
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

sketchbook delight part 2 preview and giveaway!

As promised I have a little preview of my next online class- Sketchbook Delight 2!
Class goes live Wednesday, February 1st.

sketchbook delight part 2 preview! from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

And I am giving away 3 free spots in the class!

Leave me a comment tell me your favorite subject to sketch.

I will draw 3 winners later this week!


  1. oh this course looks devine!! my favourite thing to sketch are portrait faces, I do alot of them in my journals, as well as flowers.
    Have totally enjoyed your inspiration month course as well!
    would love a spot
    xx Courtney

  2. Love your classes and peeks inside your sketchbooks. I enjoy drawing birds, for no particular reason. :) thanks for sharing!

  3. I am so excited about this class! I love to sketch flowers!

  4. Your art is really amazing! My favorite are the doodles, like the pic on this post- they remind me of the gorgeous henna designs I saw when I lived in Cairo :)

  5. Alisa,
    I have adored your Sketchbook Delight and Watercolor Bliss... As a result, I am sketching and watercoloring on a daily basis... and I am loving it!! I most love to sketch flowers... they make my heart sing.... Thanks for offering Sketchbook Delight part 2.

  6. Love to sketch common items...a cup of coffee, a leaf, coins, etc. Would love a spot in your class!

  7. I love natural elements...pine cones, sea shells, fern fronds, and of course all kinds of flowers!

  8. When i just doodle, i often turn to flowers. theyre so pretty & varied & the repetitive patterns are soothing.

  9. Anonymous7:32 PM

    What an intriguing giveaway. I've always loved sketching eyes ;).
    Stay inspired!

  10. I love to draw from photos of my children and from the things we do together. I love your style and would LOVE to join your class!

  11. Yay! I'm excited for this class. Right now my favorite thing to sketch is food - fresh produce especially.

  12. I love to sketch flowers and people. I'm really into doodling now too (inspired by your create daily class!)

  13. I love to sketch leaves and trees and lately, bicycle wheels! I love getting my 6-year-old daughter sketching along with me, too.

  14. Hotdog!!! So exciting!

    Here's hoping! :)

  15. I usually sketch whatever is in front of me. But thinking about it, I've done a lot of fruits and vegetables! Thank you for offering sketchbook delight part 2!!!

  16. Lately my favorite things to sketch are objects and buildings that I see in my day to day.

    Sarah O.

  17. Oops. :) My favorite sketching subjects are landscapes and flowers. Sorry, I got so excited I forgot to mention that in my comment.

  18. in create daily now..loving it: ) as always your classes are delightful! Would love a place in sketchbook delight part 2- I am took water color bliss and i am now traveling with my Koi water color:) I enjoy painting/drawing sail boats/ships, and things around me.



  19. i like drawing people, fashion, & nature.

  20. This looks so fun! I love to scetch flowers and abstract designs!

  21. I like to doodle flowers and bees, nature... Need to start sketching again. I've been saying that for years!

  22. OOOOH I soo hope I'm the winner! I'm never the lucky one! But my favorite thing to sketch is the beach!
    -Ruth Ann

  23. Looks like another fabulous class! I am in the midst of sketchbook delight part 1 and loving it. I am a new artist, so I've been practicing drawing everyday objects, flowers and leaves. Hope to master those and learn to do scenes and people someday. Thanks for sharing your talents and art with us!

  24. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Oh, I do hope I win this class! You were my first class at Inspired last year ... and my favorite (but don't tell anyone!)

  25. Favorite? I like sketching food! Food I eat, food I cook, food, food, food. kimstoys at gmail dot com

  26. I love, love to sketch flowers and faces . . . loved your first sketch delight - can't wait for part deux!

  27. It feels like it's been forever since I sat down and just doodled. I like doodling whatever is in front of me. But mostly nature. I love your use of mixed media, you're so talented and I would absolutely love to win a spot in your class!

  28. I've only ever drawn people, but now I'm branching into architecture. Fun!

  29. I would love to win, but my mom would love it more! So if I win, she wins! Thanks for the opportunity!

    She loves to sketch people and things...but she also loved the surface design work I showed her from your Inspired class, so i think she'd love the designs you fill the sketchbook pages with, too.

