
Sunday, April 29, 2012

channel your inner picasso!


channel your inner picasso from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.
music- swing guitars by django reinhardt



  1. Looks great! And the little co pilot is super cute:-)

  2. ...and the kiddo is with you all the way...lovely!

  3. I had to watch this twice....once to only watch Lucy and then to watch it again to see your actions on the painting! What an awesome video, especially for her to see when she is college age!!! Thanks for sharing such beautiful moments....she seemed to be stretching her neck to look over your shoulder.....precious!!!! Next she will have her fingers in it with you!

  4. Amazing what you can do in a few minutes!

    Please keep sharing with videos. IT´s amazing to watch you working!

  5. yes Amazing fun to watch even at 6 am MONDAY morning and Lucy is a great visual as well! Loved watching her make sure we are still watching!

  6. Love the art, of course, but even more fun was watching Lucy be distracted by the camera but then get engrossed in the art and the color!!!

  7. great video...that little girl is lucky to go on a wild art ride! Just love your blog.

  8. Love this! Thanks for sharing a video! And little Lucy on your back is adorable! She was so interested in your painting. I love how you are finding ways to be a mom and an artist. I'm just a hobby-artist, but really stopped for years when my kids were little - I shouldn't have! You are smart. It is hard, but you are doing it! : ) Thanks for sharing your talents!

  9. Lucy was INTERESTED in those colors! Too bad she wasn't higher up on your shoulders so she could see better. Great video and great painting. Thanks for sharing! deb

  10. Love it! Everyone can get some inspiration from Picasso.

  11. Love seeing Lucy... So cute! She's learning to paint! I love how she started out with her hand on your back, and later looking around to see what the heck Mom is up to!

  12. What a fantastic video! You make it look so easy and I know it isn't... I can't wait to show my kids, I know they are going to love it! Lovely for your daughter to look back on. xx

  13. Oh, that is wonderful! I so love the video with your sweet babe looking on. So cute!

  14. Loved the video...great job on the inner Picasso. Your little co~star is just as cute as can be :)

  15. Rebecca Renkas7:37 AM

    I love all the art videos and postings you put on your blog, your really an inspiration to everyone. Loved watching your daughter Lucy looking over your shoulder while you painted. Baby backpacks(carriers) are the best, it lets a mother multi-task and still do the things we love.
    Keep posting.

  16. So wonderful, colorful, and free!

  17. LOVE LOVE THIS!! Had to watch it twice, once for Lucy and then for your art. What a great painting you made, love how fun you made it and all the colors.

    How cute she was watching you, if only she was a little higher but she was looking. What a great thing your teaching her, wait till she can paint with you.

    I was actually going to ask you to share what thoughts you have on starting Lucy in art. Have you been thinking about when/how/what you will do when she's big enough?? How old do you think she should be?
    Thanks soooo much for the inspiration!

  18. Absolutely love watching this video here and in your Art of Abstract online class! I loved how Lucy tried so hard to watch the camera to the point of nearly breaking her neck, that she turned to watching you paint instead! I am enjoying your class as well as i am so inspired by what you get done with a baby home with you. I've been there, it's not easy! My heart goes out to you!

  19. Love this video! Your painting is gorgeous and really what I needed was the HOPE the video offers me to paint again with my new baby! Thank you!

  20. That was awesome..loved watching it and Lucy was having a blast as're not only an artists inspiration, but a parenting one as well...!!!..

  21. what kind of paint do you use with your fingers?

  22. Loved your video, especially with your little assistant. Lucy's adorable and I love seeing how you share your artistry with her. The storybook sketchbook is so amazing! Thank you for sharing!
