
Thursday, July 10, 2014

a family rock garden

After finishing our backyard renovation, we have been working on all kinds of little projects outside, things that will make our garden and yard a little more colorful and creative. My favorite project has been creating a family rock garden- we have a couple of spots with really rocky soil and a colorful rock garden was the perfect solution! 

Painting rocks is nothing new or original but it is truly one of my favorite simple projects for anyone, any age! So over the last month we have been collecting and painting rocks as a family.
We thought it would be fun to incorporate all of our different styles and things that are important and special to us as family- like writing down memories and moments, our favorite quotes, song lyrics or things we like to say around the house, shapes and symbols, doodles and drawings and all kinds of colorful designs.

We've created lots of rocks and have challenged ourselves to continue to create more as the months go by. We even plan on inviting guests and family to paint a rock when they come over to add to the collection. The idea is to have a big rock garden full of color, creativity and memories that can be collected over time. 

Tip- Finish painted rocks with a clear coat of polyurethane to keep paint safe from the elements.


  1. Lovely, and I like the idea to inclusive friends and family! We have lots (Not as many as you have...) in our garden - nice memories!

    ... What did you discover Lucy doesn't like?

    Love from Austria

  2. This is a gorgeous idea! I'm definitely going to try this with my family, thanks for sharing!

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Another thing I need to add to the Great Big To Do List...

  4. Love this! Have the perfect spot, just outside my studio.

  5. These are so wonderful. We made some with my boys a while back. We need to make more, we certainly have enough rocks in our garden to play with. :o)

  6. Bella idea! Così è un giardino di un'artista!!!!

    Good idea! So it's a garden of an artist!

  7. wonderfullnes at it's best!

  8. there are no words to express how much I love this!

  9. Laurah8:18 AM

    I love this! At some point a previous owner of our home spray painted all of the rocks in the garden beds kelly green. I have always been a fan of rocks in gardens, but have been at a loss of what to do with these ugly green ones. Going to have to invite the nieces and nephew up for a painting party :D

  10. Anonymous2:07 PM

    You've have great ideas, thanks for the inspiration! Going to start collecting rocks with my boys they'll be thrilled...

  11. Your posts always make me smile! They are so full of happiness! I love the rock garden. So interesting to look at.

  12. I absolutely love this! I have always loved painted rocks….thanks for reminding me!

  13. I like that idea! My children are almost teenagers, so they may or may not help me create some painted rocks to decorate our flower bed...the more I think about it the more I love it! Thanks!

  14. oh this is just PREMIUM!! we are big rock lovers and this would add to the joy!! thankyou!! xooxxo big love as always to yous. xoxo

  15. What did you use to write on them with? I love the idea of quotes. Does a Sharpie stand up to the elements? Would love to see photos of the materials you used for painting, writing and final coating. (I live in Japan, so a photo can be worth a thousand words - helps me to find something similar.)

  16. wonderfullnes at it's best!

  17. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I love to paint rocks! I have given them to friends as gifts.In June we were n Florence Italy and I had brought with me a few small stones painted with the state flag of Texas, where I live. I gave one to the hotel manager who promptly placed it on the reception desk next to the computer. She loved it/