  30. I'm trying to get back into being more creative again. I've felt something's been missing for a while. I love all the glimpses into your sketchbook. The added color is inspiring. At the moment I'm enjoying sketching trees.

  31. Katie McD8:11 PM

    Would love to win a spot! I enjoy drawing faces & dogs & doodles :)

  32. People... I love to sit outdoors (a park, cafe, train station and just do quick two minute sketches of the passers by...

    Thank you for sharing your classes with 3 lucky people...

  33. My favorite thing to sketch changes. Right now it's fish.
    Love your work and classes.

  34. Wow - awesome! Doodles...but I would love to do more...learn more! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  35. let me win let me win let me win:)))
    i love doodle and draw mandalas

  36. I love to sketch abstract objects: fun shapes, designs, etc. or really simple elements such as hearts and stars that I can use for greeting cards.

  37. Kayla ( PM

    Your blog and classes are always so inspiring! I love to sketch faces and animals... Though I do also tend to sketch found objects, whatever is on hand when I get that creative jolt!

  38. Your classes look like so much fun! I like to sketch faces. I'm not so good at doodling, so this course would be great for me.

  39. Wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity. I love sketching & doodling abstract shapes.

  40. My favorite subjects to sketch are houses and outfits, as well as the occasional doodles to set free my imagination.
    I've been so inspired by your techniques that I've been meaning to add some color to my drawings (pencils are beautiful but color is just lovely)
    Love from Venezuela.

  41. What a wonderful opportunity! I love to doodle, flowers, hearts and cartoon style faces! Your blog is so inspiring. Your consistency is such a treat! Thanks for all you share!

    Hugs Giggles

  42. I usually sketch flowers and just silly doodles. I love the peaks inside your sketchbook and feel so inspired afterwards.

  43. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Alisa, I just love your blog and have been following it for a while now. I so wish I had already taken your Sketchbook Delight part 1 course, so that I may be eligible for the Spot drawing! I have a background in art and have studied it formally, but had focused mostly on pastels and just recently started to get more into watercolors. Of course I love to sketch and doodle and what not. Some of my favorite things are pattern designs, flowers, scrolls and filigrees. I'm a big fan of drawing flowers, though. I just love all the intricacies and colors that you can find in them.

  44. I loved the peek into your sketching class through the video! You do a LOT! I've just been getting back into sketching and drawing recently. I gave up working on my skills years ago before life came knocking. I'm very much wanting to work on those rusty skills again, so I'm glad I found your blog. I've found a lot of inspiration around the net. What gave you the idea for creating your blog and classes?

  45. youre so talented!

    i like doodling and drawing landscapes.

  46. Your sketches are so vibrant and inspirational. I don't know why, but I love to sketch fall images- pumpkins, leaves, harvest items. As I draw I am quite critical of my images, but when I look back thru my filled books, I see lots of things I like- go figure!

  47. I like to sketch. Everything. Flowers, faces, stuff on the table, collections, you name it. and I like to doodle. It is just good to have a pen or pencil and paper and a little time to put them together!

  48. I don't feel like I am very good at sketching so I pick very simple, pumpkin, leaf, flowers. I always enjoy your classes this one looks awesome!

  49. I would love to win a spot on your next class. Thanks for the chance, Johanne L.

  50. I love to sketch invented flowers and dOodles. Just to relax my mind.
    Thanks for the giveaway !

  51. Hi Alisa,
    I am not much of a sketcher, but am currently doing your create daily and getting so much out of it. Having said that though I am a flower lover, so it would have to be flowers

  52. Vintage things, polaroid camera, old ads, etc.


  53. WOW....that was so cool!! I want to know what those water color brush pen thingies (not a word;) are!!
    My favorite things to sketch are faces and scenes from where I vacations....I could use a vacation ;)

  54. That is an amazing offer! Thank you for the giveaway.
    I love sketching deep sea creatures right now, but in general flowers are what I tend to go for.

