodles (you can buy this frozen or puree your own).

Add grated vegan cheese (this is actually a really great dairy free option- it melts and tastes almost like real cheese!)

Mix in the salt, pepper, spices and mustard.

Optional- add a dollop of vegan butter or margarine.

Keep mixing everything on low until the cheese is melted.

The result is a quick creamy pasta dish that tastes like light version of mac & cheese and is perfect for adding your favorite vegis, meatless sausage or even the real thing.




  1. Thanks for sharing this! I've been thinking about trying to go gluten and dairy free, but I have two really picky eaters. They both love mac and cheese though, so I think this is where I'll start.

  2. Atta Girl. You are one dedicated Mommy. Luckily I didn't have this trouble. I only nursed for 3 months each. And it might seem like this will last forever... but one day your daughter will be eating on her own, and you can have what you like. I thought diapers were going to be around forever... I had 3 in home washed cloth diapers at one time. Then one day I realized I hadn't had wash any diapers for a while. It was a glorious day! This too shall pass.

  3. this is how i eat 99 % of the time! except i do eat meat, just no wheat, dairy, and eggs. i make a super yummy vegan mac and cheese with cashew cream. if you have a high powered blender it's really easy to make and tastes much better than the fake cheeses. let me know and i will get you the recipe.

  4. That baby-girl of yours will reap benefits for the rest of her life from your nursing her!
    Thank you for the recipe - just what I needed on a cold snowy day.

  5. this is awesome, thanks for sharing! it's really tough to stay disciplined, but it feels SO much better! :) can't wait to try this for my much needed cheesy fix!

  6. I absolutely love your blog. Your creativity is inspiring! And I also had a daughter just a month before you, so I enjoy reading about her growing just as mine is growing! The mac and cheese sounds amazing...thanks for sharing!

  7. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Hi Alisa, something that has had great results in treating reflux, colic etc in babies is Bowen Therapy. It is a really gentle technique but highly effective.

    All the best


  8. Thank you for posting!!! I haven't tried that cheese yet so I think I will give it a whirl. Wendy-I want your recipe too ;)

  9. How does gluten free pasta compare to regular pasta in the taste department?

    I have Crohn's and I've always wondered if eating a bit less gluten might be helpful even though I'm not sure Crohn's and gluten have any relation to each other.

  10. Hey Alisa! I recently posted a vegan and GF recipe for Mac & Cheese. It's been tried by avid dairy lovers and has been raved about. Try it and I really feel you won't miss the dairy version anymore!!! This recipe is a result of me trying many many recipes, tweaks and combinations and it really is as close to the "real deal" as it gets :) Happy Cooking!

  11. Thanks so much for this, Alisa. I'm gluten & dairy-free (and egg free). You aren't kidding when you say it takes discipline! I miss homemade mac & cheese (and I've been on a squash kick lately) so I really appreciate this recipe.

  12. I've been gluten free for medical reasons for some years and its really helped, but it takes some doing, so congratulations on your discipline. Just a word of warning tho, not all mustard is gluten free, so always check the label.

  13. Dear Alisa, I discovered that my husband was gluten intolerant about 5 years ago. Tends to run in families even though they may not be symptomatic until they have a major change. has a lot of great recipes. We found that Schar pasta holds together best without getting hard or slimy, even for leftovers. also. Lactose intolerance is often linked. My husband can drink lactose free milk like Skim Milk Plus Lactose Free. If you are gluten intolerant, it has to be 100% clean eating, or there are small intestine issues. We don't eat out a lot due to contamination of utensils, surfaces. You can do it!

  14. Very good post! Thanks a lot.

  15. Thank you!

    We recently found out our kids (1 and 3) are gluten and dairy (among several others) intolerant. In the weeks since removing both from our diet we have struggled to find allergy friendly foods that my toddler would actually eat. So when I made this for breakfast this morning (desperate times call for desperate measures) I wasn't expecting much. But she ate it and actually said "this is good!"

    Thank you for the inspiration and recipe.

  16. thanks for the great post!

  17. great) liked everything very much) keep it up and dont stop)

  18. Anonymous8:22 PM

    As someone who recently found I'm allergic to dairy and has been desperate for some comfort food... THANK YOU. Can't wait to try this!

  19. I'm so glad that the food changes are helping! It is SO tough to stay disciplined, but hang in there. Thanks for the awesome recipe.

  20. thanks so much for this post. My son has so many allergies and we were never able to use the current subs for cheese.... but I went out and got this for him...and for the first time in his 11yrs. he had mac and cheese! It really is the little things. Thanks again!

  21. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I went vegan once my son was born as he had many allergies to foods. 7 years later, I'm vegetarian but still enjoy good vegan food and it's my preference for cooking. I was thrilled when Daiya cheeses came along; they are the best! Good luck to you!

  22. FANTASTIC! Vegan is a lot easier than people think, promise! Be sure to check out Post Punk Kitchen and Vegan Dad for inspiration/recipes.

    Your body, baby and the creatures of the earth will all be better for it! :)

  23. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Hi I'm hoping to make this tonight as a late night snack. Quick question though... How much pasta did you use for your recipe. You say that you used one box, but how big was your box exactly? I'm hoping to use Tinkyada's Gluten-free Brown Rice Shells in this recipe, but the bag is 16 oz, and I'm thinking that would be A LOT of pasta. So I was just wondering how much you used. Thanks for the post!

  24. Great meal to be enjoyed any time of the day and anywhere... Thanks for Sharing

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