
Tuesday, January 03, 2017

NEW class and a giveaway!

Hey friends! My next online class Dream Builder goes live on January 16th. In addition to the class I am also offering Creative Consulting Sessions!

Dream Builder
Live January 16, 2017
$30.00 on SALE today $20

Back in 2009, I quit my day job to pursue art full time. I had spent over 15 years working towards my dream of being a full time artist and if there is one thing I have learned from my own journey, it's that when you make time and space in your life to pursue your dreams, big things can happen! In this little class I will be sharing my experiences, practical tips and tricks for going after your creative dreams. If you are looking for inspiration to grow as an artist, launch a dream or find motivation to go after something big, this is the class for you!
More details HERE

Dream Builder Creative Consulting Session

In addition to the Dream Builder class I am also offering limited spots for 1 hour creative consulting sessions to go along with this class. These sessions are for those of you who need inspiration to move forward, need advice, ideas and practical guidance for your creative goals. Over the years I've been asked all kinds of questions about building a business, making art, developing a unique style, earning income, teaching, writing a book, branding and more. And while I am not an expert, I do have over 20 years of experience making and selling art. While my business started small, today I run a successful creative biz that supports our family and I have lots of knowledge, inspiration and ideas to share

This one hour creative consulting session is all about you! After corresponding via email, we will schedule a Skype/Facetime/phone call that is customized for you. The session will last for 1 hour (60 minutes) and I will address your needs, give your practical feedback, inspiration and ideas to move forward with your goals. Keep in mind I cannot guarantee changes for you, your art or your business but I can give you the jump start, ideas, steps, inspiration to go after the things that you are dreaming about.
More details HERE


  1. This is a great offer Alisa!
    My dream is to find my own style. It can be in painting and/or in textiles. Preferably I would combine these two media. I recently started with drawing and painting. Always thought I couldn't draw. But I can! How can I translate that in my textile art?

  2. My biggest dream is to be a full time artist...

  3. My biggest dream is to make a positive impact with my art. Last year I have opened an art studio together with a fellow artist (this is a huge step for me!) and still in need to find a direction and inspiration where I want to go with all of this.

  4. Wow this sounds fabulous - as 2017 is a year where as a family we've all decided to try our hand at a mini business, this would be an awesome session, I'd actually like it for our 16 year old who intends to follow an art based college course come September (fingers and toes crossed he gets the grades he needs) so an hour talking to someone who made this happen would be awesome!

    Thanks for the opportunity Alisa!

    Happy New Year

  5. My biggest dream is to find more time to create to explore which form I am most creative in and turn that into my career. I believe it's textiles but I have lacked the time to truly find out.

  6. I have always dreamed of working full time at a drawing table - pàinting! (As I currently get ready for my civil service job - policy writing!!) How wonderful to work in color, with a paint brush. I dream of trading in the policy and procedure manuals and formats!!
    Thanks for the giveaway - and sharing you creative process . . .

  7. To have a creative business. I'm not sure what that would be, though. I think the most difficult part is discerning what my artistic talent is, what would be the most satisfying and successful.

  8. This is for my 16-year-old daughter who is our resident artist. She is trying to hone her style and decide how to proceed with an artistic future. Thank you for this giveaway!

  9. My dream is to be at least moderately financially successful selling my artwork and designs. To have a creative business of some kind. Something to help take care of my family.

  10. It sounds like an amazing opportunity, thank you ! Right now, my biggest dream is to find *my* way to inspire people while making a living out of it. I feel stuck (what I do is clearly not working but then what ?).
    Happy New Year <3

  11. This class sounds great! I dream of being able to work from home doing something creative.

  12. I am a full time artist. I dream of making money and connecting with people through my art and my creative process.

  13. I really enjoy your classes! My biggest dream as an artist is probably rather simple it is to have a successful Etsy shop. Something I have not tried but think it looks like fun! Thanks for your creative inspiring classes!!

