
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

rug tote

I have this habit of browsing through the rug section of just about any store thinking, boy the pattern on that rug would make great fabric for a purse. And it finally dawned on me- why not just transform a rug into a purse?!? So I picked out a small rug and got busy turning it into a tote bag.

I bought a small rug and some fun purse handles. 

First I trimmed the edges off the rug and folded it in half.

Instead of using the sewing machine I used my favorite fabric glue-Fabric Fusion to attach the handles with two panels of rug (I used my scraps).

I closed up the sides, turned the purse right side out and VOILA...a super fun tote!


  1. I love it♥
    LG Kerstin

  2. Such a cute idea for small rug, I always see so many nice rugs and would have never thought to do anything like this

  3. Fantastic idea! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration!
    Carpet Cleaners Chelsea

  4. Fantastic tote! Love it

  5. Fantastic ! I love it - especially because it doesn't involve sewing ( my sewing machine and me have a love/hate affair...).
    Thanks for the inspiration !

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Way back when I was a teenager, I found a tote with the same kind of handles and it was made with old drapes, the kind with big printed flowers. I used it to carry my books at school. I still have it and I still love it.

  7. You´ve got perfect ideas!

  8. Gorgeous bag and fabrics.Thanks for the tutorial!!

  9. you are so inspiring. Love this idea.

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Please please share where you found the rug!


  11. Nice post, it reminded me of the carpet bag (and carpet baggers) of the 19th century / post Civil War reconstruction period:

  12. Love it!!! One of my favorite "busy bags" is one I purchased from Jay Jacobs circa 1973. It is a rug piece with cloth handles. The rug is stitched to two dowels with round beads on each end. It is too big for everyday, so I am now on the hunt for a rug to create one like yours. Thanks1

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Hi Alisa, this is just a genius idea! Would you share with us where you bought your rug and handles? I want to make this as a graduation gift! Thanks so much!


  14. awesome.I would never have thought about ti but you have just opened new horizons for me with your creative thinking ! Thanks for the inspiration.Bea
