
Sunday, March 03, 2013

updates from the studio and a giveaway!

Its been a whirlwind of creative activity around here and I have got lots to share. I have so much going on that I am splitting my updates into two days! Today I've got some shop updates and tomorrow I am announcing my 2013 studio class/retreat schedule. And I've got some fun giveaways both days!

Remember my post on stone statement rings? Well, I received so many emails inquiring if I would be selling them that I added a handful of one of a kind stone statement rings to the shop. I've collected smooth, flat stones from my favorite Oregon beaches and embellished them with pretty little doodles and then transformed them into rings.

You can view them HERE

I've also got new matted art prints made from recent paintings. My favorite is the one above called titled Trade Winds.  

You can view all of them HERE

I have a very limited supply of sets of hand carved doodle stamps back in the shop.

You can view them HERE

I've got a fun, messy canvas printable download. 14 pages of messy backgrounds from my own paintings to use in your mixed media projects HERE

And last...I am giving away THREE $50 gift certificates for my shop!
To enter leave me a comment and let me know how you start your Monday!
Later in the week I will randomly select three winners


  1. With coffee! i'd love to win a gc!

  2. I will be starting this Monday with bed... since I am working all night tonight! Sleep tight, whenever that is!

  3. What a nice Monday! Starts with a gift :)
    I start my Monday with booking some seminars, and continue with making my silk flowers.

  4. Avec un beau soleil qui se lève sur les alpes suisses

  5. I start my Monday with coffee and breakfast in front of the computer answering e-mails before I go to school!
    I wonder if the giveaway is also for us International readers as your shop does not ship internationally!Anyway count me in!I loved the rings and the trade winds!Catch the trade winds in your sials?AriadnefromGreece!

  6. with a great news: I got a new job as graphic designer!! :))

  7. Hi Alisa !
    I started my monday with cuddles with my cats and a delicious green maté cup !!
    Have a nice day !!

  8. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I start my day with a cup of tea...reading emails, blogs and deciding what the day holds! Your art work is beautiful ...

  9. I start my Monday by cuddling with my baby daughter... that's how I start every day actually! *bliss*

  10. I started this Monday celebrating my daughter's 6th birthday, very early way before coffee was made, then it was off to school for the children, exercise and morning pages before I got on with the other tasks on my to-do list.

  11. I start with checking my email and breakfast.


  12. I look outside the window and i see the sun is shining, we mist it so very much. so i jump out of bed to get dressed, chech the blogs i am following and see a big give away and i decided that i like to win that very much and leave a comment and now i am ready to go outside for a nice walk in the sun, love from The Netherlands X

  13. I would love to win. Have a nice monday.
    Liefs, Melanie

  14. my monday started with reading blog posts. And of course I have the coffe cup near by.

  15. I will start this Monday by rolling out of bed and straight onto the computer to work work work before a conference call!

  16. I start everyday of the week with a good breakfast and some creative time.

  17. Start my morning with acup of tea and will get up to start in the daily chores thank you for this lovely giveaway christine

  18. Martha Tsapatori12:55 AM

    Monday started with the smile of my lovely son Nicolas (11 months old) and a view at the see of Aegean !

    Thanks for the giveaway !

    Greetings from Andros island, Greece

  19. I start my Mondays as late as possible and always with a few cups of coffee.

  20. I am starting my monday like everyday with some meditation.Then I will head in the kitchen to prepare some nice lunch. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. I start by laying out a plan for the week to come with a coffee in my hand.

  22. I start my monday with a good long walk; soo beautifull outside, sunny and crisp, cold air. Great way to start the week. Fingers crossed and thanks for the chance of winning! Have a great week!

  23. This mondaymorning i started with looking at my favourite websites and feeling for the first time in four months, that i would love to draw and paint again. I had some hard times, but today the sun is shining and i feel that i am back.

  24. I'll try my luck, as always ;)

    Today is a special Monday, for the boy and I are together for three years. Of course that included a lot of cuddling in bed this morning and a nice breakfast.

