
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

puff paint printing

I am teaching a 2 day surface design class called Beneath the Surface in my studio this weekend and I have been busy prepping class samples. And while I can't give everything away, I did want to share one of my favorite fast and easy techniques for filling the surface of fabric with pattern- it's what I like to call "puffy paint prints".

My long time readers will know that I love using puff paint (otherwise known as dimensional paint or 3-D paint) in all kinds of projects. I've use it on pumpkins, I've used it on paper, I've used it to embellish t-shirts and baby onesies but my favorite way to use 3-D paint is to create my own painted fabric. It is made for fabric and after about 72 hours of drying and setting, it is washable! 

My favorite dimensional paints are all made by iLoveToCreate- Scribbles Dimensional Fabric Paint and Tulip Fashion 3D Paint. They are easy to use, really affordable and can be incorporated into all kinds of projects.

I like use plain white muslin or broadcloth to create my own fabric that I use in a variety of mixed media projects. 3-D paint is made to be puffy or dimensional on the surface and I like to utilize the puffy quality by printing with it.  

I start by drawing or doodling my designs (a lot of the time it is something floral).

Next, while the paint it wet, I fold my fabric in half and press lightly and then pull the fabric apart.

You are left with a nice print! Note- you won't always get a clean print but that is half the fun! This techniques really lends itself to working in an expressive and unpredictable way.

I continue to add more designs, fold and print. I use different colors and layer my designs on top of each other.

I work my way across the surface until I have filled it up. 

The result is a surface filled with expressive pattern!

                                     3-d paint fabric from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

For more ideas on my favorite ways to use puff paint you can head over to THIS POST


  1. I'm really amazed at how simple this is but how beautiful the fabric turns out

  2. wow! thank you Alisa for sharing this technique. I love the process and the result!

  3. That is so pretty !!!

  4. Alisa, I used this technique when I took a class from you at Create (Irvine) in 2012. It became the central panel for an art quilt I show here:

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  5. www.manybrightthings@wordpress.com3:49 AM

    I haven't thought about using puff paint on fabric before, aalthough I have fond memories of the puff-paint printed T-shirt I had as a child in the 1980s! It looks like it works particularly well with lovely bright colours, it's definately a material I want to try using!

  6. www.manybrightthings.wordpress.com3:52 AM

    I hadn't thought about using puff paint before, although I have fond memories of a puff paint printed T-shirt I had as a child in the 1980s! It looks like it works particularly well with lovely bright colours- I'm looking forward to experimenting!

  7. This is the cutest thing ever!
