
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

do what you love (no matter what)

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  1. Just gorgeous! Alisa! Your painted feathers have always been my favourite :)

  2. Beautiful photos and love your feather too!

  3. Love your feather, plus got a kick out of your little helper.

  4. Such sweet that little face peeking up from the floor.

  5. So wonderful, love the feather, and the little one, must inspire you!

  6. Yes! Yes! Yes!
    You are setting a great example for beautiful Miss Lucy by doing what you love, too :)


  7. so cute! my kids are always hovering around me when i paint or craft too! it inspires them to create too. but i find myself spending more time getting their stuff prepared than they spend painting!! lol

  8. There was a time in my life when I sewed dolls and my kids were right there next to me playing the the thread (and sometimes sitting on the table) and whatever else they could get into as I worked. You adapt to continue what you love.

  9. i LOVE that "SHE" is exploring, thinking, you aren't watching!!! xoxo

  10. I love your artwork! And your little one is so cute! How do you work when she is around? I am having a difficult time focusing on anything when I have to watch small children!

  11. That feather painting is beautiful...
    and I think you have a little artist on your hands! :)

  12. Lovely. I look forward to your blog everyday! Can you tell us what size and what type of paper you are working with. I'm really wanting to do something BIG. Just too timid to try.

  13. What a beautiful piece this is! I also enjoy your blog every day. You post such inspiring pictures of your activities and your family. Thank you!

  14. waouh ! this feather is beautiful !

  15. you do the most wonderous feathers alisa ;)

  16. I love that your husband and Lucy are always involved in your creating. Such a beautiful family :)

  17. And that's why I put gallon paint cans under the legs of my dining table (painting studio table)! Kept all my artwork out of sight from my curious daughter - out of sight, out of mind! Of course I couldn't work when she was around - 'cause then she'd be all over it, but when I could steal a moment, (nap time, evenings) I'd be painting! Great feather painting - & love the photo story!

  18. Beautiful! Your art and your daughter! The things you love! Love this series of photos!

  19. I don't think you could ask for a more adorable assistant....beautiful work as always.

  20. the feather is absolutely beautiful!!!

  21. beautiful! what a cute little helper you have. i love love love your feather....i really want to learn how to draw/paint have inspired me to try.

  22. Anonymous4:26 PM

    What I most like about your blog is that everyone can see that a simple life can be such a marvellous one. Everything about your life is pure love: your family, your art, the way you look at the world.
    Since I start visiting you, I started slowing down my frenetic life and paying atention to wht really matters. Thsnk you, Alisa. I hope someday I can give you back :)


  23. dreamy.beautiful! :) and love them little fingers attached. xo

  24. your photos are just beautiful. thank you for sharing. and your daughter is too cute for words.

  25. your daughter made me smile today...these pictures are too cute! have a nice and creative day today. Sunny greetings from Germany, geisslein

  26. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Your a means of inspiration to all of us. Feathers and Lucy make my day.

  27. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I am shocked at how true this post rings in my life right now. I also have a baby girl (10 months), and I also come from a creative background. I left my career in design when I had my daughter, and feel like I have lost myself. Only currently have I re-ignited the creative flame burning in me. I am making steps to get back into the game, but determined to make it work from home. Balancing a baby and attempting a freelance career is no easy feat, but you just gave me an extra dose of inspiration! The little hands on the canvas look so familiar! :)

    Thank you!

  28. Wow, Alisa thank you for your encouraging words. I have been at this business for a long time. It gets so frustrating when there are people who seem to have instant success when I have been working at this for years. The income comes in spurts for me. After taking time to raise my three kids I am getting back into the field more now that my kids are older. It is so hard to juggle kid's activities with career.

  29. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The photos of your little helper are darling!

  30. Alisa, You are such an inspiration that I attempted to draw a feather like yours...Mine was not as loose and free looking as yours. Your strokes are so fluent that it awes me! My feather was tight and dark! sigh! God bless your talent!

  31. I enjoyed the artwork and photo's and your little helper. :D

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