  14. What a great giveaway, Alisa! I would love a spot in one of your classes.
    My biggest dream is to be able to be a full time artist so I could work from home and spend more time with my son - and maybe even have a little studio/gallery in my sweet small town.

  15. One of my dreams has been to write and illustrate a book! I love to draw and create characters and I would love to somehow create some income from my art. Thank you and Happy New Year!!!

  16. I will be turning 30 this year, and have had the dream of creativity as a full-time job since I was 9 years old! This is a fabulous giveaway for all of us dreamers that need a push! -- Happy New YEAR!

  17. Love this. And I've really enjoyed following your journey. I think this class is especially interesting to me, because I realize that for a long time when I run up against obstacles (and there have been a number of quite significant obstacles), I start to give up a bit. I'd love to just re-discover my creative mojo and find my true voice and hope in doing that I can find a way to create a business out of that.

  18. My dream is to be able to have time paint and draw and write and live off of my art.

  19. My dream is to have my own creative business where I am able to be creative through my art and teaching full time. I now have a space to create that is all my own and I would love to be able to spend each and every day there living my dream.

  20. My dream is to be a full time artist and start my business.

  21. My dream is to run my own online creative business and to make $62K a year doing it as well as other in-person projects. My husband and I have a series of long-term plans and that is currently the difference between our dreams and reality.

    I've loved following your story all these years.

    Happy New Year!


  22. This sounds amazing! My biggest dream is to open a safe space for creativity, an art studio by the water :)

  23. It's great to see everyone's dreams written out for 2017. My biggest dream would be to hone a process that gets me finishing projects at a quality to sell while working through themes/emotions

  24. Thanks for the chance! The biggest dream right now is to make creative work my only work and live happily ever after with my family in a warm and sunny place!

  25. My biggest dream would be to make a living from the sale of my art work, and have my flock of sheep, chickens, dairy goats,and garden in the mountains, among tall trees.

  26. My dream is to be able to quit my daytime job and focus on being a full-time artist. This time last year, that never seemed possible. But today, I feel one tiny step closer to making it a reality. It's terrifying to say out loud, but also very empowering.

  27. My Biggest Dream is to create and inspire creativity in others. I love how art has been a tool of healing for me and would love to utikize this as a tool for others!

  28. What a great way to start 2017! Thank you for the opportunity, Alisa!

    I would love to take one of your classes or have a one-on-one with you. I'm an amateur artist. My dream is to have a large room well-organized with different "stations" so that I can work on whichever project moves me each day - watercolor, drawing, jewelry making, sewing, etc.

    Best wishes for a safe and happy New Year!


  29. Excellent idea Alisa. One of my dreams is to be able to express my creative energy in a daily manner, while keeping my mind healthy in the process!

  30. Thank you Alisa for this opportunity!
    My dream is to find my own creative way, to enjoy what I do and and to make a living from it.
    Pretty common wish, but the way can so hard:)

  31. I would absolutely love to be a full time artist. For years now, I have been writing in journals and making plans to take the plunge and create art full time. I would be so extremely happy to have a career as a full time artist and make a living from my art.

  32. My dream is to stop comparing myself to others and allow myself to develop my own style. And if I could someday make money by making beautiful things, even better. Thanks!

  33. My dream is to be spending time every day creating!

  34. Happy New Year Alisa! One of my dreams is to make enough money in my professional artist career to fully support myself. Thanks for this opportunity to learn from you!! xoxo

  35. Peg Howard6:14 PM

    my dream is not to lose sight of the dream. :) To be authentic in my artistic journey, trusting where I need to go and to follow that path until it forks and then journey on. At age 60, and with a mild success of painting some 60,000 Christmas ornaments for Cracker Barrel in 92,93,94- Having lived a dream during that time....I am ready to live another one. You are a constant inspiration. Thank you for THAT!!

  36. To be able to get back to being a full time artist.

  37. One of my big creative dreams right now would be that I have been dying to open up an etsy store but I just don't know what I would like to sell! I have a love of many things and don't feel I have found my "style"!
    Thanks for the chance to win! What fun!