  25. My mondays are usually a "rush-rush" situation to take my girl to school. It takes a while to get back into routine after a weekend, at least a few coffees! ;-) Thanks for the giveaway and the chance

  26. I have to get up early and go to school :-(

  27. I get up early, get my girl ready for the Kindergarten, do the laundry, clean the bathroom, shower, read, draw, eat drink coffee. Yay.

  28. I start the day with a cup of coffe (bigger then usual!) and a bit of weekend nostalgia! :)

  29. I've started this Monday morning at 3:30am with a cup of coffee and a look at my favorite blog....Alisa Burke....for tons of inspiration to keep my mind humming while I work my day job.

  30. My Monday's start at 6AM when my two boys come snuggle in bed with me to say good morning. After a few hugs we all get up, my husband makes smoothies, I take the boys down to school, then I go for a 4 mile walk/run with my awesome friends along the sidewalk that runs along the beach. All in all, I really can't complain about my Mondays. They kind of rock.

  31. I will start Monday with coffee and the internet. Love all your creativity and inspiration.

  32. I start my mondays with a cup of coffee and my writing journal.

  33. I start my Monday with a cup of coffee and catching up with my favorite art bloggers! Love your art and blog. Thank you, Pat

  34. I start my Monday by going to the gym! It gives me energy to create the rest of the day!

  35. Without my morning cuppa, nothing can begin! Then it's a quick flitter around to make the house appear respectable (for hubby and potential visitors) and the creativity can begin :)
    This week it's cardmaking :)
    Have a lovely week.........Katie x

  36. I start my Monday with a cup of coffee and reading my favorite blogs.

  37. I start my Monday by feeding the pets sitting down with a cup of coffee check a few of my favourite blogs, then head off to work to animate cartoons.

  38. Anonymous3:06 AM

    I start mine with a nice bowl of porridge and a cup of tea to warm me up before going out, it's getting to feel a bit more spring like here in the UK but is still rather cold!

    I love those rings!

  39. I started my Monday morning with a cup of hot tea and read my favorite blogs. When the kids leave for school it will be Project Life time and some artwork!

    Thanks so much for this AWESOME giveaway, lots of goodies in your shop are calling my name!!
    Happy Monday Alisa!

  40. As of the last 3 months, my mondays start with breastfeeding my youngest boy and dreaming about going back to bed :)

  41. Definitely, I start my Mondays with a plan of what should be done this week.
    I don't really like Mondays as I'm usually more busy than on any other day of the week. But the feeling of surviving it... oh, this I like. ;)

  42. jeannie lucky3:23 AM

    I start with coffee and to school early. One more week and then spring break! Yea! Lots to do over spring art, embroidery for jewelry class, plant tomatoes, and work in the yard! I would love to win it.

  43. I start my Mondays sipping a big old cup of coffee while surfing the web. After the coffee is finished I am off and running to get my week started......breakfast, family time, & off to work. Cheers to a great week for us all :)

  44. OMG! I want to win this! What a great gift!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing your passion, your talent and all your tips through your online classes! I took several of them and absolutely love them all! Thanks!

  45. happy monday!!! thanks for this give away, so generous! fingers crossed! ;)

  46. Anonymous3:39 AM

    great giveaway alisa !
    my monday have started with a cup of hot tea,
    listening to good music and mind scheduling :)

  47. Amy U3:52 AM

    My Monday mornings are spent drinking a cup of coffee with my dog snuggled in next to be n my favorite chair, reading blogs and catching up on e-mail. Your blog is a daily read for me., then I am off to teach 7th grade Science! Happy Monday!

  48. Off today after three 12 hour shifts - recovery in progress.

  49. I always start my Mondays with a cup of coffee and sitting down in my studio for reflection and a plan for the week ahead!

  50. i start mine by making a point of getting up early and watching the sunrise over the ocean and enjoying a cup of coffee..
    Ormond By The Sea, FL

  51. great giveaway!
    My mornings usually start with coffee - so was today: smelling coffe (thank you DH), drinking coffe and listening to my cat, she loves to participate in the morning routin!

  52. I start my Monday with a mug of tea and my i pad in bed. Then I have breakfast and get my housework done so I can forget about it for the week.

  53. I start my Monday with a little fur -- purring kitties! then a cup of tea! I'd love to win a gift certificate. Thanks for the chance!

