
Thursday, September 08, 2016

creating with mary: love rocks

Hello, friends! I am so thrilled to share this joy-filled project with you today.

For years, I've enjoyed painting on the little rocks that I find on the beach, but last week, a dear friend and I spent an entire afternoon adding a whole new dimension by pasting paper, fabric, and found words onto them! It was the most therapeutic afternoon - spilling our hearts out onto these rocks. It is something I've become a little bit obsessed with lately - so much so that now, anytime a friend stops by my house I shoo them into my studio to create with me - it is that fun, fast, and easy!

When we were finished creating these tiny masterpieces we drove into town and left them for others to find! I love the idea that just the right person will find the rock with the message they most need to see.

Here is how to get started making magic: 

First, Gather your supplies!
You will need: 
Rocks (These can be ones that you find in nature, or even purchased at the dollar store!)
Found words (I absolutely love finding words/phrases from old books that I don't mind cutting up)
Mod Podge
Acrylic paint

Next, let your heart guide your hands as you begin pasting color and messages onto your rocks. They can be as simple or as decorated as you want them to be!

Once you have a handful of rocks finished - it's time to start spreading joy!

We left our love rocks on a bench overlooking the ocean, on someone's doorstep, outside of a coffee shop, on a staircase leading to the beach, with the barista who made our delicious coffee, on a picnic bench at a park, and in the grocery store parking lot...the possibilities are endless. 

Tag us in your love rock photos! We would love to see the magic you create. ​

You can check out more guest posts from Mary HERE

Or you can find Mary:

Over on her website HERE 
Her shop HERE
Instagram HERE


  1. Loved looking at you instagram mary

  2. I LOVE this idea! Thanks so much!

  3. SO gorgeous! I love your generous spirit. xoxo

  4. I saw this link on your facebook page as I was scrolling through my news feed. The pop of color caught my eye and made me smile. My granddaughters and I paint rocks and leave them in the neighbors' yards. Your rocks are beautiful! Kelly

  5. Julie Parmer Hosley2:43 PM

    Mary, So beautiful! They will for sure brighten someone's day! These small treasures certainly carry BIG messages!

  6. What a sweet idea! They are adorable. :)

  7. beautiful art rocks & article!!! ❤️ thanks for sharing!

  8. These are like Little fairies treasures that we could find in a magical forest ❤️

  9. Love this idea! They are absolutely awesome!

  10. I wish I lived in your town so I could find one of these precious gems.

    Cute title for a blog post!

    Thank you, Mary.
