
Sunday, July 15, 2012

updates from the studio

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We are slowly but surely getting settled into our new home and new life and let me just say that this entire process has been slow and more challenging than we are used to (hello baby who is mobile!) - but we are embracing the pace, the process and just giving ourselves time to get unpacked and comfortable in our new surroundings. I have jumped back into work and a number of creative commitments and its time for a couple of quick updates!

photo by my dad

Something I haven't shared is that I rarely, if ever ask for help or seek assistance. Everything I do in my creative business- from making art to online classes to photography to filming to editing to web design to html coding to email and all the other crazy things I do on a daily basis- I have been doing alone. Add 9 months of taking care of a baby all day- its been clear for a while that I desperately need help- my business has grown and I just can't do it alone anymore! The years of planning and preparation to change our lives and move to Oregon included the decision to bring my husband and mom on board to help me out with the business. I am happy (beyond happy) to announce that these two fabulous people have my back and will be helping me out in a variety of ways. You will likely be seeing more of them as we move into all kinds of new and exciting creative opportunities and changes!

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I've got all sorts of new online classes coming your way and I am so excited to announce the latest that will coming very soon- Ode to Nature. I will be sharing all of the information (and a giveaway) next week so check back in for the details!


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I have all kinds of fun stuff coming your way including answers to frequently asked questions, a peek into our new home, a look at the new studio space, sharing some of my favorite places and things here in Oregon, all kinds of new tutorials, inspiration and SO much more! Stay tuned!


  1. I wish you good luck, Alice! It is like reading your blog! Thank you!

  2. Nice to see your little update. And ery eager to see the upcoming posts . sounds exiting !!

  3. Good Luck =) I hope you will do everthing perfectly =)


  4. Yes, all of these new things and changes sound so exciting! I love reading those update blog posts, they make me dream big.

  5. Your new location and changes in your life sound wonderful! So glad that your family can be a part of the business - can't wait to hear more about the Ode to Nature class.

  6. Exciting times! Love following along...

  7. Your life is so exciting!
    Can`t wait for the new class!

  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I am very happy for you and your family. You have worked hard to make your career grow. All the planning and hard work has paid off and now it is time to grow even more.
    I can't wait for all the fresh and exciting talent that you are sharing with us. I have my grandson going to school this year so I will have free time to take a few of your courses. I can't wait.
    Keeping a baby is a job but, when you get my age, it is harder than I thought it would be.
    I am sure we all can't wait for a small peek into your home, work and play. I know I enjoy just about everything you do and show us.
    Charlotte, North Carolina

  9. Best wishes on your new location and in your latest business endeavors Alisa! Your nature class looks like a fabulous class-I'll be staying on top of this for sure :)

  10. I'm excited for you new class and seeing your new adventures! Welcome back to the northwest!

  11. I must say you are lucky to have such wonderful husband and a beautiful kind mother by your side. But of course,it's your determination and the hard work which keeps u strong and always on the top of ideas. May u keep growing with your little one and keep us inspiring as u have always. Lots of best luck.

  12. Congrats to you on the move and a successful business! How wonderful to have such a supportive family that can help you with your business. I am always inspired by your art, so I appreciate all the hard work you put into everything you do. It's fun seeing your new neighborhood and muse!

    I am a nature lover too, and inspired by nature, especially my own backyard and hiking trails, so I'm looking forward to your next class!

  13. Ode to nature sounds like something I would love. My blog address has nature art in it! I haven't taken one of your classes yet but I really want to!

  14. I am inspired by you AND nature and especially Oregon, so I look forward to hearing more about your class and following your new life in the NW!

  15. Lovely to hear that you've settled back in Oregon. What a wonderful husband and mom you have. I love seeing your beautiful sketches and it's great to know your able to continue your creativity with the support of your family. Ali x

  16. Excellent news! I know it will be good to have some help to keep your biz booming!

  17. I hardly ever comment but i lurk around your blog regularly! I am excited about all your new stuff going on, and happy for you to have help!

  18. Alisa, I am so excited for you! I am a new and avid reader, and wish you all the best on this new part of your journey. How very special to have your husband and mom on board!

  19. All the best!!! I am excited about the new classes. I have already taken 4 of your classes and they have unlocked something in the creative side of my brain. Also, I keep going back to the classes and check the videos or pictures again, there is so much to learn from every lesson. Thank you so much for the inspiration.

  20. All the best on your new journey and beautiful picture of you surrounded by trees - i think that trees are like magical -.
    Cheers from Spain.

  21. From a rainy Cape Town, I just luv looking at all the green, everything's just a bit grey round me about now, the freshness of it all - the greens it is just doing it for me. Good luck with your venture, you're an inspiration believe me. May the blessings surround you.

  22. Anonymous9:52 AM

    So happy for you Alisa. Your nature inspired class sounds wonderful. I was just telling my neighbor (who is pregnant) how you put Lucy in your carrier and you keep on painting, hiking & so on. You are very inspirational Alisa. Thank you for your commitment to blogging. Your discipline and passion for all things creative really comes through, thank you. Julia/phila.

  23. I guess i already figured your hubby and mom had your back......nice of you to recognize them though. Good luck with your big business! Hugs! deb

  24. oh alisa, i'm so glad that your family is helping you. :) i'm eagerly awaiting the fun things to come.

  25. That's very exciting news, Alisa. I have always hoped that Andy would do more artistic things with his fantastic talent. It will be nice to get to know your Mom more also.

  26. Looks like you spend your day with a whole lot of fun. Happy photos you got there, full of joy and and love.