  54. I start my Monday (well, every morning) with coffee. I love puttering around in my PJ pants sipping delicious hot coffee.

    Thanks for the chance to win a gift certificate.

    ps: Love that Trade Winds print.

  55. Good morning! I start my Monday hoping the baby will sleep for another hour so that I can shower, eat breakfast, and get ready for work. :)

  56. I jump out of bed, go for a run around the oval at the end of my street, make a cup of tea, check all my favourite blogs (including yours)and get ready for the day!

  57. Start my monday with kumihimobraiding, and a coffee in front of tv.

  58. Coffee with my sweet husband, which eases the lamentation that the weekend is over. :-)

  59. Waking up teenage boys for school and sneaking a few minutes of painting time before I head off to my day job. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

  60. Jennifer Lemke4:47 AM

    Coffee and hugs and kisses with the fam before I head off to work. But I get to take next year off, so in the future, just snuggles with the kiddos!! (and coffee)

  61. The weekend is my break from working out. Well kinda. I do gardening and yard work which is definitely hard work! So Mondays mornings are important for me to get back in to my routine and I always start it off with a nice glass of water and then a gaiam workout. Once those 2 things are complete, it's like the rest of the week just falls nicely into place.

  62. Getting kids off to school, a cup of coffee and your colorful, inspiring site! Thank you!

  63. Monday here will start with coffee, breakfast and a cuddle with my dog. Then a hug to the hubby as he leaves for work and I start laundry and working on a art piece for my art group project. Deadline is Wednesday!

  64. I start my mondays by gtting to work a tiny bit earlier to squeeze in some time to browse around for inspiration. And your work certainly fuels me to start a creative week!

  65. I start my Monday with puppy schnuggles. And then coffee of course!

  66. I March my every morning starts with checking on my seedlings (I am a little bit obsessed over them). The rest is like usual: giving my sleeping boyfriend a kiss, making coffee, eating some breakfast ....

  67. Such beautiful things Alissa! I'm inspired already. I start my Monday with a big cup of coffee and reading my favorite blogs for inspiration to start my week. :)

  68. well Since this Monday happens to be my birthday, I was woken up with lovely well wishes from my boyfriend, followed by some blog reading time (camping all weekend got me behind). Then I am off to work (hiking with 18 fifth graders through a state park). Its a rough life... haha

    Happy Monday to you!

  69. I start my Monday witk coffee at the sewing machine to get a few lines of quilting before getting ready for my full-time job as an assistant in an office. Thank you for the chance of a gift cert to your shop.

  70. I start my Mondays with prayer and thanks for a restful weekend!

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  71. I start my Monday morning (like every other morning) with a cup of coffee. I read blogs and make the day's To Do list. I would love to win a gift certificate! Thank you for the opportunity!

  72. I have Monday's off so I can do whatever I want YAY!

  73. Taylor B.5:18 AM

    I'm starting my Monday with a cup of coffee and my favorite blogs, which obviously includes yours! I went out and bought watercolors and a sketch book and started doodling and painting for the first time in years because of you... You're fabulous! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  74. Time with God, coffee, and email!

  75. A cup of coffee (or two) in bed while I read the local newspaper, check my emails and FB page and read my blogs. Before I get up and start my day, I do a spiritual devotion and write in my prayer journal.

  76. I'm starting my Monday with a cup of coffee and my favorite blogs, then will knit a few rows on the latest project and head off to work on the South Dakota ice. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  77. I start my Monday with a quick 'pick up the house' and then head into my studio to put my weekend ideas into motion!

    Love your stone rings!

  78. Coffee coffee coffee

  79. I start Mondays with email and blog reading(s)! Plus caffeine! This Monday is a little different as I will be going to a pilates class shortly!

  80. I start my Monday (and eery weekday) with breakfast and the computer. I read blog posts from fantastic bloggers like you!


  81. I start my Monday by praying, checking e-mails then exercise! I'd love to win a gift certificate!!!

  82. With a warm, divine smelling, coup of coffee. With that being said, I would love to win one of the prizes. I love your designs!

