
Thursday, March 25, 2010

colorful canvas eggs tutorial

I've put together a handful of Easter projects that I will sharing in the days ahead! Since I love working with canvas I just had to come up with a way to make canvas eggs. These colorful eggs are made from (my favorite) Studio Sticky-Back Canvas! I decided it made more sense and was much cheaper to buy a bag of plastic eggs (24 for 1.99) and use creative ways to transform them!

If you haven't used Claudine Hellmuth's Sticky-Back Canvas - you must try- it is a sheet of canvas with a sticky back, just peel off and stick to anything!
Start by cutting strips of canvas.

If you do not have Sticky-Back Canvas, you could use strips of canvas, fabric or paper with glue. I chose canvas because I love the texture.

Wrap the strips of canvas around the egg (either horizontal or vertical).

I did not care about the eggs opening so I covered the seam on the egg but you could also keep the seam so it opens and closes.

Once the entire egg is covered in canvas, paint with diluted paint. This will soak into the canvas and let the texture show through.

Create little canvas flowers.

Remember the Blooming Belt Tutorial that I made a while back?
I created these little canvas flowers the same way I did for the belt, just smaller.

Glue the flower to the top of the canvas (any glue will work).
Paint the flower.

Add details to the flower with colorful dimensional paint.

Create a colorful variety of eggs to use in your Easter festivities!


  1. So I love the way you called puff paint "dimensional paint." Makes it sound much less homemade-christmas-reindeer-sweatshirt-circa-1992.

    (and the eggs are really cute.)

  2. These are adorable!!! I've really been enjoying your tutorials. Each one is really fabulous!

  3. That is ridiculously wonderful.

  4. those are amazing! i'm gonna have to get the sticky back canvas, because i loved your blooming belt tutorial as well! :)

  5. okay, these are one of the cutiest eggs I have seen. So creative!!
    Thanks so much for sharing the how too's!!

  6. So adorable! The whole group is so striking together..

  7. Just adorable, you amaze me, what a creative mind. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love it! So cute and creative!

  9. They look great. I feel very inspired...I have to decorate an Easter Bonnet for my daughters school. I have already bought a packet of those plastic eggs...

  10. Just in time! Thank you for sharing your wonderful idea! I can't wait to try this.

  11. It seems your imaginations is limitless! You amaze me!

  12. wow! these are beautiful! you are extremely talented :D

  13. These are just darling!

  14. Besides great tutorials I think my second favorite thing about your blog is the colors of your fingers/hands/nails! I just don't feel like I've made art at all if my hands end up with no paint!

  15. Oh wow, those are gorgeous Alisa! Thanks so much for sharing these, I'll be linking.

  16. The eggs are so cute, so adorable! I enjoy all your tutorials!

  17. Just found your blog through Pam Garrison. I'm soooo happy that I did! I'm hooked and have become a follower. Love your art - you're an inspiration. Hugs, Terri

  18. so very cute. are you gonna makes some marshmallow peeps to go with?

  19. These are really beautiful!!

  20. 'egg-cellent' ....hee hee the eggs are so pretty xx

  21. They are amazing! My mother loves that sort of stuff! I might make some for her! Oh wow, you're incredible I'm going to mention you to all my friends! Must click Follow.

  22. Your eggs are fabulous and I love all of that great texture!!!! Claudine must be thrilled with what you ahve done here!!!

  23. Love Love Love! These are beautiful! Thanks so much for the tutorial.

  24. I love the way they look like little mummies so funny :)

  25. This is gorgeous! I would love to use one of your photos, to link back to this tutorial, on our creative links blog Deze is ook leuk. Hope that's ok with you?

  26. simply gorgeous! Those colours are so pretty.

  27. Good thing Easter is coming up. Thanks to this, now I have a great idea for a little project.

  28. Those are so pretty they look like spring. Sticky back canvas? Loving it!

  29. Thank you for the article, really useful data.

  30. Alisa, these are PERFECT. i SAID it outloud when I saw them.

    Do come share them at our linky party

  31. Hi dear!
    I loved so much your idea, I made a post on my blog about it.
    Here is the link:
    Hope you'll enjoy it.
    Hugs from Sicily!!!
    Petit Pooh Mon Amour

  32. fabulous eggs!! i love the style.

    I linked to your tutorial on my blog - thanks for sharing!

    doro K.

  33. You should put them in a little basket with Easter grass. Very colorful and cute. Creative and fun.

  34. Wow, so pretty. Love the textures and colors.

  35. So pretty. Love the bright colors. What a beautiful blog!

  36. Anonymous2:45 PM

    How many sheets of sticky back canvas would I need to buy per dozen eggs? These are SO cute!

  37. You should put them in a little basket with Easter grass. Very colorful and cute. Creative and fun.
