
Monday, December 02, 2013

wreath wall

If you are a long time reader, you will know that I love making wreaths and using them around the house year round. With the holidays in full swing I wanted to have a little fun with decorating so I decided a wreath accent wall would be a fun way to get festive but instead of traditional colors and style of wreaths I transformed everyday things into some fast, simple and pretty wreaths for the wall!

tinsel wreath: wrap tinsel around a wreath form and you have simple wreath with lots of sparkle.

yarn wrapped wreath: wrap a wreath form with colorful yarn.

butcher paper flowers wreath: I created a simple version of my butcher paper wreath from a few years ago.

wrapping paper wreath: wrap a wreath form with wrapping paper.

gold leaves wreath: spray paint leaves to transform them into something chic and festive.

TIP: There are all kinds of things that can be used for a wreath form- styrofoam, wire, embroidery hoop (my favorite) even cardboard.

p.s. Today, Monday is the last day to save $10 off all my online classes!


  1. Fabulous items hun, loving the bench photos - beautiful!

  2. Lovely collection and beautiful photo's.

  3. bel mix di ghirlande!
    Geniale la cuffietta di Lucy a forma di mela! Te la copio subito!

    nice mix of wreath!
    Ingenious the apple-cap of Lucy!
    I copy you now!
    ciao Ely

  4. I'm so excited to see this post, those wreaths are so AWESOME!! I can't even pick a favorite, love them all.
    Of course with your white wall these look especially wonderful. I was thinking of a wreath and mini tree kinda theme this year. I have the perfect wall for wreaths but it's painted a funky rusty orange I guess. Will take some of these ideas though, love the tinsel and I remember making the paper flower one last year in your Holiday class.

    I do have a question though, how did you use the wrapping paper? I can't see it very well and wrapping paper tears so easily. Would love to know more on that one. THANK YOU!

    I can't wait to go play now, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!

    Oh and the pictures on the bench were so sweet too.

  5. Love your photos with a daughter! :) All those wreaths looks great on the wall! Great job, you have such a great taste!

    Greetings from Latvia,

  6. Love the leaf wreath, and what a lovely photo of you and Lucy x

  7. They are all so very pretty! Love the pom pom garland, too.

  8. livethegoldenrule12:35 PM

    Beautiful job! Love the idea of making the wreaths a collection ;D How is it that Lucy just gets cuter every day?? Thanks so much.

  9. All the wreaths are awesome! Love the butcher paper flowers wreath!

    House cleaning

  10. so much inspiration (as usual) thank you! if you can, could you tell us where you got your fabulous yellow maxi skirt shown in the last photos?
