
Friday, January 06, 2012

dairy/gluten free muffins


So if you didn't hear, our little Lucy has struggled with reflux issues since birth. Its been a challenge over here but with time, patience and LOTS of altering the way we do things- she is getting better and better every day. The biggest alteration has been my diet which now has TONS of restrictions- the big ones are dairy and wheat (not so fun for a gal who likes to pig out on cheese and bread!)

So I have been on a hunt for recipes that will satisfy my taste buds and keep Lucy happy. My favorite so far is one that I actually came up with after doing my research and it is YUMMY- dairy free and gluten free pumpkin muffins (they still have sugar but thats ok with me!)

Simple mix up the dry ingredients.
Add the wet- pumpkin and applesauce.
Mix well.
Fill baking cups with batter.
Bake at 350 for about 15-20 minutes.

The result is a really moist muffin with lots of flavor! I can easily eat an entire batch!


  1. Hang in there Alisa...our little grandson was born with it also...his mom changed her diet and they got a little bed that allows him to sleep at an helps A LOT! At 4 mos he is getting better and better!!

  2. We're also wheat and dairy (and a few other things) free. I love bread & cheese as well. I found this bread recipe and it is the best out there.
    And we've tried a lot of gluten free breads at WF, and other recipes. As for cheese, we eat sheep cheese (my kids like goat cheese as well). Some people can tolerate sheep/goat, while others can't. You might want to check with your practitioner. Good luck!

  3. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I'm lactose intolerant; oat or soya milk & sunflower spread are alternatives that work for me. Generally they can be used in the same recipes as normal dairy products {sunflower butter doesn't reset very well after melting though}.
    I hope that your dietary changes help!

  4. Anonymous8:52 AM

    They look really delicious. Have a nice weekend. :)

  5. Good Luck I know how it is to be a nursing mother I had to go off most spicy foods and no beans. It gave my girl a belly ache every time I would eat them.

  6. I'll have to try these! We do a lot of dairy-free and gluten-free baking at our house because of my fiancee's dietary restrictions.

  7. I'm also on a very strict diet, and it also includes diary and i'm really happy with this blogpost.
    I wish you all the best with Lucy, and ofcourse a lot of health! And thanks again.

  8. Love your blog! Her recipes might be a bit too spicy for Lucy, but has an amazing recipe collection! xo

  9. Always happy to get a new g\f dairy free recipe - thank you! It is hard to change one's diet, but soon it will be second nature! I am nursing baby #4 and when she weans herself, I shall have pizza for breakfast (all 4 have had allergies)!!!! Blessings!

  10. Thanks for sharing. I'm celiac and I love finding good GF recipes. Check There are lots of great recipes there. Also, a friend just gave me this fabulous recipe for GF crackers. Here's the link:

  11. Stephanie2:47 PM

    You should get a vegan cookbook. I own several and they are truly wonderful. They have a lot of alternatve foods in them.

  12. I'm so glad that you developed a recipe that works well! Best of luck with this continued challenge. I'm glad that the diet changes are working for Lucy.

  13. Hi Alisa, I have been GF for several years--if you want, let me know and I can email you a list of brands/foods that work and taste great. I send to any of my GF students when they ask. I did all GF christmas cookies/deserts this year and no one knew the difference. So glad you found a way to keep your sweetie happier. You might also check out this blog--Shauna has a Lucy and they are all GF.

  14. Just this week I have gone completely Dairy Free and working toward gluten free so this recipe is really encouraging. I hope to see more sometime.

  15. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dear Alisa,
    I always read your blog and I love it. Your family is so beautiful and you are an amazing artist. My husband gave me a copy of Sew Wild for Christmas.
    I just read your newest entry and it struck me that I remembered reading well renowned Kelly Rae Roberts blog last year when she and her baby were struggling with the same problem. There is a book she highly recommends called "Colic Solved" and it is about infant reflux. She writes about her ordeal and the book in detail in her blog posted on Nov. 11,2010, entitled, Colic Solved. I hope this helps. Sending love and hugs, Sheri

  16. Hello, I stumbled across your blog and I am very impressed. I am gluten intolerant and your muffins are so what I need at the moment. So thank you. :)

  17. great post! Thanks for it.

