
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

summer in february

I don't know what it going on over here- the sun is shining, the water is warm, the sky is clear and blue. This is SO NOT typical for the Oregon Coast in February but I'm not going to ask too many questions. Instead we are trying to soak it all up and embrace a little bit of summer in February!


  1. Awesome! I wish I have that weather instead of frost and snow :) Greetings from Poland!

  2. It looks definitely great !!!

  3. Beautiful photos!
    I guess you send your winter overseas - it is cold and rainy here and snow is prophesied in Jerusalem over the on coming weekend. :-)

  4. Please keep posting this photos. For those of us in the frozen Northeastern U.S. we can only hope that warmth makes its way across the country soon!! Beautiful.

  5. I am soaking up the rays of sun from your picture instead of looking at the snow and -15 degree weather outside! Thanks for sharing.

  6. You photos are beautiful. I always love looking at them especially when you are by the ocean. I am warm just looking at the beautiful sunshine. Here in not so sunny West Virginia, it is 10 degrees and we have 8" of snow on the ground and 2-3" more on the way and the promise of -17 degrees on Thursday night. Enjoy your beautiful weather.

  7. Just gorgeous! Here in Houston we have had bouts of spring mixed up with winter. My heart goes out to everyone dealing with all of the snow and ice. I am sending warm wishes to you today!!! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Enjoy your summer in February! Yesterday, I bundled my granddaughter up so she could go outdoors and play with the dog. It almost reached the freezing mark, so she didn't stay out very long. Thirty minutes and rosy cheeks, she was ready for hot chocolate.

  9. this is soo cool! and how beautiful and oh... i so need to visit this coastline someday!! xoxolovelovelove!!

  10. Beautiful! I always love your seaside pictures. We have about 6" of snow on the ground, but I know spring is around the corner!

  11. Gorgeous pics Alisa!! Glad you guys are taking time and enjoying the beautiful weather!

  12. WOW! Amazing photos with wonderful memories. I especially love the photo of "Missy" holding the camera and the last photo. Lucy always makes my heart sing.
    Thank you.

  13. WOW! Amazing photos with wonderful memories. I especially love the photo of "Missy" holding the camera and the last photo. Lucy always makes my heart sing.
    Thank you.

  14. What a glorious spot! You can't complain about that.

  15. In my next life I want to come back as Lucy. Great pics! Such a special day.

  16. Beautiful photo's. We live on Santorini and woke up to snow this morning. We should switch waether. lol

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