
Friday, June 03, 2011

a secret revealed


My friends I have been keeping a big secret over here (I have lots secrets more that will soon to be reveled) but the first is that I am pregnant about 5 months actually with a girl. And while I typically like to stay away from the "personal details" of my life and stick to just sharing creativity on my blog- this is something I just have to share because it will be difficult to hide pretty soon. This is a big deal for us mostly because until about 1 1/2 year ago we didn't think we wanted kids- don't get me wrong we love kids but just didn't think it was in the stars for us. In fact if you would have asked me if we were ever going to start a family my typical response was, "only if the clouds part and we are visited by an angel that tells us to". Well, it didn't quite happen this way but a series of life changing events in the last 5 years lead us both to wanting some big changes in our lives- the biggest was the sudden and new desire to start a little family and we knew we would try for 2011. So here I am totally knocked up- so far things have been pretty breezy- no morning sickness, feeling good, continuing to exercise it is just my brain that gets in the way every now and then. Overall we are so excited and little terrified all at once about this adventure- when you spend a good part of your life not thinking about pregnancy and kids there is a lot to catch up on!

Not much will change over here on my business end (or at least that anyone out there will know) things are moving rapidly forward with my creative business with some amazing new developments so there won't be lots of maternity leave or changing the way that I operate and this won't be turning into a baby blog but once in a while I will share a little peak or update about life on the pregnancy and family front.

Thanks for letting me share!


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    oh, alisa! wonderful news. can't wait to see what further beauty you guys add to the world.

  2. Well done!! Strength and peace to you on your new journey!

  3. Wonderful news! Congrats!

  4. Congrats! I love your blog and visit every your adding to your life one of the incredible wonders. Look forward to hearing more!
    YAY! you two!

  5. congratulations! I think this baby is very lucky, I think you'll be an awesome mom.

  6. Alisa, big congrats to you both. you will be blown away at the love you will have for your precious daughter...and though there will be challenging times you will be incredibly blessed.

    how are you feeling?

  7. How exciting....congrats to the both of you!

  8. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both!

  9. That is exciting! When I was younger I couldn't understand why so many of my friends wanted babies, but now i do. A son or a daughter just fills your life with love and all sorts of things you wouldn't ever experience!

  10. Congratulations! Wonderful, I'm very happy for you.

  11. Even though I said it in person, congratulations again!! You are in for a wonderful journey and remember to savor every moment it goes by so fast.

  12. aaahhh... congrats Alisa , and a baby girl,I have had two,girls are so sweet and fun , boys are awesome too but girls are just so sweet.:)

  13. Congratulations to you and your husband. It is rather a life changing venture, but all for the good!

  14. Congratulations to you and your husband!

  15. Congratulations! You'll finally have a new muse! ;)

    Great news to hear! You'll be a fantastic mom! Can't wait to start your next class!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    -Ruth Ann

  16. A million congrats! Little girls are the BEST.

  17. Congratulations!

  18. Congrats. You'll wonder how you ever got along without her.

  19. oh wouawwwwww marvelous...I am so happy for is a great new...congratulation to you and your husband xxx

  20. Congratulations! Having our daughter was the best thing we ever did.
    One of the loveliest things that my daughter Sophie has said to me was "Mummy I am the best thing that you have ever made, aren't I?" It was so unexpected and is the best thing that anyone has ever said to me.... well part from "will you marry me?" that was quite a big thing too. So you have actually been creative for the past 5 months! Best of luck for the next 4 months and beyond!

  21. Congrats...what great news! Looking forward to seeing her beauty soon! Hugs!

  22. Very many congratulations to you! Much bliss and peace to you on your new journey! I, for one, don't mind a bit of baby talk every now and then so feel free to share what you like. <3 Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring - I don't comment much, but I visit often. Your baby will be such a lucky one with such a creative mama!

  23. Congratulations! You will be a wonderful - creative Mother!

  24. SO Sweet!!! Wonderful news and thanks for sharing!!!


  25. Congratulations on your wonderful news! As a mom to three daughters, I can definitely say that little girls are frickin' AWESOME! You are going to have so so much fun together. She'll adore her Daddy and will want to be around her Mommy all the time.


