
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

messy time


  1. AWESOME! Thanks for sharing that Alisa, love to get a sneak peak into your process of creating with Lucy... Makes me want to get my colors out immediately...

  2. Oh god... I'd go insane in two seconds! I hate cleaning up, so I avoid any kind of mess.
    I'm a sad, sad person...

    Lucy is such a lucky girl to be able to grow up with a mom (and dad) as cool as you!

  3. Grazie di condividere questi bei momenti! Anche Lucy ha un suo ammiratore! Il mio piccolo Samuele adora vedere i video con Lucy,settimana scorsa era a casa malato e li abbiamo visti 1.000.000 di volte!!!
    Quando si avvicina al mio mac dice: dov'è Lucy? La guarda e quando il video finisce dice: Ancora!Ancora! ed indica con il dito quale vuole vedere...

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful moments!Lucy also has an admirer!My little Samuele loves to see Lucy's video, last week he was sick at home and we saw them 1,000,000 times!
    He turn around my mac and he says: Where is Lucy?And when the video end: Again!Again!and pointing whit his finger as he wants to see...
    Goodbye Elisabetta

  4. That looks so awesome!
    I also love painting with my children, but do dread the mess sometimes, çause I've got three little ones. In the summer I love to do things like this outside though! And maybe I should stop minding mess!

  5. Look at Lucy's toes! They move a lot and work very hard! Wonderful images!

  6. Love these happy art times you have with her. Great job on the paintings, looks awesome!!

    I do hope she won't mind the boring less messy art she will have one day at school. Find her a good school with a fun art program. My kids never use their hands, never get messy, color inside the lines and all the other boring rules they tell you.

    Keep having fun and thank you so much for sharing with us.

  7. It's fantastic artistic process. Lucy is very creative :)
    Awesome !

  8. I love the freedom that you give Lucy to explore and be messy. What a lucky little gir!

  9. Awe... those are kissable feet paint and all!! Love your Mommy and Me time!! She is such a lucky many parents never give their children that kind of creative freedom!! She is are you!! Thanks for sharing...always makes me smile ear to ear!! Beautiful compilation too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. What sweet painted baby toes!


  11. information is very useful and nice

  12. OMG! You are definitely my inspiration! :) You and your family are simply the best! :)

  13. So much fun! And I LOVE cute little lovie feet. (Which is funny because I DESPISE grown up feet!) :) I love your blog and I feel like I sort of know your darling little family. You are awesome!
