
Thursday, November 20, 2014

november layers

November in Oregon is funny- some days are cold, while others are crisp and sunny. I've found that once fall hits my best bet is dress in layers. And while it would be really easy to start pulling out sweaters and jackets, I try making my spring and summer clothing stretch a little bit longer. Here are a few of my favorite tips for fall layering-
  • Wear a fitted long sleeve t-shirt under short sleeves.
  • Throw summer dress or tunic over a pair of fitted jeans.
  • A bold and colorful jacket will bring any outfit to life!
  • Hats and scarves are the best accessories to have on hand in case the weather changes.
  • Skinny jeans look great under oversized, flowy or bulky tops.
  • Don't be afraid to mix color, pattern or texture.


  1. Perfect back ground for your photo-shoot.

  2. Everything about this is wrong! From the colors to the shape of it all, you look like a teenage boy gone wrong. What would make you think that hat is cute with anything? Total FAIL back to the closet you go!

    1. So sorry you feel that way Chelsey. In my opinion fashion, just like art is TOTALLY subjective and completely personal and if I feel confident and beautiful that is all that matters in my book so I will continue to wear my hat and colorful layers with pride! Have a great day :)

  3. Love your outfit, the colours, the layers, all.

  4. Oh goodness! I absolutely love your response to Chelsey above! I just watched the video for The What's Underneath project today and I think Chelsey should watch it! You're beautiful, Alisa and I loved this post!

    1. aww thanks Michelle! and I love the What's Underneath Project- such an inspiring message and campaign!

  5. You always look great...whatever the season. Boo to those who criticise. I love that you are colourful and comfortable in your own unique style.
