
Sunday, January 08, 2012

updates from the studio

Its time for a little update before I forget everything that is going on!! I have been really busy over here and I honestly have no idea how I am juggling everything (some things not so well-like email- I promise I'll get back to you!) because there is a whole lot of this going on

In between the kisses, cuddling, silly noises and soothing (its really quite sickening) I am managing to get a lot done. Here are a few updates-

I have been doing a little cleaning up on my blog and wanted to just share a few changes and updates that might make your browsing a little easier!

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Notice that I have a frequently asked questions section. I get asked so many questions on a daily basis about my supplies, my background, etc, so I have included many of the most frequently questions in the section. This section is always getting update with new questions so make sure you check back.

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Want to look back at my tutorials, recipes, videos or my sketchbook? Well, I have organized everything so all you have to do is "click" instead of search!

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I also have many of my most popular posts organized by topic that you can find under labels.

Also if you want to browse by topic, word, name, color, etc on my blog you can enter your search topic into "search this blog".

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The right hand column of my blog is dedicated to all of my lovely sponsors! Take a moment to browse through all the lovely talent! Interested in becoming a sponsor? email me at for information.

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I am super excited to be teaching at the CREATE Retreat once again- this year its in Irvine, CA! I will be teaching four classes- Beneath the Surface, Larger Than Life, Doodles and Drawings and Make your Mark

Registration just went live so head on over to the site HERE for all the information.

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I am honored to be included in Jenny Doh's latest book Creative Pilgrimage. It is a beautiful book full of lots artists, inspiration and a look behind the scenes of some of the most popular art retreats and gatherings!

My latest class Create Daily is live and going fabulous! I am so thrilled about the response and the amount of activity and inspiration going on with all the students! Its not too late to join in the creative fun...check out all the details HERE!

I have more exciting things to share in the weeks an months ahead that I am giddy to share!! So stay tuned!


  1. I'm new here, so thank you so much for the tour! Enjoy your special moments.

  2. I love that you keep your baby close to you all the time! So cute!

  3. you really have been working diligently! glad you're taking cuddle time with lucy. :)

  4. Treasure this time of goo-ing and ahh-ing because it doesn't last long! It's the same for each phase, but the early ones are fleeting. I'm amazed at how much you do get accomplished. Once she's moving around, mom-ing will be more time consuming. Great work!

  5. Sharon Bull1:58 PM

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for your wonderful Blog. It is a source of inspiration to me on many levels. Thank you for all the work that you put into it.

  6. Omg i love your changes that makes everything soo easy I am on here all the time just puttering around. So much so you inspired me to start painting myself, just silly stuff with watercolors etc.. but i am really loving it!

  7. I don't know how you do all that you do!!! You are a constant inspiration to me. Thanks for pointing out the changes on your blog and making it even easier for us to find what we are looking for. I love your photos of Lucy and seeing the way you cuddle her close.

  8. livethegoldenrule2:54 PM

    Love, love, love the picture of you and Lucy! She looks so happy. The new layout is good for us, and hopefuly will make things easier for you too. What a beautiful family. Sending best wishes, and thank you again for sharing.

  9. ah my children are adults but I so remember those early days of just enjoying being a mom and watching/holding/cuddling my baby! enjoy without regret!!!

  10. Phew! It's hard to keep up with you sometimes you are such a busy gal!

    Pleased fo you with your assignments too.

    Sandie xx

  11. I am so excited that you added a tutorials page! I've never had the time to check all of them out. Create Daily is an awesome class. I am loving it!

  12. Une photo magnifique que celle de vous et votre bébé... Vous êtes telle une petite fourmi...
    Gros bisous

  13. Love the changes and since your Blog is and inspiration and art reference for me, I can get right to where I want to go. As a new,first time grandma, take all the time you can with your beautiful baby! Time flies.....

  14. Thank you for making this site very interesting! Keep going! You're doing very well!

  15. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Do you take the photos of yourself and Lucy or does your OH? They're very good.

  16. Blogs are so interactive where we get lots of informative on any topics...... nice job keep it up !!

  17. Great post, I enjoyed ready reading it, Keep posting good stuff like this.

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