  38. I want to inspire and to be inspired...I want to live a life out of the daily grind, that has so far done nothing but suck the very nectar from my soul....I want my art to help heal people's spirit and for it to bring them joy. I want my art to help me be able to have my own brand and live my dreams ....

  39. My biggest dream is to help others heal through art.

  40. s.patel8:26 PM

    my dream is to start a non-profit where I can use art in some way to help others

  41. I am currently working on my dream- to make art that offers upliftment and encouragement to women and nurtures connections and relationships between women. I just need more business savvy to know how best to market myself and my work- I'm a bit of an introvert and the thought of putting myself "out there" is a little terrifying! But I know I have a gift to share and the market here in South Africa does not have much in this line.... plus I believe we have dreams for a reason so here's to conquering fear and embracing Dreams!

  42. I think my biggest dream is to become a potter and make beautiful things for other people! As I am still young it will probably be a dream that takes a long time to happen, but while I wait I can practise and grow my skills in art!

  43. What a wonderful new class Alisa, will be on my to-do list for sure!

    At the moment I'm pregnant and we're expecting the little one in February. I've always been drawn to do something with the creativity inside me and the last couple of years I've been experimenting with different media and tried to figure out what I like best and what my style is all about. I've taken a couple of your online classes too to experiment.
    My dream is to make art every day, just for me, for others. But the main dream is to share my knowledge and show other people through workshops that anybody can make art and be creative, if they just nourish that creativity. Because people tell me all the time... Yes, you can do that, you are so creative. I could never do that too. And I want to show them they can!
    With our little girl on the way, I feel it is the right moment to switch up things and get that creative business going. After all, really being me and loving what I do, can only teach her to follow her dreams as well right? But where and how to start?
    So long story short.. I would love to have win a spot and have you help me out!

  44. congrats on the new class and happy new year! my biggest dream is to find the "courage" to turn my hobbies into business. thank you for the chance to win a seat and good luck to every one!

  45. Sounds like an amazing class and opportunity to grow! My biggest dream is to be a successful artist AND musician. I don't know anyone who's done both except Devo (hehe), but I can't imagine giving up one or the other. I don't know howhat it will come together, but that's what I dream about every day!

  46. Love this idea...would love to chase my dream of retiring to work full time in our other businesses. Cynthia@SantaRosaShihTzu&SantaRosaHoney

  47. My dream is to move away from the city to be more in nature and become a full time artist.Whether i get a chance to join your class or not, i learn a tone of things reading your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing all, Alisa. Your art and attitude bring happiness to me.May the new year be all you wish for.

  48. What a super generous offer! My biggest dream is for my husband and I to both venture into making a creative life/living. We are switching gears and need a jump start! You are an inspiration. Thanks.

  49. you seem to have the most interesting classes. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  50. My Dream is to make a living & be successful as an artist/illustrator. I redid my studio over the holidays to make it work better for me as I create. You are an inspiration to me!

  51. My dream is to focus more on my artistic side and let my creativity flow. Your giveaway is so great and I need the extra help to stick with projects that I begin.

  52. Agata M.7:51 AM

    I've always considered myself as an artist even though my formal education doesn't have much to do with art. My dream is to find more time and motivation for my own artmaking. I hope so much that one day I'll be able to be a full-time artist. My paramount dream is to show my kids (and I'm a mom of four) that it is possible to make a living from what one really loves, that work can be fun and satisfying and that it is worth to chase a dream.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. I am most happy when I am creating! Be it paper flowers, wood work, sewing, knitting/crocheting, anything creating. My husband teases me about humming, and what is the song I am humming. I don't know it is a combination of thousands of songs in my head! I have worked for 43 years for an airline as a flight attendant. I am retirement age, but I need to supplement my income for insurance before I can retire. I dream that I can do this with creative juices flowing inside me that will result in income.

