
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

6 months of Lucy



  1. i am so excited! i finally bopught your class!!!!

  2. Amazing! I smiled the whole time I read this post. You have such a beautiful family.

  3. Oh, I know these feelings... my son is already 2 years old and I can't believe it. And I wonder if I'm doing right too... we do our best and I'm sure that the children feel this!
    Thanks for sharing these unique pics with us! Congratulations!

  4. beautiful. enough said. just beautiful

  5. What an absolutely darling baby! I can deeply relate to all the items on your numbered list, and my kids are 23 and 19!! It's deep... it goes by FAST!.... and it never dies. Much love to you all.

  6. time most certainly flies! :)

  7. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy every second. It goes too fast. My babies are 25 and 22 and raising them is the best thing I have ever done! They make me happy every day. You have an adorable little one! Congratulations!

  8. i understand, alisa, mine are 2 and 6 and the passing of time is a blessing and a fear all bundled into one. she is beautiful!

  9. So gorgeous, is she! I agree, it's sad to see how time flies and amazingly how cliche that sounds (it's so true!).

  10. oh my gosh!! can you say is spelled Lucy!!!

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    She's gorgeous. You have a beautiful family. It does go by super fast - enjoy each moment.

  12. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Soooooooooo precious!

  13. You're such an amazing family. You're doing great I'm pretty sure. My son is 15 and I still feel many of the things you've described. Lucy is beautiful and strong!

  14. Love the video. thank you for sharing: )

  15. Beautiful pictures.
    You know, even when the kids are adults, you still feel the same :-)

  16. mamamamaaa :) Niiice :) She id sooo beautiful :)

  17. The first 6 months of my son's life, I think he heard "I'm sorry, mommy's not very good at this"...more times than I care to remember.

  18. Lovely post (as usual). You are about to enter my most favorite baby age: 7 months to 15-ish months. They are so sweet and interactive, and you can almost see the wheels in their head turning as their learning. Lots of fun and happy times. Things don't get *bad* at 15-ish months, but that's about the time most kids learn to stomp their foot and screech "NO" at you, so things get a little less awesome. It's still cool to watch them learn to assert their independence, of course. Anyway, good on ya for keeping up with your passion while making room for a new one. It's an ongoing challenge and you are rising to it, every day.

  19. My little lady just passed the 8 month mark, and she just gets more delightful all the time. I loved your list and the photos you captured of your sweet little girl.

  20. she's gorgeous. I love the picture of her doing art with you :)

  21. So beautiful. Love that first momma & babe pic.

  22. Donna L12:36 PM

    Lucy is soooo cute - cherish all these moments! Usually babies say dada first -- that video is priceless.

  23. Hi Alisa, what a cutey pie is Lucy! The pic with carrots all over her face is soo wonderfull!. My 2 daughters are 13,5 and 10 and i cannot believe it. So enjoy whenever you can and let go for the moments that you enjoy less. Kisses for the little lady,

  24. Luckily no one is keeping score in the mommy skills department. You learn what you need to when you need to and really, just fake the rest (Lucy won't care). Just remember that it does go by fast, so let your life change to fit where it is now. Art is always possible, just not according to our pre-set vision sometimes. You'll love having all these photos, because later this time is a blur! Love the ruffly bum by the way!

  25. Beautiful baby girl !

  26. gorgeous pics. I love how you weave in a 'family post' here and there in between all the other projects, I really love visiting your blog!

  27. Oh Alisa, she is so very precious! I can't believe she said mama already!

  28. Obviously she is a genius saying Mamma first and playing up to daddy in photos. She is precious!

  29. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Awwww Alisa she's lovely. It gets better and better :-) Thanks for sharing.

  30. Oh my gosh what a little darling! Love the video and all the gorgeous shots. Thank you for sharing your beautiful baby photos with us!

  31. livethegoldenrule2:31 PM

    Watching Lucy takes me back 30 years. I do love remembering them at that age. I am so happy and excited for you because I know it only gets better and better! Love the pictures snoozing with Dad! You are such a beautiful family.

  32. How understand you: my little boy is 20 months old now and time seems running so fast... and I love him deeper and deeper each day!

  33. My daughter and I (she's 6) just watched the video of Lucy about 10 times. She's gorgeous!!!

  34. Too adorable for words! I love your little Lucy posts. Your ups and downs are very realistic and true. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Just wait till she's walking... mwah ha ha! My baby started at 9 months and I've been tired and the house has been a wreck ever since! It's still lovely, though. Enjoy!

  36. There is so much cute! Overload!!!

  37. A beautiful little lady for sure...and SO talented! You are doing something awesome with her for sure...KNOW IT!!

  38. How cute is that video!! My husband came in as I was watching it and did what he always does when he sees something really cute. He bit his knuckle and said "squishy!..that's a cute baby". LOL high praise indeed.

    sloan_gray @ yahoo dot com

  39. In the photos of Lucy with her Daddy she looks just like him. And in the photos with you she looks just like you! That is so cool! She is beautiful!

  40. My daughter and I love this post!!! So special. Thanks for sharing. We're glad to hear that Lucy loves food, we saw that lil thigh shot! haha We've decided she looks like her daddy right now. We'll see how that changes in time. Regardless you're all beautiful!

  41. She's So adorable! Doing great mama!!

  42. Oh my Gosh!! She is so Cute!!! I just want to give her a little squeeze!!!

  43. Lucy is sooo cute! This post make me super excited of having a baby girl this August!

  44. STOP IT!!!!! she is getting too big!! its weird how i feel so connected to all my blog girls! she is just so pretty!!! those eyes!!!!! wow! and its tough being a mommy- working in the home or out of the home, its tough. youre doing well, dont be too hard on yourself!!!

  45. Kelly7:27 AM

    Mamma video is so precious! What a stinkin' cutie!

  46. I can so relate! Seeing you work with her on your back is so rewarding in a twisted way I am sure! I remember those days. Yeah for you making it happen. Sharing all this shows what being a true working mom is all about! I promise your doing a better job than you think!

  47. Hang in there! My kids are 4 & 7 and art-making gets easier every year.

  48. Lovely photos, especially of your husband napping with Lucy.
    Aloha, Kate

  49. thank you for starting my day with a smile -- I was smiling thru this whole post -- the pictures are wonderful -- love the pics of lucy napping with your husband and a wonderful ending with lucy saying mama -- you are fantastic alisa --

  50. Thanks for sharing so generously. Lucy most be the cutes child ever born!

  51. Oh my goodness! I enjoy seeing the stage's of your sweet pea! I got a little misty when she said "mama". I think especially when you are a parent, you really see how precious those moment's are..and don't blink or you just may miss one!It's true,it really does go by too fast. Thankyou again for sharing!

  52. You are so inspiring! Your beautiful little girl is just one month older than mine. I have been wanting to start a little at home business but I've been terrible at making time to sketch and sew. This little runt of mine just wants to be moving ALL the time. Seeing that yours does too, AND that you're still doing what you love gives me so much motivation and hope. Thank you!!
