
Friday, June 29, 2012

we are home!


I am happy to report that on Wednesday evening we pulled into the driveway of our new house on the Oregon Coast! Our little caravan arrived in one piece- exhausted and nerves shot but in one piece- to the sun shining and fresh Oregon air (there is nothing quite like it). It only took us two days of driving to get here but those two days may have been the longest days of my life! I though going through childbirth was hard- NOTHING compared to being in the car with a 8 month old, teething, tired, wiggly baby!!! Except for a few minor episodes- Lucy did as good as possible and thankfully I had my mom in my car to help out with the driving.

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We are now unpacking and getting settled into our new home and really just trying to take a little time to decompress and take some time to rest and just enjoy each other!

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I just got back online today and will return Monday with all kinds fun stuff! Happy weekend to everyone!


  1. Welcome back to Oregon! I think there is going to be a fireworks display in your honor Wednesday, LOL! Best of luck in your new adventure.

  2. Yay! So great to hear! Glad you are safe and sound...enjoy settling in to your new home!

  3. Mucha suerte en vuestra nueva vida!!!! Desde España con cariño!!!

  4. Congratulations!
    I am so excited for you!
    I hope that your new home is filled with love, laughter, inspiration, and joy in the years to come!

  5. welcome home!! another of our babies flew far away with 2 1 year old kitties that just cried to get in their carriers! atlanta to chicago! they arrived you have arrived and all are safe and so happy to be in their HOMES!
    have a restorative weekend friend

  6. Welcome home!Settle down, relax and enjoy motherhood and a new home! I am sure we will see lovely things from your inspirational art in future!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. Congratulations on your new home and arriving in one piece! (It sure beats arriving in more that one piece! LOL) Take a nap with your baby and hubby, and save opening the boxes for another day... expect maybe that one with the coffee pot in it... you may need that in the morning. :)

  8. Welcome Home! I'm impressed you've been posting all along the way! Enjoy your weekend and hopefully you have a little bit of time to decompress.

  9. Congrats on the new home! I hope all the unpacking goes well. That's actually my favorite part of moving, is find new places for everything. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Welcome back! You're too beautiful although this long trip. Good luck to everyone!

  11. Anonymous12:57 PM

    thank for the news
    Mohair in Paris (France)

  12. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Wonderful news! Congrats and happy housewarming!

  13. So happy you are all out of the car! The rest is easy (yea, right). Have a great weekend.

  14. You have a great family!


  15. Congratulations on your homecoming! So nice to see that you'll have rhodies growing near your home. They are always how I remember Oregon. I'm sure they'll provide hours and hours of sketching inspiration. Happy for you and your family!

  16. Congratulations!! Your photo brings me tears, remembering how hard a move can is. No matter how exciting it can be, it's traumatic too!! All the best to your adorable family. Hope you all get some good rest soon!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Amber4:44 PM

    Congratulations and welcome home! Hope you have some wonderful down time...I look forward to the Monday post. You picked the perfect time of the year to come back to the PNW. Hooray!

  18. I am so happy you are all safely home !!! I watch from the sidelines and never comment.. but today I feel touched by your post and your inspiration !! Congratulations on your new beginnings in one of my favorite places !!! Hugs !!!

  19. Congratulations on your safe arrival back in Oregon. It will be fun to follow your new adventures!

  20. So glad you arrived all safe and sound.

    Your family is so beautiful. I wish you many years of happiness in your new place. God bless!

  21. This is a good news and i give you my good luck for the new adventure!

  22. Happy you all made it safely!! Enjoy being home again and take your time unpacking, a good walk outside is probably just what all 3of you need!! Best of luck on this new adventure!

  23. Welcome Home...nothing feels better. Enjoy the settling in!

  24. welcome to the pacific northwest!'re going to LOVE the oregon coast! there's no better place in the world to create and dream and imagine. you'll like branch off in an entirely new direction with all the loveliness around you. we live in washington state on a tiny island overlooking a puget sound harbor and i love it here. but we always travel to cannon beach every single year with our family to fill our reservoirs. if you haven't been to cannon need to go. the feeling there is one of inspiration and creativity and it's probably the closest place to the gods of creativity than anywhere else on earth. welcome to the northwest. we're so glad to have you!

  25. Welcome Back!!! Its so close, but SO FAR AWAY when you are trying to entertain a baby in the back seat for 2 days. Now you are ready to try the 18-22 hour plane ride to Bali! Lol. Enjoy the Summer!

  26. So happy to see your new home! You did great with 8 month old girl in car for days. Enjoy decorating your new sweet home!

  27. such great news !! now have a rest ...but you must have so many things to do ...enjoy your new home, hugs to all the family !

  28. I'm so excited for you and your family, Alisa! I hope everything goes smoothly.

  29. Welcome Home! I lived in Portland, Or. for 15 years. I miss it.
