
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8 months of lucy

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8 months of lucy

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  1. She is super smart baby! shooo shweeeet...

  2. She is sooo cutee!

  3. Beautiful baby, No 9 is a must, they grow so quickly

  4. She is so beautiful, enjoy every precious moment with her. Don't you just love how silly our big husbands become with their daughters!!

  5. She is so sweet! Oh yes they do grow so fast you will never know!AriadnefromGreece!

  6. She is the cutest and so big now, this is my favorite LUCY UPDATE ever. Love love the pillow forts and seeing her and daddy in the playpen had me laughing so hard. LOVE LOVE her new scarves, hats anything cute is a must. The video had me laughing so hard also, that is funny and she will love seeing that when she's older.

    Enjoy and savor each precious moment and stage she is at now. It goes by even faster when they start walking. Mine our teens and older and I miss these days so much right now.
    HAPPY 8mths. to all 3 of you.

  7. the video made me laughing...thank you ;o)

  8. Oh she is sweet! My daughter is 28 and still has my husband wrapped around her fingers!

  9. Such an adorable little one! She's growing and changing so fast. I especially love the closeup shot of Lucy wearing her hat.

  10. Anonymous5:03 AM

    That picture of your little girl with the yellow and pink hat on is absolutely adorable! What a priceless picture!

  11. Couldnt stop saying Soo Cute for all the snaps i saw :)

  12. DonnaL5:33 AM

    These pics melt my heart -- you must have more babies!! Lucy is adorable, love the one with the fedora.

  13. Have not been here for some time...Lucy is precious! A baby in a bandanna ...that's a first for me and I just love it!

  14. ok, i say the same thing every at every monthly update- SHE IS A STINKIN CUTIE!!!! oh my goodness!!! such sweet baby love! she is gonna be a daddy's girl, for real! and that play pen licking thing is so funny!!!!!

  15. she is adorable, her pillow fort looks so comfy, and i love the bandana. those girls - they steal your heart every time!

  16. She is so precious!
    We moved when my son was 7 months and again when he was 11 months. It IS hard work, but you can do it!
    And pretty soon, Lucy will be painting right alongside you! My favorite days are when the kids join me in making art.

  17. You are soooo blessed. Beautiful baby, adoring supportive hubby and a mom (you) with creative and unique love. Thanks so much for sharing your intimate moments with Lucy. You've put sparkle and laughter into my morning.

  18. great pics - loving the pic in the hat, it is one of your best. My daughter has 11 mo old triplets, and pillow forts don't work for her, she needs steel gates. Love this modern age where we can watch our littles grow up.

  19. I love your art and your blog and have grown to love Lucy too! She is so adorable. The playpen scene is sooo funny!

  20. oh my goodness, i don't think there could be a cuter little girl! and that video clip is hilarious! made me smile from ear to ear!!!

  21. Your Lucy is every bit as adorable as my Sweet Pea, which, you know, is saying a lot. ; )

  22. Oh my, Lucy is so adorable. Love that video clip :)

  23. she is so sweet....

  24. My twin daughters and I just cracked up at Lucy in the playpen.

  25. I love those close up shots of her face. You're right that you can definitely see her personality showing!

  26. I LOVE the video!! I had to play it a couple times. She is hilarious!! Thanks for a great laugh and sharing your beautiful family.

  27. She's a cute and that video is Hilarious!!

  28. What a precious post about your precious family! Enjoy each moment, time flies and the worry doesn't do a bit of good :)

  29. She is beautiful. And I have to say, I love your gorgeous style, especially the longs skirts you wear!

  30. Beautiful photos of you and your family:)

  31. I love seeing your family <3
    Lucy is totally super cute ><
    I was laughing when I watched the video, hahaha :))

  32. Alisa,
    Lucy is so pretty. You and your husband are so blessed and I'm so happy for you. Love the way Lucy is looking at her daddy while in the playpen. Thanks for sharing such beautiful photos!

  33. She is absolutely perfect!.
    It's beautiful to see her grow, thanks for sharing.
    You three are an adorable family.

  34. Adorable of course. It gets more fun and more crazy in a few more months. Your plans will change yet again.

  35. treasure beyond measure your little lucy is 8 months! :)

  36. Wow where does the time go, she's utterly gorgeous and it's very obvious that she really is the centre of your world! Love the little video at the end! Hope the move isn't too stressful, keep going it'll be worth it in the end!


  37. Precious photos; she has alot to say with those eyes! Wonder what she'll have to say when you can understand her special language. She is priceless - truly priceless - and you guys look absolutely smitten and happy!

  38. She is sooo cute!!!
    I feel funny asking... but Where did you get your couch pillows?? I LOVE them!!

  39. She is SO adorable! When I saw that picture of her in the hat I said, "Be still my heart." And that video is just the best. Thanks for a sweet laugh today.

  40. OK that picture of your husband and Lucy in the pack-and-play might possibly be the cutest father/daughter pic in the whole world.

  41. hahaha, the video and the pic of your hubby and her in the playpen, so funny...