  26. congratulations ! a little artist soon !

  27. congratulation, so happy for you!!

  28. Congrats! I look forward to future posts and updates on the baby along with you're beautiful artwork!

  29. Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful news with us :)

    Best wishes for continued "breeziness"...


  30. Yeah for you!!!! And a baby girl too!! I can't wait to see the amazing clothes that you make for this new little one. So exciting!!!

  31. I've been a bit of a lurker... but I can't help but comment on this post. Congratulations to you both! This is such wonderful news!

  32. sooo very happy for you!! All the best to you both.

  33. Congratulations to you both and the new path you will be travelling. I can totally relate to switching from no baby to yes baby *hehe* Isn't life funny? I shall look forward to continuing following your blog and journey as your lives evolve in new ways. Long may the creativity and inspiration continue!

  34. congratulations!! she's a lucky girl :) i wish all of you the very best!

  35. So happy for you both, it was definitely meant to be. I can only imagine the creative angel that will be bestowed upon your little family! Congratulations! It's normal to be terrified and joyful at the same time. You just have to go with your instinct and the answers will come to you. Excited for you that your creative business is moving swiftly ahead, too....lots of good news all around!

  36. Congratulations!! How exciting for you! I hope you are also going to reveal that your art is going to be made into fabric!!! :) That would be most fantastic! :)

  37. How wonderful for you both. Glad to hear your pregnancy is going smoothly. What an exciting time. Enjoy every moment.


  38. This is so wonderful - congrats congrats congrats!!! xo

  39. very very strange you share this secret with us all whilst i adore your art I was only thinking of your age and how you post some beautiful pics of your partner and I was thinking if you were going to have a baby and now you tell your secret - Its the best experience - Congratulations im sure your creations soon will be focusing maybe on designer baby style!!!! xxxxx

  40. Hooray for you! You will do great!

  41. Had to step out from behind the lurker curtain to say congratulations! Life as you know it will never be the same, but in a wondrous way!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Wow! Congratulations! The journey you have started is just amazing!


  44. We love babies! I have two grand daughters myself. Please feel free to share all the peeks you want! Many congratulations!

  45. Congratulation, and thank you for letting us in on the news. Having my first baby made me feel like my world was spinning out of control but once the dust settled I found a new level of happiness that I didn't even know existed.

  46. Aw, that's just wonderful. You're in for the greatest adventure. I wish you continued smooth sailing.

  47. YAY!!! Thrilled for you!

  48. Oh, My!! Congratulations to you and your husband! All the Blessings in the world to you!

  49. oh wow! i am totally psyched for you guys... you will be amazing parents! whooohooo!! big love to yous. xxoo

  50. Congratulations! Seems like pregnancy is in the water right now (I'm expecting a girl in August). Can't wait to see what creative baby-themed ideas you might share with us!

  51. Congrats! Being a parent is so rewarding, enjoy every minute of it.

  52. Congratulations, wishing all three of you the very best.

  53. Congrats on your baby girl!! I love reading your blog & happy that you shared this wonderful news!!

  54. congratulations to you both , its such a wonderful time ......

  55. Alisa! I am so thrilled for you. I consider you to be an artist to the very core. Your talent and ideas always amaze me. Creating is such a thrill and creating a life is a billion times stronger of a thrill. Wow. I am so happy for you. What a beautiful, inspiring mother you'll be.


  56. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Congratulations Alisa, wishing you the very best in your new adventure! :D


  57. Alisa-
    That is wonderful news. I couldn't imagine my life with kids and then I had my Duncan followed almost 3 years later by my Fiona. They are such a joy and are such fun that I can't imagine my life without them. Watching them grow and figure out the world around them is a gift. My husband and I have been truly blessed. You will be suprised by how much your own child will add to your lives. They aren't just babies-they are people. Congrat's!!!!!

  58. Big congrats! You are starting a new creative journey!!

  59. Love your blog and pregnant with a girl as well! (due any minute!) So excited for your family-what a creative, fun mom you'll be :)

  60. Congratulations! Your life is going to change in a big way. Baby doodles and such. Can't wait to see what creativity comes from this.

