
Monday, April 16, 2012

updates from the studio

Oh my goodness things are CRAZY over here! We have less than 2 months left in San Diego and then we are off to the Oregon Coast and the next chapter of our lives ( if you missed my big news about our move you can find it here). In the meantime there is a ridiculous amount work that needs to get done (the biggest= renting out our condo in San Diego!) And to top it all off I have a number of wonderful and creative things happening over here- some I have to wait to talk about- and the rest- well here is the update....

With our big move to the Oregon Coast I will be using my new studio space to host retreats and classes and I have been putting the details together for the first retreat (in the fall) and a schedule of classes for the year. I will be announcing all of the details in May and I cannot WAIT to share what I have been working on!

I have begun the overwhelming task of packing up my studio ( I think I have more stuff in my studio than we have in the house!) and I need to organize and get rid of stuff which inspired me to have a studio sale! From original artwork to class kits to supplies and hand painted fabric- I will be putting together a "virtual studio sale" that will go live in my online shop in May.

Picture 3
I will be teaching at the CREATE Retreat in Irvine, CA May 30- June 3 so if you are interested in taking a live class from me- here is your chance! Head on over to the CREATE website for all of the details!

the art of abstraction online class
My latest class The Art of Abstraction just went live and its not to late to join in the messy and abstract fun! We are heading into lesson two and I am already thrilled with all the creativity going on! Since all of my online classes have unlimited access you can register at any time and create at your own pace. I've got lots more online classes coming your way soon!

don't forget I have a free online mini class that you can access at any time here- Finding Your Muse

Sew Wild
I am thrilled that my book Sew Wild has been released as an ebook! That means is can now be viewed on devices like the Kindle, Nook and iPad. Head over to Interweave Store to download!


  1. While, "YAY, you're moving to Oregon" is floating through my brain, I'm also thinking, "Dang, wish they were moving to NJ so I could take some Alisa Burke classes in person..."
    I'm a NJ native and I love it hear, but okay, those pictures you posted of Oregon sure look beautiful, so good luck with the packing and the moving, and I can't wait for the virtual sale!

  2. Hi Alisa,

    Is there any chance that you could send me info on your condo in San Diego? :)

    juliesmithmusic (at)

  3. Really great!


  4. SOOOOOO stinkin excited for the virtual studio sale!!!! :D

  5. Fun and busy days ahead for you! Wishing I lived closer to take some "live" classes :)

  6. naomi G4:00 PM

    Hey alisa! I just love your studio and i am so inspired by your art journaling! I just wanted to know... what is on the walls of your studio? magazine clippings? artwork? please let me know!