  55. how amazing! thanks for the chance to win. i love drawing doodles. and playing with my handwriting. would love to explore more with your incredible talent!

  56. It looks very interesting and promising.
    I like to doodle flowers and leaves. Ones that do not exist for real.

  57. I love sketching from life. It can be anything at all.

  58. honestly, i like recreating some of the patterns i see on your blog. i learn a lot that way.

  59. I enjoy sketching bottles, hiking boots, and hands, and would love to learn more from your Sketchbook Delight class. Thanks, Alisa!

  60. Looks like another fabulous workshop.Flowers and houses top my list of favourite things to draw.

  61. mine's flowers. so many shapes and colors. really really really really crossing my fingers this is my lucky day!!!!

  62. i love to sketch anything that is right in front of me in a given moment. I am so excited about your new class Alisa, you always get me out of my comfort zone. I'm looking forward to treating myself to another art adventure with YOU!!! xooxo

  63. I love to sketch and doodle flowers the best. Love all your sketching!

  64. I love sketching houses! But I've been branching out into faces lately.

  65. Your sketchbook pages are so inspiring, alisa! i love sketching and doodling leaves :)

  66. me want!!! I loved the first class. I have never really been any good at drawing..but you inspired me to pick up my pencil\pen\brush and get going!! And now I have improved sooo much I can`t almost believe it :D My favorite thing to draw is flowers and just doodles. Trees are also a favourite of mine. Would love a spot!!!

  67. I love to draw nature so mainly flowers but I sketched a very nice looking owl the other day if I do say so myself.

  68. Oh my goodness! I was just looking at your classes this past weekend. Both the sketchbook classes look like so much fun. Your work is gorgeous. I love sketching flowers and doodling.

  69. I love drawing my cats!

    Love your sketches.
    Take Care

  70. Oh my, I would love to join you in this class. It looks like it would be fun and that I would learn a lot. As for favorites to sketch, I am just starting to get brave and draw. I like doing still life type sketches. I love to doodle also.

  71. i always love peeks into your sketchbook. so much fun!

  72. This class looks wonderful and so inspiring. Excited to have a chance to win a spot.

  73. My favorite sketching comes from wood grain and hair on the shower walls...gross yes, but so interesting. I love your blog and your creativity and I would really love to take your class!!! Thanks for the chanceXX

  74. Right now I like to sketch things for my daughter-illustrate nursery rhymes, make paper dolls, anything that she might find fun--this looks amazing!

  75. I love to sketch lots of things. My favorite is probably street scenes. Would love to know how to capture people better. Would love to be in your class!!

  76. Your class looks amazing! I like to doodle all sorts of things, but the most fun, is trying to get my boys to sit still so I can sketch their portraits - not an easy thing to do when they're 5 and 8 :)

  77. I'd love to take your course. It looks perfect. My favorite things to sketch are in nature...leaves, pinecones, branches, flowers, sticks and twigs, and birds. I'm excited to discover your blog.

  78. This course looks great! I love to sketch eyes or flowers. They are the recurring theme in my sketches.

  79. oh i need this! just finishing up sketchbook delight - and i have learned so much. i'm fairly new at sketching regularly, but i seem to gravitate towards regular everyday items from around the house to sketch. but i'd really like to try my hand at more architecture.

  80. Flowers and hearts make my heart happy ! I would love to win a spot as I know this gets rather old. I'm inspired daily by your blog. Thank you

  81. Jennifer L. Gabriola10:02 PM

    Looks amazing, would love the opportunity to join in on this class!!! Thanks!

  82. I'm so excited about this! I love to sketch flowers, people, and animals,

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  83. Thanks for this wonderful chance to win a spot in your class! I hope I win because I like your creations! They are very inspiring!

  84. I love to sketch fantasy flowers and birds right now. I cant have enough of birds. They are so beautiful with all their colors.

  85. Definitely birds and flowers, though I'd love to learn to do the paisley patterns you execute so beautifully.

  86. I don't sketch often mostly because I'm not a great drawer, but most of my doodles involved almost Indian mehndi patterns..and words with fun letters.

