
Friday, November 18, 2016

love alone is worth the fight

I've know this guy for 17 years, been married for 12 and boy have we been on a journey! We've been through some tough stuff but through it all we have fought hard for love, for dreams, for family. A couple months ago, Andy surprised me with a pretty little ring and a proposal to renew our wedding vows. We picked November 11th as the day we would have a family ceremony. In the meantime, life got busy, challenges came our way and while we could have put off the plans to renew our vows until things calmed down, it felt really important- for our relationship, for our family, for hope, for love. So last week on November 11th, we stood at our favorite beach and renewed our promises to each other. Andy spoke from the heart, I spoke from heart while crying my eyes out and Lucy jumped for was one of the most perfect 15 minutes of my life.


  1. so much love and happiness...despite of it all. i wish you all the best!

  2. This was the most beautiful thing I could start my day with! May your love never falter in strength!

  3. wouah ! you made me cry ! what a beautiful adventure ! love to you all !

  4. Sending love & light to your beautiful family! May your days be filled with joy and happiness! Thank you for inspiration and the light you spreading around the planet...

  5. You can have everything but if you do not have love you have nothing...

  6. Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing a little glimpse of your personal life 😊

  7. Simply beautiful.

  8. Beautiful! Love that song by switch foot too. My husband and I have been married 13 years and were just talking about how much has happened in those 13 years. Great times and really, really tough times. You are so right: Love alone is worth the fight!

  9. Sweet family! Lovely.

  10. Making me smile this morning.

  11. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I am so grateful for you and your family, and how you share little looks into your life. As for your favorite day--Just know, little Miss Lucy will never forget when her Daddy loved on her Momma, and made for a special celebration of their love for one another. She will never settle for anything less. You are giving her a precious, more valuable than gold and rubies sort of legacy.

  12. Love this post! So beautiful!

  13. So incredibly sweet of him! Absolutely love your family!

  14. This is so sweet. In Turkish we say "may the evil eyes be away from you". Have a great weekend Alisa, together with your lovely family.

  15. Siete una splendida famiglia!!!!

    You're a wonderful family!!!!

  16. Amazing! I have no words. Wishing you all the joy and hapinness in the world! :)

  17. Congratulations! May the love you share now endure forever.

  18. So sweet and priceless... this is what life is all about! Happy you!

  19. So sweet! Thanks for sharing with us!

  20. Congrats, that is so lovely.

  21. what a beautiful family; i'm so happy for you three and for the courage to fight for love; hold on to love and remember the beginnings i always advise!

  22. Thank you for sharing this amazing time in you life with us! To MANY more years of life, love and living to the fullest!

  23. You have made my day. Many more exciting days ahead for the three of you. Thanks for sharing your happiness with us.
    Barb J.
    North Carolina

  24. Congratulations again. Your beautiful family forms a heart shape in each of the three pictures and is very meaningful. Your blogging about your family life has been inspirational and meaningful to me - family is what everything is about. Love is hard work for sure but the payoff is rich.

  25. Oh how sweet........Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment with the ones you love!

  26. sooo special!! congratulations again!! much hugs and love to yous!! xoxoxoxoox

  27. That was beautiful. And you have a beautiful family.

  28. Wishing you a lifetime and beyond of forever love. Love always wins...xoxo

  29. Toutes mes félicitations !! Je vous souhaite encore beaucoup d'années de bonheur !

  30. Best blog entry ever! I just love following your little family. Thank you for sharing such an intimate day with all of us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. How beautiful. You never cease to amaze me. Just beautiful is all I have to say ... <3
