
Thursday, September 20, 2012

11 months of Lucy

Picture 1


IMG_8509Picture 4
Picture 2


  1. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Uber cute!!

  2. Aww how adorable. I love the little teepee too! x

  3. Sooo cute!!!
    Number 10 in your list made me smile. Was about 17 years ago already so ;-) And playing in a tent has also always been a favourite here.

  4. She's sooo cute. And looks exactly like you, with her dark brown eyes. She will be a beauty, for sure. :)

  5. Just gorgeous! That little frown in the top image is just the cutest! :)

  6. Beautiful, as always, Alisa! Lucy grows more gorgeous with every month. :-)

  7. absolutely adorable -- I have enjoyed lucy growing up -- love the teepee -- great idea --

  8. How very cute. Glad you are starting to feel like yourself again.
    And ohh I want a Teepee in my lounge, do you think its ok for adults to have them too?

  9. Oh my, that teepee in your living room! I so want one of those!

  10. Happy Birthday Lucy! She is a cutie. My daughter is 11 today. Great day to have a birthday.

  11. You have such a beautiful family. I love your "months of Lucy" posts. They really speak to my heart and remind me of when my two sweet girls were so small...they are 8 and 10 now! I completely understand about being painfully aware of the passage of time.

    Love your blog, love your art, love how you share yourself so generously. Thank you!

  12. Long time lurker, first time poster. I love your blog and Lucy is the most adorable baby ever, well accept for my little guy. Plus that teepee is to die for! I am actually from Oregon but live in Florida now. It is great to see pieces of home on your posts. =)

  13. EXTREME DELIGHT! we are going to go through life, knowing and recognizing this little peanut! xo

  14. What a wee little darling!

  15. It has been so much fun watching your wonderful career grow, your pregnancy, and the growth of Lucy. Beautiful family!

  16. I laughed when I read #4: "There are toys hidden in every nook and cranny of our house" since recently I found a small cylinder purple block behind some books in our bookshelf - and my "baby" is 23! Happy 11 months Lucy!

  17. She is such a cutie! I can't get over what a good walker she is at just 11 months. And I LOVE the teepee in your house...I could curl up in it myself! :-)

  18. They grow toooo fast - don´t they?
    I love the sight of oregon coast - how lucky you are.

    Best wishes from Germany

  19. the pic of Lucy at the top of the post is too cute. love the perplexed look. she is so photogenic. she could be a model.

  20. love love love!!! :D can't believe she's almost a year! absolutely adore the sing/dance!! xoxoxo

  21. She's so beautiful. Your husband reminds me so much of my husband and our babies loved their papa too! Still do and some are grown!! :)

  22. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Dreams do come true. Lucy has grown so much. Sharing her with the rest of us is a treat.

  23. Hey Alisa ! I just can't tell u how much I love Lucy ! Her picture make me so happy, almost the way I feel for my kid's babyhood pics. Lots of her, and her singing .. OMG !!! Brilliant ., :))

  24. My version of your "Lucy" is 17 in three months. Her name is Laura, and I still look at her in wonder and amazement that she is my child.... In fact I look at all three of my children that way. (Sometimes I look at them in frustration and bewilderment, but mostly wonder and amazement!) Lucy will teach you things about yourself that you didn't even think you needed to learn. X

  25. awwww... What a beautiful family! My baby girl is a singer and dancer and comedy show on wheels. and she just turned 4 on Monday. Four. FOUR YEARS OLD! Unbelieveable. She just started preschool... I remember walking by that school with her in the stroller all tucked under a blanket, thinking, "Someday you'll go there and meet other little friends and mommy will go home and CRY!" :o) Cherish all these beautiful moments!

  26. Just precious! I enjoy seeing the pics of her. My little girl turned 5 last month and I didn't start to feel myself until she turned 4. LOL!

  27. I love that little (BIG!) tent! I agree about Tupperware. My kids sed to fit inside Tupperware bowls and pots and pans. The best toys!!

    Enjoy! :-)

  28. great singer and dancer!!very cute!!

  29. Lucy is adorable. When my kids were that young the best play things were pots, pans, lids, wooden and plastic untensils and the tupperware. lol
    My girl is 20 and my boys are 17 and 12. I sometimes miss the stage where Lucy is now. The photo's are beautiful.

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