  87. I do sketch flowers a lot-did a series on them for my show in college. I like to sketch random objects now-a crumbled piece of paper, a crushed can, broken glass-anything with interesting textures or shapes.

  88. I love to sketch trees.

  89. I am truly inspired by fabrics. I use different designs in my drawings. I also draw birds and trees.

  90. I like doodling and drawing faces and flowers. Your art is always an inspiration to me.

  91. I love to doodle! I carry a doodle book with me and colors. I also would love to be able to a canvas with one big flower/doodle and use it in my living room! If I don't win, then I will def sign up for the class!

  92. My favourite thing to sketch is people or animals - something with eyes.

  93. My favorite designs are henna pattern and flowers!

  94. Love your classes Alisa!! Right now I love to draw (or try to draw) faces, but flowers and leaves are high on my list too!! Can't wait for this class!

  95. I love to sketch my cats and also flowers and plants from my garden.

    Thank you for this great opportunity! (and fingers crossed...)

  96. Hi, Heather here from Cape Town South Africa. I just love your work, so vibrant and full of energy, look forward to every blog update for inspiration, keep it up.
    I love nature , all that out there so freely available to us to inspire our creativity.Flowers, seeds, leaves, stones, bark, trees, insects and on and on..... ..No excuse for not picking up a pen or pencil everyday and letting the creative juices flow.
    Take care, and thanks .

  97. Hi, Heather here from Cape Town South Africa. I just love your work, so vibrant and full of energy, look forward to every blog update for inspiration, keep it up.
    I love nature , all that out there so freely available to us to inspire our creativity.Flowers, seeds, leaves, stones, bark, trees, insects and on and on..... ..No excuse for not picking up a pen or pencil everyday and letting the creative juices flow.
    Take care, and thanks .

  98. I love to sketch girls or things from nature such as flowers, leaves, plants and trees.

  99. Hi Alisa,
    favorite sketch objects are things from nature: leaves, stones, little berries. Lately i've been trying to draw my furry cats. Mmm. Not too much succes in that i am afraid, but i guess a little practise and your course might help!
    (and give a little hug to your adorable Lucie)

  100. First of all love, love, love your classes. I already took 4 and I hope this will be my fifth.
    I doodle like there is no tomorrow, everyday, all day, even when I am not supposed too (read important meetings...)

  101. portrets are my favorites, but I love to draw anything...
    Thank you for the give-away.
    best, Annie

  102. Dear Alisa,

    It was such a great surprise and joy to discover your blog, your art, your stories. It is a true delight to see someone blending artistic life with life as a mother and wife, you're an inspiration to me.

    As a Romanian by birth and by heart, I must confess that I found inspiration in all the ethnic local art. I draw and paint mostly from the local flower fields and ethnic clothing. I am a print lover and I love putting our heritage into modern painting and prints.

    I would truly love to be a part of your class. Nonetheless, you have a devote fan over here, on the other side of the world (Bucharest, Romania).


  103. Stephanie12:11 AM

    This course is very attractive!
    I love to sketch tropical fishes, they are so colourful and the shapes are so interesting.
    Thanks for this give away!

  104. Oh goodie, this looks devine. Happy I found your blog as I am very inspired with your flickr images and now I see you have all kinds of talent. I like to sketch & doodle little bits of nature, flowers, trees, birds, etc. It's been a while since I sketched but now I think your helping me remember my long lost love of sketching.

    Thanks so much for uplifting my spirits.
    Warm regards,

  105. I love, love, love to sketch flowers! The class looks great :)

  106. So want to join this class!

    I love sketching people I see on the metro o at bars. I also sketch random objects that catch my fancy :)

    Love your blog and videos, they inspire me every time I see you pop up in Google Reader.

  107. Ooh! Love the video.
    I love to sketch flowers

  108. I love to sketch flowers and faces!

  109. Wow, so excited about this class! I love to sketch flowers and butterflies!

  110. My favourite things to sketch are houses and... owls :D I admire your talent. Thank you for a chance to win.

  111. I sketch humans with added passion as their gestures and body language tell an entire story

  112. :). The class looks fantastic. I love sketching faces and the figure at the moment, but I enjoy sketching things in nature as well.

