
Thursday, July 12, 2012

9 months of lucy

Picture 1
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 2
Picture 3

lu and andy dancing from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.


  1. she is beautiful :)

  2. Oh my God! I will never get tired of telling you THANKS FOR SHARING. (I'm going through a family situation which is very hard: Mom has severe dementia and Dad and I are 24/7 always with her and for her). Watching babies or little children always remind us that there is life, there is future and there is lots of love.
    Both Andy and you are "head over heels" in love with Lucy wonder...She's simply perfect.
    Watching you grow as a mother and artist is also a very gratifying experience. Congratulations.
    Soft kiss for Lucy

  3. too adorable. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Amoooore!!! So nice!
    Happy nineth!

  5. Darcy5:58 AM

    thank you for sharing your blessings. lu is pure joy!

  6. Your 16second video made me cry.
    Whatever you do, don't ever lose those little bits and pieces of you and Andy with Lucy.
    I have one picture of my dad with me at 6 months, and it is my all-time favorite picture of us together. When she's old enough to appreciate, it those 16 seconds will mean so much to her.

  7. You have such beautiful family. I'm so happy to see so much love and that you share it with everyone through your art and everyday life. Kisses for Lucy. Hugs.

  8. ah four teeth at once! the poor little un, teething is so tough on them. I'm loving these posts x

  9. I love your posts about Lucy (I'm pregnant with my first, so they get me so excited)because I can feel the love AND the pictures of her are just.too.cute.

  10. she so purty!!!! such a sweet little baby, an amazing blessing. and it is amazing how much love a heart can hold for a baby! she is a lucky little girl!

  11. more than words. :)

  12. You and your husband are such cute and fun parents. You are blessed. I love seeing people love their children and take time for them. You, your art and how you are with your family is inspiring.

  13. Christa12:44 PM

    You are beautiful. All of you! Wish you the best!

  14. A she's adorable... B she is beautiful... So sweet to see that "little miss bright eyes" does take a nap from time to time!!! Lots of love!!!

  15. livethegoldenrule7:15 PM

    I am so proud of you for capturing all of these beautiful moments. It is amazing how our heart's can hold so much love and still hold even more the next day.<3 Seeing your pictures and videos sure take me back. The 3 of you touch my heart. Thank you so much for reminding me of all the joy and love.

  16. It doesn't hurt that she's GORGEOUS.

  17. What a doll baby. Is it the pictures or is her hair actually showing more red now?

  18. How adorable all this is, love that you share each month with us. I can't believe how fast this last month went by, hold onto these precious memories!!

    I bet your family is enjoying her soooo much!! Happy Weekend!

  19. Isn't it amazing to see how much love your heart can hold??!! Love your photos! The best is Daddy singing and playing guitar to baby. I got chills when they were dancing that clip for the day he dances wtih her at her wedding!

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Lucy is honestly one of the most beautiful babies i have ever seen. Congratulations.

  21. aww, she's just so cuddly. she's very beautiful. i like your hair too. nice one! keep posting please. i wanna see more pics of lucy. thanks!