  54. JoAnn S.12:46 PM

    Hi Alisa -
    One of my biggest dreams is to move outside of California. I never thought I'd say that but I think (and dream) about it all the time. I know you and your Husband planned for years to make the dream of returning to the PNW a reality.
    I have an art studio on our property here so of course that will remain in my plans wherever my Husband and I end up. I would love to have a creative business and I've just started talking with a dear friend of mine (an incredible painter)about partnering with me on some new projects this year. :)
    Thank you so much.

  55. Nanci1:29 PM

    Hi Alisa would love to dream big and take your course. My dream is to find the time to do more creative work and less time at office/job. I have so many ideas bubbling away but not enough time to get going on them. Love your work, you are a real inspiration.

  56. Dear Alisa, my biggest dream is to become a full time illustrator. I am on the way to this dream and your videos are helping me a lot. Thank you so much!

  57. Tara Hayden2:24 PM

    One of my biggest dreams currently is to trust myself and move forward with CONFIDENCE!

  58. I would love to have a large enough studio to teach in. I've just finished home-schooling my daughter and suddenly find myself with time on my hands. I art journal every day and have done a few workshops for people, but I would love to do more and have a suitable space for it.

  59. This looks like a great class!
    My biggest dream is to open a community art studio for classes and workshops. I want to make art and creativity accessible for more people.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  60. one of my biggest dreams is to make art full time, teach art workshops and travel.

  61. My biggest dream has many details but it all involves art and friends. Studio, gallery, classroom,
    and comfy couches in a place with lots of tall trees!

  62. My biggest dream is to write & illustrate children's books...looks like another great class! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  63. My biggest dream last year was to find a way to leave my evil corporate job (I did that, I now work from home as a writer). My big dream THIS year is to have a business built around art, my one true love.

  64. Thanks again for being so generous:)
    My dream is to have a studio and open up the space to young girls ... paint together and build friendships

  65. I have been thinking about my art's direction lately, your post is so timely! Thank you!
    My dream is to have a part to full time art business, selling my own creations and doing custom work in either illustration, lettering, and/or graphic design. As our homeschool kids are in high school and will soon be in college, I'm finding myself with more time to focus on art. It's kind of exciting and scary all at the same time!

  66. My biggest dream has always been to tell my story with my art. To be able to make a living with share whats been in my heart, my memories, my soul, with art somehow. Be it words, drawings, music...someway, somehow...I am convinced art is the most impactful way to worship Jesus and to tell a story, and someday I will find my way to do just that! You inspire me Alisa!!

  67. I have just recently given myself the permission and space to work on my need for doing art, so one big dream of mine is to develop my art skills to be able to express myself and maybe/hopefully also to make a living with it...

  68. My hope for myself this year (artistically speaking) is to learn hand lettering techniques.

  69. My dream is to feel comfortable in this artistic world. My twin sister got the art and music gene while I got math and science. Now in retirement, I am experimenting and playing but have not yet found my niche. I still don't feel comfortable! Thank you for the opportunity!

  70. My dream is to make a living doing what I love the most, creating,organizing and inspiring parents with great ideas for homeschooling.

  71. My dream is to get to a place in life where I can do what I love full time instead of the same mundane job. Don't get me wrong, I like my job currently but it's not my passion. Pursuing creativity and getting to practice it everyday and not just when I can fit it in my schedule would be the best opportunity ever. I am so impressed and happy you were able to make that happen for yourself. I love your blog and turn to it all the time for inspiration.

  72. My dream is to get to a place in life where I can do what I love full time instead of the same mundane job. Don't get me wrong, I like my job currently but it's not my passion. Pursuing creativity and getting to practice it everyday and not just when I can fit it in my schedule would be the best opportunity ever. I am so impressed and happy you were able to make that happen for yourself. I love your blog and turn to it all the time for inspiration.

  73. What a wonderful opportunity! I've followed you for years and find your artistic journey inspiring. My dream is to be able to have my passion for art continue to grow and have my art continue to create an increased income for my family. And while I love when a piece of art sells (so I can buy more art supplies!), I also love when my art touches someone's heart. I'd like to combine these two loves. Thank you, Alisa!