  113. My favorite "thing" to sketch is also the most difficult : people and animals. And I'd really love to attend this class !

  114. wow! i love this! i love to doodle flowers, dreamy flourishes of fairyscapes and paisley/damask patterns

  115. I love sketching and doodling... Especially flowers and patterns. This is such a great chande to win one of these spots... Thanks so much
    Greetings from Germany

  116. I've not sketched for years... This could be the start of something new.

  117. I sketch most when I'm travelling. I love to stay somewhere for an hour, paint and suck in the atmosphere. But I've also painted a giant bucket of orange to lilac plums I harvested to make jam. Just anything that deserves this amount of attention.

  118. O wow! I love your work so much and I would love love love to take one of your classes! I'm a beginner when it comes to drawing. So far I've mostly been practicing faces. :)

  119. Wow, a giveaway again! I did sketchbook delight and watercolor bliss and learned a lot!

    I like to sketch flowers and make travel-sketches (mainly architecture).

    I find doodles and people the hardest things to sketch.

    Thank you!

  120. I loved your Watercolor Bliss class, so I would love a chance to enter this one too. I like drawing vegetables. Buying them on he market, drawing them, cooking and eating them ! Martine

  121. My favorite things to sketch are faces and flowers.
    I love your classes!

  122. Oh, already 120 comments....Anyway I will try my luck!
    I love your blog! And at the moment I am really fascinated of peacocks. So I try to sketch them and especially their feathers.
    Greetings from Germany, Sabine

  123. I take all your classes -- I just love your work! Would love to take this class as well. Of course, FREE is always a bonus! I love doodling.

  124. wow! love all your work :)
    my favourite things to draw are doodles.

  125. I love scribbling, doodling eyes, paisley and flowers. I would so love to take this class. Thanks for a chance to win.

  126. birds, trees & flowers are my favorites but I'm not good at all... maybe your class will help! thank you for the chance Alisa!

  127. I try to doodle other things but invariably turn to draw people in the end. I have a game about drawing people too that I play with my family. Oh I hope you pick me *praying*

  128. I love to sketch people !
    this giveaway is everything i dream about !

  129. i love to doodle cute characters, curly trees & little birds =D

    thankyou for the oppurtunity to join =)

    Chloe x

  130. I enjoy sketching lines, circles and shapes generally. Sometimes they turn into something, sometimes it's just a "nothing" page. But that's okay too. Then me and my boy colour in. That's the best part.
    <3 your generous spirit

  131. Thanks for sharing your talent with us! I would love to learn the rules of perspective. Hope to be a winner.....

  132. I love to sketch nature--anything out there, really, but flowers and leaves have to be my absolute favorites.

  133. I am really excited about another one of your classes. I loved the first sketchbook delight, it really inspired me to draw again after a long absence. I love illustrating especially fashion.

  134. I have always lived at the beach and never grow tired of it! I love to sketch all things from the beach: shells, coral, urchins, waves, surfers, sailboats.... all of it!!

  135. I have always lived at the beach and never grow tired of it! I love to sketch all things from the beach: shells, coral, urchins, waves, surfers, sailboats.... all of it!!

  136. Awh that is super lovely of you. Looks like a fantastic course! I always find myself doodling leaves and trees.. I love love love all things nature and "foresty". When I really have time to sit down (or when I'm in a super long meeting at work!) I also love a bit of people watching inspired art!

  137. My favourite thing to sketch - anything and everything!

    I would love a free spot in your class, Alisa. I participated in the Sketchbook Delight class, among others, and absolutely loved it!

  138. I love to sketch flowers and doodles and have always wanted to be better with portraits. I really enjoyed Sketchbook Delight--it would be such a gift to win a spot in part II!

  139. This class looks like so much fun! It's full of color too.

    My favorite things to sketch are most certainly flowers and random doodles.

    Thank you!
    Cristi Clothier

  140. This looks like an amazing class! While I love to sketch faces, it would be nice to move on to still lifes, flowers, etc.

