
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

dollhouse cabinet

Lucy has a growing collection of Calico Critters (teeny tiny little animal characters) and we desperately needed a storage solution that could accommodate all her little animals and the accessories that come with them. While I would love to create a traditional dollhouse, we just don't have any more floor space at this point. So Andy I came up with the idea to create a cabinet that hangs on the wall but has the look and feel of a dollhouse.
Andy used poplar hobby wood from Home Depot to create a simple cabinet in the shape of a house. He added a door with a knob and used a magnetic latch so the door would withstand toddler play.

Once the cabinet was done, it was my turn to paint!

I went back and forth about what to do- my first inclination was to completely cover it with all kinds of detail. But after giving it some thought, I actually decided to keep the outside simple and just add simple little details on the inside. I figured that we can add details, paint over it or change it up over time. 

Once it was done, we hung it (and secured it) to the wall and Lucy filled it with her critters.

The cabinet is a BIG hit and such a great alternative for storage!


  1. How pretty! perfect for her :)

  2. Lucy is a Lucky girl!
    Love her dollhouse!

  3. Oh la la Wow! I love it. Practical, beautiful and playful

  4. This is awesome! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love it! You painted it so well!

  6. Thank you—this is something that's been on my list. I didn't think to hang one on the wall!

  7. So adorable! Clever idea and I know Lucy will have a lot of fun playing with her critters.

  8. Such a sweet idea! I have a feeling this little cupboard will be a favorite for years to come. Ingenious -- hanging it on the wall!

  9. Clever solution...and it's Lucy's height.

  10. OMG that is killer cute. My little guy J is into those little guys too - wondering how I could rig a version of this, hmmm. Everything you touch turns to magic, friend!!

  11. Anche io giocavo da piccola con quelle famiglie di animaletti! Da noi si chiamavano "Maple Town"... ricordo che io facevo la loro casa nel mio comodino. Poi, per Natale, mi regalarono la casetta di legno con i mobiletti in miniatura, che conservo ancora oggi gelosamente!

    Even as a child I used to play with those families of animals! Since we were called "Maple Town" ... I remember that I use tu play their home in my nightstand. Then, for Christmas, my parents gave me a small wooden house with cabinets in miniature, that I still have today jealously!

  12. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Great idea! It's adorable as a doll house! I wonder how it would do for a cute spice rack for those of us who don't have kids? Love it! ~C

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM


  14. I love it, Alisa! Super, super cute!

  15. THis is such a cute, unique idea! Thanks for sharing this Alisa :-)

  16. Anonymous2:21 PM

    This is just the best idea. I know I'm going to have to make one for my daughter for Christmas! [She's been asking for a dolls house for a few months now].

  17. Most adorable cupboard ever.