  83. a cup of coffee, get the kids off to school and the husband off to work. The house is usually a disaster from the weekend, so that and grocery shopping are always on my Monday list. I would LOVE this Gift Certificate. :)

  84. I start my Monday with snuggles on the couch and family reading and prayer. What a great giveaway!

  85. Very simple, very easy... I go to the bathroom fist, set up the water for my coffee, just use the vacuum cleaner fast (we have cats but my friend is a bit allergic so this is done before he gets out of the sleeping room) and then enjoy my fist coffee!

  86. Hi
    i start my Monday with a walk with my dog along the banks of the River Tay in the highlands of Scotland.

  87. Sigh! Started the very early morning with a sick son. Looking forward to spring/cleaning purging and hopefully making something. And hopefully this sickness leaves our house! Thank you for the opportunity.

  88. I start my Monday by taking the dogs for a nice walk to try and tire them out before I head to work :)

  89. coffee in bed; catch up on emails,blogs and FB-then off to the studio.

  90. I start Monday (and every other day) with a visit to your blog after the kids have gone off to school and while I sip my hot cup of tea. Thanks for the endless inspirations - I am a big fan.

  91. Vanessa S.5:52 AM

    Hi Alisa!

    I start my Mondays with a big cup of DECAF coffee- decaf, since I'm expecting my first in the middle of May! Then, I usually repair the damage of our house, that is everything that is left out and not put away from a busy or sometimes lazy weekend! And I've got the best company every day- My dog Sandy, and my cat Zuko!

  92. with a smile. ;} you are super inspirational, alisa. thanks for your constant generosity!

  93. Wow! That is so generous of you Alisa! Thanks for the chance. :)I start my Mondays with walking the dogs and a banana for breakfast and some green tea.

  94. Always with a hot cup of tea! And some blogs of course. Lisa L.

  95. With coffee! - So original, I know. Actually, my day starts first with a cat snuggled on my hip, and checking email on my iPhone. Then coffee. :) Then feeding said cat (and the other cat, who's sound asleep under the beside table). And catching up on blogs and Pinterest while I get my dose of "sunlight" from my seasonal affective therapy light.

  96. Wake the Kids, see them off, take care of the dog, and cat, grab breakfast and then clean up my studio....and then create Mixed media art and plan my upcoming classes. That's how I ROLL!
    I enjoy your work and would be tickled PINK to WIN!
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  97. Monday morning started with letting the dog out, feeding him, grabbing some coffee, waking the kids up for school, and sitting down to check my emails and blogs. Life is good!

  98. Coffee and emails first and then wake my son up at 6:00 for his daily surf team practice. Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. I start my Monday with a cup of tea and reading my favorite blogs!

  100. I started my Monday with Excedrin as I have some sore muscles from tiling my bathroom floor this weekend.

  101. Carrie6:12 AM

    A cup of green tea and my "home blessing" – an hour's worth of cleaning for the week, Fly Lady style. Love your classes and your blog!

  102. I start my Monday with coffee and a novel. I start everyday by reading!

  103. Great giveaway... Would brighten up any Monday!

  104. I start most of my mornings with a cup of coffee and reading my favorite blogs. I go to "Fibermania" (Melody Johnson), "Woolie Mammoth", (Anne), and then "Alisa Burke." I have been playing with some recycled denim squares that I cut years ago. It's taking be far too long to use them up. I would love a gift certificate so I could use some of your stamps to decorate some denim boxes. Thanks for the opportunity.

  105. This was really nice start of my week - I decided to wake up later, when all my family members will leave for work/school so I woke up, turned on my favorite music playlist, had a long-long-long shower and it was sooo sunny this morning! :)
    By the way, in Latvia we celebrate name days just like birthdays. And today is name day for Alise what is Latvian version of Alisa. So - happy Name day! :)

  106. Coffee with cream. :-) Mondays are my Saturdays.

  107. New to me this year I begin my Mondays teleworking! I love it. Of course I always quickly your blog,coffee, and begin my work day.

  108. I started my Monday with a cup of coffee and your blog!

  109. I start my Mondays slowly as I don't work until 1. I usually start by reading through my blog roll in bed with a latte or tea.

