
Friday, September 05, 2014

fashion friday- studio style

When you work for yourself and by yourself, (and on the occasions when you do work with others- it's your mom and husband) it is really tempting to spend all day every day in pajamas. I love fashion but many mornings I have to talk myself into getting dressed. I do it anyway and always end up feeling so much better and like a regular working girl. 

While everyday is different for me- somedays I am painting in the studio, other days I am sewing, then I'm out and about taking photos, then back home for DIY projects, then back to the studio to paint- I try to at least pull some kind of outfit together. They are not always the most stylish but I figure when you are self employed and an artist you don't have to follow any rules- pattern mixing, paint covered pants, bare feet and hats are all welcome in my work place. As long as I am not wearing pajamas in public I am a happy gal!


  1. You look great in all those outfits :) I really love the last pic :D Wonderful idea.

    xx Vanessa

  2. I always save your style ideas on Pinterest! You inspire me!

  3. I work from home and I know what you mean about it being tough to force yourself out of your pajamas sometimes, but it definitely makes me feel a lot better when I do. Even if it's just a change into my "paint pants" lol

  4. artsy fashionista! :D paint always makes an outfit more appealing! xo

  5. Since I became self-employed, and we've had a hot summer, I've been wearing shorts and loose shirts every day, and it's great! After working in an office for eight years, I've felt like a kid on summer vacation. You prove, though, that you can be comfortable, casual and stylish at the same time.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I have to admit wearing paint/ink splattered clothes was a badge of honor I loved in college and I miss in the office. Sigh.

  7. I always promise myself to be dressed before the postman arrives (usually around 1pm) and 9 times out of 10 I"m still in my dressing gown. The mistake is (for me) reading emails before getting washed …. then the next thing I know it's 12 o'clock and I'm totally absorbed in something.

  8. You have just inspired me to go buy the overalls i spotted while shopping the other day...i knew there had to be a reason they came back into fashion...itis a good day when i have inky painty hands and clothes :)) great post thanks :)

  9. Where are those overalls from?? LOVE THEM

  10. Love your black and white hipster bag! Gorgeous!!!

  11. I love the overall! The paint on the upper part looks just like an ancient Japanese or Chinese painting of a scenery ;-)
