
Monday, December 26, 2011

one week...


Inspired by my own creative habits, I've created an online class that is structured as 30 challenge for those looking to start a new routine that incorporates simple ways to be creative every day regardless of your schedule. From simple drawing and painting exercises to easy craft projects, photography, journaling and ways to find inspiration. I have assembled 30 posts- one SIMPLE idea, lesson, prompt or project to complete one day a time. The concept is that you commit to 30 days of doing something creative and small each day (or as much time as you are able to commit- there is no pressure!) and by the end of those 30 days you have developed a new habit or at least a new understanding of how to fit creativity into your daily routine!

Important Note-

All of my classes have unlimited access- once you register you can create and access at any time and work at your own pace. Just know that once you are in- there is no deadline or pressure to create.



  1. i love your videos!!!

  2. While I won't be able to sign up for your class, I'll probably be doing something creative every day. I currently have a blank sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project that is due at the end of the month.

    Plus... I got a copy of your book "Sew Wild" for Christmas, and I can't wait to dive into it! After I get some non-creative stuff out of the way today, I'm going to pop in the DVD and check it out! So excited!!

  3. I loved your "Vimeo" -- I just signed up! I'm really looking forward to it!!!

  4. I've signed up for class and I cant wait to meet you at Jenny Doh's Studio book signing!!

  5. What a great idea for a class!! I will so have to get in on this just not this month; I have only just started painting etc... I want to up my materials and skill/confidence slightly before endeavoring into something like this. What an inspiring video too way to go!

  6. love the music in the promo video! who is the artist? BTW signing up, can't wait

  7. I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand. I also found your posts very interesting.

  8. Hola Alisa,
    I allowed myself to post your video on my blog. Your words happened to be absolutely inspiring and as we all have lots of good purposes for the new year...your words inspired me a great deal. 30 minutes a day can help to create a good habit.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Your Lucy Matisse is simply PERFECT AND ADORABLE. I enjoy every single pic you share with us your followers.
    Happy New Year...