  110. I am starting my Monday by reading all my favorite artist blogs!! Always so inspired...thank you! :)

  111. I start my Mondays off early. This is the day I get up an try to answer all my emails from the weekend and prep orders that came in over the weekend. So My Mondays always begin with work.

  112. I would LOVE to win a gift certificate so I could take a class. I love your new rings as well!

  113. I start my monday preparing kids and taking them to school. After that I have to plan the week and work. But I remember your advice of dedicating some minutes (even if it is just a short time) but daily, to draw or paint. that is exactly what I am going to do right now.
    Thanks, Alisa! And Happy Monday!

  114. Julie Marie6:46 AM

    I start my Monday by playing a word in Scrabble and then my 2 year old begs me to put Curious George on TV, so she can drink her milk, and I can drink my tea.

  115. 2 miles on the treadmill, getting the kids off to school, a warm cup of coffee and oatmeal piled with berries is my monday mornings :)

  116. I started my Monday with a huge cup of coffee and wrote a note to my son wishing him luck on his interview!!!!!

  117. I started my Monday with breakfast and blog reading. Not very exciting, but there it is!

  118. I start my Mondays by frantically trying to get all five kids out the door to school. I wish it was a calm and relaxing way to start the morning instead...

  119. Mondays! This morning started early w/ preparing a fresh made breakfast for my son & hubby: scrambled eggs, homemade breakfast potatoes (from last night's left over baked potatoes), & fresh berries. Cleaned up the kitchen...drove my son to school & oh my it was so cold @ only 12 degrees...brrr. When I arrived back home, I was greeted by my cat Jette, & we settled in for our daily morning snuggles...he falls asleep in my arms like a baby, & I browse through my emails & a few blogs...until his catnap is finished....I just LOVE this time. Then my day continues from there....

    Thank you for a very generous opportunity, Alisa!!! ~H♥~

    P.S. A fave Monday quote:
    "Dear Monday,
    Thanks for having the word "mon" in you. That's French for "mine", in case you weren't aware, Monday, but it makes me think of you more as "my day", & frankly that sounds like a much more promising start to the week." ~ Leah Dieterich from thx thx thx: a thank you note a day

  120. with coffee, runing naked aroundthe kitchen and singing with the radio.
    when that's done I strat acting normal :)

  121. Bonjour,
    I love your blog. It is a way to communicate with creativity and it make me feel very good. Merci beaucoup

  122. I start my monday with a run around the neighbourhood park, followed by a quick shower and them my favourite cup of tea!

  123. Coffee and blogs. =)
    Great way to start the week!
    Thanks, Alisa!

  124. Up at 5am before work, doodling and getting messy! I have access to my art stuff and desk for the first time in a year...due to a leaky roof and unexpected remodel. Time to reconnect with my Sharpies!

  125. I start my monday with a great workout !!!!!! : )

  126. I start my Monday by waking up next to my hubby. We eat breakfast then get ready, he leaves for school n I leave for work usually. And if I don't have work, I quickly make a schedule for what I want to do .. usually it's cleaning up and painting :0)

  127. I start my Monday with a giant cup of tea, a deep breath, a moment to look at the bay behind my house, and then a tiny intention for happiness. Then I attack my to-do list with vigor :)

  128. Kelly Wilbur7:24 AM

    Birthday cake, coffee, and taxes!

  129. Love all the new stuff!!!!

    I start each day taking care of my little 5 month old. But soon after that, I check my favorite blogs, including yours! :)

  130. With coffee and reading my blog feed :)

  131. I start out my Mondays by checking the activity in my etsy shop while I have my first cup of coffee. Then I check out some of my favorite blogs.....such as yours!

  132. I took my baby to the library this Monday morning.

  133. I start my Monday off getting up at 5:30 to get the first of 4 off to school ..with a cup of coffee too!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great gift!

  134. I start with a big cup of coffee,then head to my computer to catch up on all the news, like my favorite art blogs, for inspiration.

  135. I started my Monday by going to the village..We are soon starting activities for children each fortnight...the first time we'll make dream-catchers and read stories about Indians...the sun is glorious over to all...

  136. I pretty much start every morning with a cup of coffee with vanilla soy milk and a half hour of browsing my favorite blogs. Yours is a daily read! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  137. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I start my monday off by picking up a sweet friend to go get coffee & a pastry.

