
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

mom is here project

Recently Sprout, (the 24 hour preschool channel) sent me a fun little care package and asked me if I would participate in their latest initiative called the Mom Is Here Project. Though I am pretty darn picky about the things that I promote, I said YES! because I thought this initiative is something that would resonate with lots of moms out there. The project was inspired by a recent article in the Huffington Post which asked the question- why aren't more moms present in photographs of milestones and memories of their children. Sprout is trying to galvanize a movement of moms "getting back in the picture" with their "Mom Is Here" project.

 Sprout asked me to spread the word via Instagram but I wanted to take it a step further and dedicate a post to some photography tips and inspiration. As a blogger, who is now a mom I am always trying to find creative ways to capture a moment, document an idea or use my lens to capture inspiration to share with my readers. Taking pictures is a BIG part of what I do every day so I have gathered a few tips and tricks with the hopes of inspiring all of you mamas out there to get back in the picture!

I use my camera timer ALL the time to capture those moments when its just Lucy and I together. A timer makes it possible to quickly jump into the photo. Any camera with a timer setting will work. I would suggest getting comfortable and practicing with your timer first. 

While I typically use what I have on hand (stroller, rock, sweat shirt, etc) to prop my camera, there are all kinds of really cool tripods that can be used with cameras or camera phones. My favorite is the The Gorilla Pod (or any flexible tripod) is SUPER cool because you can mount your phone or camera and twist it around anything, set the timer and shoot!

Most of the time I carry my iphone with me so I make sure I have it loaded with all kinds of photo and timer applications. 

My favorite timer applications are-

Camera Timer- its SIMPLE! I use a timer all the time to capture self portraits or family photos. 

Timer Cam- Another super simple and straight forward application.

GorillaCam- From a self timer to rapid fire to stop motion and time lapse, this  FREE application has 
EVERYTHING you need in a timer.

"Selfie's" (or the obligatory photo taken of yourself) used to be for taking your facebook profile pic but I like to use this concept to capture little moments with Lucy. If she is sitting on my lap, sleeping on my chest, riding on my shoulders, I like to grab my camera, turn it around and click! There is no timer used in photos like this, instead you are simply holding your camera out in front of you and trying to capture the moment! It takes a little practice but it's really handy to catch a quick photo. 

Even the most confident of people can get camera shy or feel self conscious about having their photo taken! Instead of close up or a full length body shot- try getting creative with cropping or positioning the photo in unique ways. There is no rule that says you need to have your face in a photo- instead focus more on capturing the moment...

Its easy to think that photos of memories and milestones need to be happy and beautiful. But to be honest some of my favorite photos are of the not so happy times because these are the moments when there was struggle, growth and learning. Forget about always trying to capturing a beautiful moment instead challenge yourself to capture the bad with the good!

I am defiantly the photographer in the family which means much of the time I end up taking photos of everyone else! As much as I wish someone would follow me around with a camera capturing all of the precious moments, I've finally learned that I just need to speak up and ask to have my photo taken. Over time my husband has become accustomed to the types of photos I like so when we are out doing something I simply speak and ask for him to follow Lucy and I around capturing photos. We trade off doing this for each other and then use our timer to capture all of us together.  

I have always loved taking photos, documenting moments and using my camera to express  myself and now that I am mom, this process has taken on a whole new meaning. I am even more inspired to use my lens to capture this journey into motherhood. I don't want to miss a moment and I also don't want to miss out on appearing in the photos while 
those moments are happening! I want to challenge all you mamas out there to find unique and creative ways to capture your own journey and get yourself back into the photo!

Want to participate?

Snap a photo of you and your kids

Post on Instagram

Tag #MomIsHere

Post by 5/31

Selected photos will appear on a billboard in Times Square and ten winners will be featured on Sprout and receive a prize package!


  1. I remember reading that article and love this initiative. I agree that we aren't in our own photos enough... there's so much excitement for the little one, that we forget ourselves. Sure we want to document our kids, but there should also be documention of "us." Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a nice idea. But I don't have an instagram account. I'll post it on my blog!
    Thank you

  3. I cannot even tell you how timely this is! I have a 7 month old and am very camera shy (want to lose some more weight, didn't have makeup on, etc.). My husband has been trying to get me to have more pictures taken with my son so he has pictures of me while he was growing up. Thank you so much for posting this!!!! It has given me some great ideas!

    Amanda T.
    Roanoke, VA

  4. Tanks for information,,,,,,,

  5. This is such a wonderful idea. It took me a while to figure it out, but now I love to take the funky photos- our shadows while the kiddo is on a horse, our feet while out walking, the two of us while I am braiding her hair.

    the first picture in this post is one of my favorites

    I'll have to play around with the timer on my camera and see what we can come up with.

    Thanks for the tips!

  6. I wish I'd seen this 30 years ago! There is very little evidence of "Mom is here" in any of our vacation or holiday photos. I was always behind the camera.

  7. I read this article a while back too. I am trying to get in my photos more and more. I REALLY wish I had more photos of MY mom when I was small. Sadly, she was always behind the camera instead of in front of it. I'll be sure to take some and post em on instagram with the hashtag. THANK YOU for all of your tips! Your IG photos are always so beautiful! ox

    cindywindsor1 (on Instagram)

  8. i wish i had a kid so i could participate :P

  9. Aliyah C.5:54 PM

    This is great! I'm always the one taking pictures too. Good reminders. Thanks for sharing!

  10. So true that we are not in the photos! Good for you for asking to be included. I wish I'd done that more earlier. I recently watched a video that a professional did of our farm ten years ago and I'm not in it (was a rare chance to go do errands or something) and it looks like this wonderful farmer with his adorable children and sweet mother is a widow! Like most of our history, in pictures. I will start including myself more.

  11. These are wonderful tips Alisa! I have always admired your photos with Lucy & thought Andy was following you everywhere! LOL! Such a great project too! I always have to ask my hubby to take my pic & it's not always what I want but at least the shots prove I was there! :)

  12. I LOVE this post. I just wrote on my blog last week how I had a friend that refused to be in pictures, even with her children. And I think it's so important that kids see that we Mama's were and are present. Thanks for all the tips!
