
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

new online class- the art of abstraction!

I have another online class that I will be releasing on April 9th! Details and a giveaway coming on Monday!


  1. Oh, I'm excited about this one! In your intro videos you always mention not copying what you do but trying to create our own art. But my art doesn't look like what I'm trying to create so I wind up using your drawings as inspiration, your "doodles," your shells, your rocks, fruits and veggies, etc. But THIS class? This has "Krys" written all over it! It doesn't have to look like anything!! Can't wait until 4/9!

  2. Wow, this looks like a really cool class.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I have taken 3 of your online classes, can't wait for another one.

  4. Oh how I cannot wait to hear more about this one!! I am in 5 of your classes and love each one!! This I am even more excited about because I love abstract art!! :)

  5. Ooh, I can't wait to hear more about this!!

  6. Awesome idea! We are doing two abstract paintings in my Color Theory class right now, so I'm getting into a groove with this method. Can't wait to see more about your new class.