  18. They look lovely. I will have to find a pumpkin subsitute though- might try banana. Want to make them for my future sister in law who is gluten intolerant!

  19. Check out
    It is the primal blueprint diet, but it is a forum filled with recipes for grain-free, low to no dairy, low to no sugar (honey is used). It is so worth your while. My husband and I have been following this lifestyle for a few months now and I love the variety of things I can cook and bake without worrying about how I will feel afterwards.

  20. One of my kidlets eats gluten & casein (protein in dairy) free, among other things. It's been four years now and it gets soooo much easier as all the adjustments become natural. Hang in there! :>

    But, those muffins look delish! Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom - - has tons of fantastic info & recipes. It started as only gluten free, but over time, test results & trial and error, they've (the family) has also taken corn, dairy, & other things out of their diets. So, there's tons to offer over there. She's been a wonderful resource for me. :>

  21. Thanks for the yummy recipe. I will try it. I have a 4 year old granddaughter who is gluten intolerant so we are learning a new way of eating too. Less tummy aches for all! Good luck.

  22. I am a huge fan of your art and followers here, when I saw this post, I thought I might point you to a good friend of mine, Bonnie, who does a Gluten Free blog with some of the best recipes ever. You might want to give her a look see. It's good stuff, and might help out!

  23. Hi Alisa,

    I have been following your blog for over a year now. I have never commented before, but felt like I should now after reading this post.

    My neice, Poppy, is almost 2 1/2 and has had various problems since birth. One of the most obvious ones when she was younger was her vast amounts of projectile vomit, the doctors said it was reflux. When I read what you said about your daughter Lucy it sounded very familiar. My mum and sister recently took Poppy to a CranialOsteopath who recommended she go dairy free for a variety of reasons, including the reflux issues she had.

    My sister has been struggling to find dairy free alternatives to a lot of Poppy's favourite foods. I will be showing her this recipe when I get a chance. If possible, would you be willing to share any other dairy free recipies as you try them. I am sure it would not only help my sister, but many other mums.

    Thank you so much for being a wonderful artist and sharing your beautiful paintings with us through your blog. And I would like to wish you a belated Congratulations, for the birth of Lucy.


  24. So glad you have some solutions to help her get past her struggles. Your pumpkin muffins look delicious - going to have to try them! Due to allergies I had to be gluten and dairy free for a while now. I have found almond flour a lifesaver and coconut butter works wonders without dairy!

  25. Hey Alisa, thanks for sharing the recipe. I just tried it and it didn't turn out so well. The batter was really wet. Did you add more than a cup of flour? What size can of pumpkin did you use? I'm trying to figure out how I messed this up so badly. Yikes!

  26. These look great! So simple and so perfect!

  27. This turned out AWESOME!!!! :) thanks lovely!

  28. thank you, Je ne mange pas de gluten non plus

  29. Donna9:31 AM

    Hi Alisa. Thank you very much for sharing this muffin recipe. I'm looking for tasty gluten free recipes and this sounds delish. However, like Bo, I made them last evening, followed your recipe exactly, and they were so wet I actually baked them almost twice as long you you recommended, ant they still did not turn out like a muffin. What are we doing wrong? I'd love to make them again as the flavor is incredible! Thanks for any light you can shed! :)

  30. There is something soothing about always going back to your roots. Even though my kids have all flown from the nest, my roots are deep and will remain here in the Northwest. Thanks for the recipe. I love using flax in muffins. Looking forward to trying this one!

  31. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I just found your blog, so I am poking around... loving all of it, and then boom! I see a pumpkin muffin on a Willow plate! For sure you've earned a fan, a cohort, and I may have to ask where you got that beautiful relic! (I am on a search)

    Best to you! I will be following along!


  32. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I too like Donna baked them and they were really runny and a waste of money. what happened? I followed the recipe!