  138. Drinking a cup of tea, reading emails and my favorite blogs, like yours!

  139. I start my Monday with a hot cup of tea and my laptop as I dive into emails and to-do lists for the week. I must get organized or I feel like my world is topsy turvy! Love your updates, Alisa!

  140. . . . With a tea AND a small cappuccino here at home. ;) Then it's off to teach my homeschooled daughter.

    What a fun giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

  141. I took my husband to work this Monday. On most Mondays I like to take it slow by catching up on blogs early in the morning.

  142. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I start Monday by planning my week, it makes everything easier later in the week.
    Thanks for the giveaway,

  143. Sarah B.8:09 AM

    I started my Monday with a cup of chicken broth, a coconut flour banana muffin, and a daily devotional at my computer...then on to your blog!

  144. I started this Monday remembering how nice the week end was.... ; )

    Lovely Idea

  145. I started my monday with lots of coffee and needy sick kids.

  146. i took day off from my normal work and starting on my home work on calligraphy class that i m taking
    so it would be art-y day, love it
    would love to win your gift voucher

  147. With a big cup of coffee&milk :)

  148. I start my Monday with my 6 year old creeping in the room and whispering in my ear. Good morning momma. Best way ever to start a day.

  149. Rachel8:23 AM

    Hiya! Mondays are sometimes tough so I try and start them off with prayer & hot tea :) and I grab my favorite lunch; Amy's Mexican Casserole Bowl just to make sure I've got something nice to look forward to.

  150. I start the day with a cup of tea and some journaling. Thanks for the chance to win. You're so very generous!

  151. I usually start it with reading and coffee!

    I SO would love to win this :)

  152. I started my Monday with licks and hugs from the pups! The best way to start every day! Then walks and coffee and journaling. Life is blessed! Thank you for your generosity! Have a fabulous week!

  153. I started my Monday off with a grunt and a growl at my husband (poor guy). Thanks for the chance to win. I'd love to snag a couple of items from your store. They are so cute!

  154. I start relax because I am on hollidays!! :)

  155. Anonymous8:27 AM

    earl grey tea! Big cup, and writing in my journal at my kitchen table looking at the mountains.

  156. i am starting this monday with:

    trader joe's instant coffee
    feather earrings
    letting the light in
    scheduling a manicure :)

    thanks for the chance to win!!

  157. How do I start my Mondays? Slowly ;) I come to my lab (I'm a scientist), feed my bacteria and check my favorite blogs with a cup of tea!

  158. I start off my morning with my boyfriend (being the cat that he is) waking me up with friendly scratches and sounds.

    At least he makes me my favorite English Breakfast tea as a kind and gentleman surrender to my morning wrath.

  159. ArikaB8:35 AM

    By catching up on all the blogs I stalk. :)

  160. I start my monday with a shower, a cup of coffee and a little bit of reading on my fav blogs with my cat Bebe.

    Thanks for letting us have the chance to win.

  161. sarita8:39 AM

    Kiss hubby, cuddle Happy dog, make tea, stretches...all while enjoying a view of the same awesome Oregon sea as yourself from a town just down the road from yours...:). love your blog, love your art, and am totally digging your stamps!

  162. I started today with a workout!

  163. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I am a mother of two kids, my Monday morning usually chao where I need to get my 4 1/2 years old up and be ready for her pre-k school. I also have to feeding my 3 months old at the same time, I always carry him around and trying to chase my 4 1/2 years old around and help her get ready. After, everything settle down... I would start browsing pinterest and read. Everyday always different but I love being a mother, my kids are very special to my heart.

  164. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yay for the rock rings! I've been waiting very very patiently for them! We got married at Breaker's Point (rehearsal dinner was a bonfire at Sunset Left) so if it's Oregon beach anything, I love it! And I've been looking for a temporary replacement for my wedding rings while they are getting resized so this is perfect. Thank you!
    And yay for gift certificate giveaways!

  165. I started my day with a glass of organic wheat grass. It energizes and alkalizes!

    I love all that you do. The rock rings are funky! You are an inspiration.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift certificate. Yeah!!!

