
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

let's talk inspiration

Ok friends lets talk inspiration, influence and how to embrace your own style and creative voice. People, places, dreams, fears, relationships, hopes, all have the ability to inspire us in completely different ways. And there’s no doubt that inspiration can speak to us through others. But what makes YOU unique is knowing which influences to use and which to tune out. It’s an interesting life these days: TV, internet, email, texts, voicemail, trends, news, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, “like”, post, delete, upload, download . . . repeat AHHH!!! I don't know about you but this constant snowstorm of information clouds my brain. In the middle of this madness, when does inspiration, like real life inspiration get a chance to speak to us? Can our inspiration sing if its voice is drowned out by all of these digital voices and influences?

One thing I have learned is that true inspiration and authenticity often arrives quietly and in simple REAL LIFE moments. Inspiration doesn't always show up in my Instagram feed or on Pinterest but it shows up at the farmers market or on a walk around the neighborhood or during a conversation with a friend. As artists and creatives, we need to carve out moments to unplug and be present and aware of the beauty in our life. With one eye on your Instagram feed, the other eye on the news, and both ears divided between a husband, kid, and podcasts, how can the voice of inspiration be heard?!

Finding your inspiration doesn’t mean getting rid of your phone or ignoring the world or living in solitude. But one thing we can do is minimize the noise just a little bit. It has been my mission for a very long time to encourage anyone looking for inspiration to cut the wire. If we are constantly looking for inspiration from other sources it’s almost as if we become a of collector of other people's ideas. By doing this, we miss out on the totally unique ways we can find influence in the things in our lives that make each of us so unique! So here is my challenge to you- take a little time to unplug, get out into your world and start looking for inspiration off your device. 

Here are the failsafe ways that I make this happen in my own life and creative routine: 

I start by getting off the internet! When I am starting a new project or exploring new ideas, I make it a point to get off the computer and into my world.

Resist the temptation to copy or emulate other people's work. Copying can be a great way to learn and explore something new but it can also keep you from becoming that totally unique, fabulous, creative person with stand out style! 

Pay attention to the things you admire in other people's art, images and brand. Instead of emulating these things, try to use that admiration as a starting point. Then look for unique ways to put your own twist, style or ideas on concepts that inspire you. I like to pay attention to color, style, pop culture trends and then totally flicp the script and put my own twist on those trends.

Identify and take time to visit the places in your world that inspire you- these places don't have to be exotic- in fact the easier and more accessible they are, the better! My favorite places- my parent's back yard, the farmers market and Goodwill.

Look for creative inspiration OFF the internet! Look for unique color combos in your everyday routine. Get back to basics and sketch. Write down daily observations and ideas. Go on weekly photoshoots for unique images or inspiration to use in your art.

Experiment, play and explore some of your ideas without pressure to share them! I find that making art without any purpose is best way I can make discoveries.

Go hunting around the house or your everyday surroundings for interesting subject matter that can be used as inspiration in creative projects.

Take your sketchbook or notebook on your daily errands. Jot down what you see, what strikes you with appreciation, beauty, simplicity, etc.


  1. Great advise! Thanks.

  2. Thank you, Alisa
    SO TRUE!!!

  3. Hi Alisa, I really like this article. I'm often on the net to find inspiration but I found out that this process makes me waste a lot of time. When I have an idea or object to draw in mind it gets a little easier, but still, I find myself wandering around the net and getting distracted.
    Lately, I decided to take my sketchbook with me and go to a parc to find inspiration and I'm loving it. In the same time, I try to fight the fear of drawing in public (still there but getting a little better) :)
    Thanks for this post and I love your art.

  4. I love this post and I think it's directed at me. I am trying to learn much more about color -- value, etc., and just recently figured out that if I look at pinterest, and other internet places it clouds my imagination. So now I am taking photos in my own surroundings and getting many more creative ideas. This morning a hummingbird was staring at us while hovering outside a window. The camera came out and although the colors were hard to capture through the screen, I feel like that gave me a start. Thanks for sharing. I look at your blog daily because it makes me happy!

  5. Your picture and the painting in this post is very beautiful. Is it possible for u to share that page as a coloring one?

  6. Hi Alisa, I just found your blog today while browsing Pinterest. Your words ring very true and are a great reminder! Thank-you! I love visiting local community gardens for inspiration...raised gardens, old fences, toolsheds, flowers, veggies, unopened buds of flowers, teeny flowers in herb blossoms, garden decor & signs....the list is endless! I have many creative ideas in my mind of art to create, now I need to actually start doing the art :O)

  7. Took your advise and used my Canon camera to photograph flowers in detail. Amazing color blending and petal shapes I hadn't noticed before. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. This is a fantastic list of ideas! I very like it! novel updates

  9. Oh no!! So upset I missed your special class bundles. I stumbled across your celebration while on vacation (on insta) and couldn't get to it in time :(
    Anyway, congratulations on 10 years of amazing achievements in life and biz and here's to many many more! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!
