
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

DIY fire pit

As we made progress on our backyard project we had to decide how we wanted to fill all the space that was cleared. We went back and forth on all kinds of ideas- grass everywhere, mounds with plants, more garden space but we finally settled on dividing up the area in different sections.
The biggest area we had to work with was in the back corner of the yard where the ground slopes. The soil is pretty bad for planting and so we decided to create a fire pit. We loved the idea of having a place to gather and hang out after the sun goes down.

We created a circle that we bordered with large river rock.  We laid down a layer of weed barrier and then added a thick layer of pea gravel to the top.

We went back and forth about digging our own fire pit or purchasing a free standing pit. We decided the free standing pit would be easier for us to contain and clean. We added resin adirondack chairs around the circle.

We even hung a few strands of outdoor lights in the trees above. 

Since finishing the backyard project we have been enjoying lots of gatherings out in our fire pit!

We even keep our fire pit essential on hand!

It doesn't get dark around these parts until after 9:00 pm so we've had some early fires before Lucy's bedtime and then once she goes to bed, Andy and I have been sneaking back outside at dusk to enjoy a little time together. It's been like a wonderful little getaway in our own backyard!


  1. i love the way you guys work together on everything.....

  2. Beautiful garden :)

  3. Che bella atmosfera, mi viene voglia di sedermi, rilassarmi ed ascoltare la natura...

    Beautiful atmosphere, I would like to sit down, relax and listen the nature...

  4. You two did a wonderful job !!!
    It looks great : )

  5. Looks great! Next you will need to paint the chairs and it will be perfect.

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Love this set up and love your cardigan! where did you find it?! lovely home you guys are making Alisa!

  7. Wonderfulwork you guy's, when will you becoming to do mine? :)How great to sit outside in this area your back yard is coming along wonderfuly enjoy,

  8. Great photos! Our fire pit definitely needs something like this. I especially love the brave shot from up in the tree! :)

  9. dreamy.dreamy.dreamy!! so so love this!! xoxo

  10. It is all lovely and the lights are the finishing touch.

  11. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Your blog is awesome! I wanted to turn you on to another fun and easy fire pit dessert: Campfire Bananas. Cut a banana length-wise, fill with your favorite toppings: chocolate chips, nuts or nut butter, coconut, other fruit pieces. Wrap in foil and place in the coals until gooey and delicious. This is really fun for a party too, because everyone can customize!

  12. I love it! Wauw and those lights in the evening.

  13. Gorgeous! Which white pen did you use? Gel?

  14. You and your husband are so talented! I hope your little princess will be the same... Love you guys from Istanbul, Turkey.

  15. Amazing !!! It is beautiful, I love that ! Good job...

  16. How wonderful!!!

  17. The pictures are amazing! I just recently purchased a new home with a ton of backyard space. I was thinking of some ideas to do to it to utilize the space. I am definitely going to try to create a scenery like this one. Gorgeous!