  166. Wow! I love those prints. And I love this giveaway! I start my Monday off with a hot cup of coffee or tea and introspection. I've found that a quiet moment in the morning makes a big difference on the day.

  167. First load of laundry in and enjoying a cup of tea and catching up on the internet! Noticed that I can even win something from you!!!

  168. I'm having a slow morning with a good book. Haven't read in a while and I find myself with some undetermined time!

  169. Tea, Facebook and job mail. But nice, either way. For a long time I was afraid of Mondays. Not anymore, not since I decided that freelance life is for me.

  170. Mondays I always hit the snooze one extra time before I get up and make a smoothie.

  171. Coffee and prayer! In the same exact spot, every morning... I'm a person of ritual! :)

  172. Leaving on a train this am for a week in Seattle with my hubby. Just pulling out of Portland....beautiful morn. Thank you for the chance to win. Appreciate you.

  173. With a homemade Mocha, enjoying the quiet of the morning.

  174. My Monday starts like all my days, a cup of tea. The morning paper and then a fantastic walk with my dogs in a fantastic, beautiful off leash park that overlooks the ocean. Can't be better.

  175. My Mondays start with coffee, fresh juice and a long walk with the dog before the sun comes up. And don't forget the music on the headphones. Sometimes I forget and sing really loud - oh well, I'm sure it's time for the neighbors to wake up too! :)

  176. Hello Alisa!
    I start my Mondays, getting ready to
    let my girl in the Kindergarten.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a gift certificate.
    Happy Monday!

  177. Like every other morning, I force myself out of bed and get my girls their breakfast.

  178. Well, I start by making my 3 girls lunches for school! Then I make them something for breakfast. It's a ritual I do every morning and it makes me happy to start the week that way! I would love to won a gift certificate so I can finally take one of your classes online. Thanks for the chance! Love your rock rings by the way. May have to order one of those too!

  179. My Mondays start with getting the kiddo off to school, then I get to school as though, lucky me! But not before I check email and my favorite blogs with a cup of tea.

  180. I started my Monday EARLY, with a special NIA class/workshop and then recycling! Great way to roll on into the week! Invigorated and inspired!

  181. I start my Mondays with traffic on the way to work. But, I end my Mondays going home to my loving husband, which is pretty much perfect.

  182. shawnb9:17 AM

    Well, *this* Monday I will start by cleaning up about a zillion feathers from the backyard. My dogs had quite the party with the cat's feather pillow bed! (The cat is fine...just a little grumpy now that his comfy bed is gone!)

  183. Monday : 5:15 wake up, teeth brushed while acai berry tee steaps, morning yoga in my pjs and then off to the rat race :)

  184. I start Monday, and everyday, with a prayer and caffeine! Thanks for the chance of the giveaway!!! I want to take your free motion quilting class...pls..pls..pls!!!

  185. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Thanks for the chance to win a gift card to your shop!
    I like to start my Mondays with a nice cup of green tea.
    ~Julia M. in MI

  186. Praying, nursing #6, diet coke, and Bible study with my kiddos.

  187. I start my Monday by kissing my fiance and making coffee, not always in that order.

  188. I start my Mondays with a good workout and then giving my kids hugs when they wake up.

  189. I love your style. I start my with a scripture and happy thoughts.

  190. Coffee! and looking at my favorite blogs before starting the day. I love your work.

  191. I LOVE YOUR ART! I just found out I'm pregnant so this morning started out slow and a little queazy. :)

  192. I start Monday off with reading, continued with yoga sometimes. It's my day off so anything relaxing.

  193. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I start every Monday by thinking "Where did my weekend go???"

  194. I work all weekend, so I start Monday with lots of coffee and making plans for the week.

  195. I started this Monday watching a video of twin babies talking to each other in their own chatter-Im still smiling..

  196. I started my Monday with yoghurt and blueberries, and half an hour on the treadmill. Thank you for the giveaway!

  197. This morning I started with cleaning the bathroom! Yuck, not my favorite! Usually its coffee and emails!

  198. My Monday's start with coffee. Well, all of my mornings start with coffee. :)

  199. I start the day with coffee and Morning Pages....3 hand written journal pages...
