
Tuesday, August 06, 2013

a peek inside my studio


  1. I just love to see how you manage to incorporate painting into spending time with your daughter and how she becomes your little assistant. This is gorgeous and very inspirational. Thanks Alisa for coming up with new stuff all the time!

  2. Priceless photographs.... Love them!!

  3. Wonderful time spent with your little one! I keep mine in the studio all the time. Brings plenty of inspiration and new ideas!

  4. Alisa, you are such an inspiration--just when I think there is not much hope for a fledgling painter like myself, you post a quote that lifts me up.

    And the pictures of your daughter painting on the same canvas with you is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  5. so cute that a child was helping you

  6. I love how Lucy figured out to wipe her hands on her art. Very darling and clever. What a great experience for both of you.

  7. Allisa, I wish my mother had been like you! We were not allowed to sit on our beds because beds were made in which to sleep. Do not get me wrong..she was not mean. Her values were just in a different part of her heart. :) I am 66 years old and I never fail to smile when I see Lucy joining in with you making art!

  8. She is quite a little painter, and it appears you have a good assistant. She is simply adorable.

  9. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I love seeing the two of you working together. Obviously your type of art can incorporate some of Lucy's additions. But I'm guessing that you have some canvases that you want to be 100% you. Do you have trouble explaining the boundaries?

  10. Lucy is so lucky to have you as a Mama. I let my kids work parallel to me, but not ON my work. You are so brave!

  11. Seeing your daughter painting alongside you on the big canvas...what an inspiration!
