
Thursday, October 30, 2014

a morning at the waterfront


  1. Gorgeous photos how fabulous to see all those seals, we caught a glimpse or two when we were on the east coast of England this year!

  2. Oh waw! Gorgeous all those sea lions !!!!!
    We don't have them overhere.

  3. What did Lucy think about the sea lions? The only sea lions here in Ohio are at the zoo! LOL!

  4. Wow! I wonder what one does when needing to use those docks...looks like they might object!

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Oh my, first pelicans, now sea lions. I am very envious of your wildlife.

  6. livethegoldenrule8:28 AM

    WOW ! What a different world you guys live in. It looks so strange having so many animals so close and personal. I love it!! Thank you so much for sharing. :D

  7. bliss bliss!! and love the boat names.. and those sealions, oh my!! xo

  8. I like the sea captain looking man in the background (in the last photo.) He looks like a prop!

  9. LoVe following your posts! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life and art-- inspiring :) Just wanted to mention it was so fun to see the photo of the Columbia Lightship! I've seen a couple of posts with hints of it in previous posts of your visits to Astoria. My husband was stationed on the Lightship for a couple of years during the 70s! Love the sea :)
