
Friday, March 07, 2014

fashion friday- perler bead jewelry

Recently I purchased a bucket of Perler Beads and what started as fun sorting activity for Lucy, turned into inspiration for my own project! 

If you are not familiar with Perler Beads they are colorful beads that can be fused together with heat (an iron) to create all kinds of fun things. After doing some playing and experimenting I came up a with fun way to put my own twist on the materials.

I started by selecting my colors. Using a peg board I arranged my beads.

Next, I used the iron to fuse my beads together. I applied heat longer than directed so the beads would melt together and the surface would be smooth enough to draw on. 
(Typically Perler Bead projects have the holes in the beads visible. I wanted my surface smooth and the extra time under the iron helped to melt the colors together)

The last step was to add doodled embellishments to the surface. I used an oil based white Sharpie pen (which is permanent on just about any surface). 

Then I turned them into jewelry!

I love that with a little creativity, materials for kids can transformed into something unique!


  1. Amazing idea. Love them all!!

  2. Wonderful idea!!! You pictures are great :-))

  3. I LOVE THIS!!! They look so pretty! We have those in the closet, kids get them out on rare occasions. Might have to dig them out and try this.

  4. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Ooh these look lovely, I had some of these beads when I was younger and wish I'd kept them now!

  5. Hehehe! I have a box full of butterflies and flowers and stuff here. Could decorate a whole room!!! Wonderful Idea!!

  6. you are kidding me! how do u think of these ideas??? awesome

  7. You really do think out side the box.Who would of thought of such an ingenious idea?only you.i would so wear one of these jewelly pieces x

  8. annette7:33 AM

    Cool! Saw a museum piece recently made Perler Bead quilt squares - a large number of squares put together into a beautiful, graphic wall hanging. It was only when you got up close that you noticed the material, and that was a great moment of discovery.

  9. I have never seen perler beads looking so chic! :) I love it. Thanks!

  10. Brilliant!! Love them Alisa! xo

  11. Anonymous10:40 AM

    What a great idea! I will be adding this to my list of projects for my so-called "spare time."

  12. Can I just add that they're also sold as 'Hama beads' and can be very expensive when purchased in toyshops. We bought tubs full of them for our nieces at car boot sales for next to nothing!

  13. This is the best use of perler beads I've seen. Your doodling on top makes all the difference

  14. Okay Alisa! This is beautiful, brilliant, and oh so cute! My 2 daughters (ages 9 and 15) will be all over it and wanting to make their own! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Incredible, I never would have guessed that they were peeler beads! So pretty.

  16. They look awesome, you got me wondering what other kids craft material I could use, I am definitely going to wander in the kids section of the supermarket next time I'll go.

  17. Whoda thunk? Very neat necklaces! :)