  141. Oh love this.
    I'd love to sketch teeny-weeny bits of nature.
    Would love a spot,
    Greets, Rucksack.

  142. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win a spot in your class! I tend to doodle random shape but I've always like to sketch faces.

  143. My favorite subjects to sketch are faces! Your journal pages are so fun to look at! Thanks for sharing!

  144. Love to draw the human body - and practice drawing body parts like hands and feet. Still can only draw my grandchildren from the back! Will we see drawings of that precious daighter of yours?

  145. I really enjoyed your Sketchbook 1 class--I know I'll love this one too.
    I love sketching faces!

  146. Great work! Thanks a lot.

  147. I am so excited to start this class!
    The plants and birds love to draw!

  148. I like to sketch shoes and flowers. I am trying to develop my sketching skills so I would love to win a spot in your new course.

  149. my favorite subject to sketch is hearts and flowers. Thank you for sharing.

  150. my favorite subject to sketch is hearts and flowers. Thank you for sharing.

  151. I've never taken an online class but am having trouble jump-starting my motivation and creativity. Yours is the only class I'd take and have seriously considered the 1st class. So, this would be a wonderful gift to receive. Thanks for the chance.

  152. Oops, forgot to answer the question! I've always been drawn to people - faces in particular.

  153. I would love to win!!! I love to draw flowers and I'm trying to doodle more...

  154. I love to sketch flowers, and more flowers

  155. Your class looks simply devine. Love your sparkly colors. My favorite subject to draw are doodles, specially flower doodles.

  156. Omg! What a great opportunity! Thaaank you :)

    Well, I love to draw fashion sketches, detailed floor plans & paint abstract paintings... Still, what would I love to do is to doodle & watercolor as you do :) I love the colorful results & I think this is a great opportunity for me to learn something new as I never tried watercolors till now. :)

    Much love, Xo

    - Urska @

  157. Would love to win a spot in your new class! Your work is so inspiring!

    I love sketching anything from letters, maps, landscapes and nature! (Sorry I couldn't narrow it down to one!)

    All the best,
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  158. It's so exciting to see another sketching class from you. I would have to say that sketching faces and flowers are my favorite!

  159. I love to draw flowers. I'm so enjoying your Create Daily class and this is a must take also!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

    PS: Love the song in the video.

  160. I loved the original class and am looking forward to the sequel. My favorite things to draw are various botanicals.

  161. Looks like fun. I like t!o sketch fruit, especially pears. I like flowers too.

  162. I love all your classes and this one looks to be wonderful as well! I think faces is what I most often sketch lately, however anything from nature is a sure favorite for me too! Good luck everyone!

  163. I'd sure love to take one f your courses! It's a hard choice for me but I might have to say that trees are my favorite thing to sketch.

  164. So glad there is a part 2! Have learned so much in the first class. My favorite things to sketch are my dogs cavorting on our property and hunting out the moles....sometimes all I see is the hindquarters buried in a hole with a tail wagging madly....

  165. I just signed up for your sketchbook 1 class. It was so hard to do though. I want to take ALL of your classes RIGHT NOW!! haha. I guess one at a time is the way to go though. I can't wait to work my way to your fabric and textile classes. Oh, and graffiti art looks like so much fun! I adore street art...I would love to make some fun clothing!!

    Right now I doodle in my sketchbook. I haven't taken an art class since college 12 years ago. And I MISS it!! I do all my work on the computer and get overwhelmed when I look at my sketchbook. I end up making neat looking doodles, but no color or life.

  166. Alisa - what a wonderful gift you are bestowing on someone :)
    I seem to share your passion for sketching shells, although I never seem to match the depth of shadow you achieve. So I would love the opportunity to learn some of your techniques.

  167. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway.
    I like to sketch faces and chickens. Strange but true.

  168. I love to sketch everyday objects that the things that are around me. I also like to create stylized sketches of flowers and patterns

  169. My children and I your first sketchbook delight. We would all sit around the dining room table practicing the lessons. We had a blast and still resort back to those sketch books. I enjoy drawing flowers and swirly doodles. We can't wait for this class to start!

  170. My favorite things to sketch are flowers. Simple repeating triangle or half circle petals that eventually explode off the page!

  171. This is so great, I'm already feeling those butterflies just like I did before Sketchbook Delight 1! I guess my favorite subject is trees, I never get tired of sketching them!

  172. I enjoyed sketchbook delight 1 and would love a place on number 2

  173. I'm super excited about sketchbook delight 2. I enjoy sketching everyday things from my life,I love my sketchbook and work in it everyday. Thanks for this chance to win a spot in the class.

  174. love all your classes! I love to sketch little doodles and designs.

  175. My favorite subject are birds, shoes and flowers! They are perfect to doodle around :)

  176. This looks fab Alisa!! I loved Sketchbook Delight and would no doubt love this one too! I love to sketch whimsical girls, hearts, and flowers.

    Thanks for the chance to win! Would love a spot in the new class!


  177. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I love to sketch nature but mostly in the form or circles. Mandalas and flowers. Would love to get into trees more. They seem tricky ;-)

  178. jeannielucky5:06 AM

    I love to draw flowers. My parents owned a florist growing.I learned to respect the beauty in the colors and designs. They are awesome inspiration.

  179. Love your classes Alisa! One of my favorite subjects to sketch is cats. Thanks for the chance.

  180. Oh I 'd love to take part in this giveaway! I love sketching flowers and abstract designs!AriadnefromGreece!

  181. Hi Alisa! I turn to doodle flowers and abstract things, I'm not so good but still trying :)
    Thanks for your inspiration!

  182. It's weird but I just love sketching the things in my kitchen! I started with the coffee pot and moved on to the toaster, but now I'm into my white goods too!

  183. I always love the peeks in your sketchbooks! Would love to win a spot in your class!

  184. Flowers with the new "80s" sharpie markers I got for Christmas!

  185. Thank you for the opportunity to take your class! I am enjoying your create daily class right now! I love sketching doodles, mandalas, and flowers! So fun!

  186. DonnaL5:17 AM

    I am awed by your sketching and painting abilities! I am just now getting comfortable with faces. Would love to win a spot in your class.

  187. I love to sketch flowers!

  188. What an opportunity :) Thank you for your generosity.

    I have only recently started keeping a sketch book after drooling over yours for the past few months and haven't done part one yet but intend to once I have saved some pennies.

    I draw mostly things from my imagination - various and sometimes strange. I especially like drawing detailed little houses and flowers.

  189. My favorite things to sketch are little creatures and little people that I make up about in my mind! I also have an affinity to drawing most nature inspired things. In high school, I never got to take the art class of my dreams because I was being a busy bee all caught up in chemistry and biology - but creativity is my true love. I love your work, and a spot in this class would be just the inspiration I need to keep creating!


  190. Love *trying* to sketch my kitties! Some zentangles, too.

  191. Love to sketch anything from nature!!!!

  192. I've thoroughly enjoyed and have grown taking your Sketch and Watercolor Bliss workshops. I find I am so much more successful when I pick something that inspires me...and anything with a wiggle usually gets my heart a'fluttering.

  193. Sketchbook Delight was great, so I'm looking forward to this class.
    I like to sketch patterns I see around me.

  194. I love your classes! My favorite things to sketch are things from nature..... flowers, leaves, birds, butterflies, etc....

  195. I love sketching laces and lace-shaped doodles.

  196. I was so excited to hear you were doing this class. I am like you and from the ocean originally and so I like to sketch shells too. I have a little bowl of them that I have for those times I just don't know what else to do.

  197. The class looks great. I love to sketch birds - in lots of colours

  198. I love to sketch flower's. It would be awesome if I would win this online class. I'm so enjoying the class you are teaching right now. Wonderful stuff.

  199. I would love to be a part of this! My favorite subject to sketch are my feet because they are in front of me when i sketch. They are interesting and always turn out differently. I also like to sketch strangers on the train and strange trees. i do need help in shading and random cute doodles- this is where this class would be great. I love your blog and the bits of inspiration.

  200. This looks absolutely wonderful! Would love to win a spot! I love drawing faces and flowers! Thanks for your inspiration!