  61. Congratulations Mommy!
    There's lots of us art moms out here if you're feeling overwhelmed & a little frightened along with all that excitement. So, no worries Little Bird :)

  62. Congratulations. There is nothing like being a mother. It is wonderful. Happy pregnancy dear...

  63. Hi Alisa
    Congratulations on your news! Having a baby is absolutely life changing and a precious gift!

  64. OMG! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you both! You're going to be an awesome mom! Thanks for sharing your great news with us! Hugs!

  65. Congratulations!! I am about a week or so away from welcoming my first baby. Exciting times! I always enjoy your creative works so I am glad that is not going away. Maybe you'll have new "baby" crafting ideas as you go along...who knows!

  66. What beautiful news....this will be the best thing that ever happened to you and you will be an amazing mamma! xo

  67. Such a fabulous secret revealed! Many blessings to you and your family!

  68. Congratulations to you both!!! Children are a huge change in a persons life and worth it all!

  69. You're a Mommy! Congratulations... what a wonderful gift you are bringing into the world, LIFE :]

  70. Congratulations! That is wonderful!

  71. congrats!!!! so happy for you
    so happy!!!!! you will be a wonderful mom and wish you and your girl all the very best !!!

  72. Therevis one licky kiddo on the way. Congratulations! Show us all the baby pix you want!

  73. Wow, what wonderful news! Congrats!

  74. your daughter will be one lucky girl! little ones are the best!

  75. Congratulations... So happy the clouds parted for you!!! I wish you all the very best on your parenting journey and I wish you years and years of joy and happiness with your new little person!!!

  76. Awww...amazing...congrats..:)

  77. Congratulations... Wonderful news...

  78. ŠŸŠžŠ—Š”Š ŠŠ’Š›ŠÆŠ®!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. what a good news..........congrats!!!!!!!!

  80. Congratulations and welcome this progress in life because it will show you riches untold :)!!!!!

  81. Oh YAY!! Congratulations to you! I am so glad you are feeling well! :) Peace and happiness to you and your love. xx

  82. This is going to be the most inspired of your creations!!!!

  83. Anonymous12:15 AM

    So happy for you! Wonderful news <3

  84. congratulations alisa, that's wonderful news - i hope you stay well and nurture this special time. you will be a fabulous mum!

  85. Fabulous News!
    And welcome to the club!
    It's a beautiful experience.
    Must be the year of the rabbit... everyone is multiplying!
    (including myself at 5 and half months with my second)
    Blessings and all the good stuff!

  86. ah ! Touch Wood :) Take care, Loads of Love.

  87. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Hello Alisa,

    I'm extremely happy for you. I wish you lots of joy and relaxed ease with your pregnancy. Don't be too hard on yourself, being a mom means mostly winging it, even if you let the baby roll of the sofa once...
    I'm sure this blog and your life will be so much richer for your baby girl.


  88. Such a sweet news :) Enjoy it all the way.

  89. Congrats! That's wonderful!
    It's never too late for children. Everything in my life took a long time to grow in my mind. Met my love with 29, married with 33, got my girlie with 37. Some of my girlfriend are almost grandma's.
    But that's life! Just enjoy!

  90. Congratulations..babies and art are always an amazing combination! I have three little artists now.

  91. Alisa, Congrats!!!!!!Wonderful news!!!!A little artist soon!!!!
    I love your blog and visit every day.
    I´m very happy for you!!!!

  92. wonderful news! Welcome to the biggest adventure of them all...

  93. Well that is pretty creative!
    Thanks for sharing and best wishes.

  94. What a beautiful new!! My congratulations for you!! I wish you good mood, happiness and health!

  95. Congratulations Alisa, you'll make a wonderful mother.

  96. Congratulations!! And yes, please, do share :)

  97. That is fantastic news I'm so happy for you both and long may your easy pregnancy continue so you can enjoy the experience, sending much love and blessings and the biggest hugs


  98. Congratulations to the both of you! Thank the stars!
    You`ll be a wonderful mother!

  99. Congratulations!!!!!!!! is very happpy news

  100. How exciting! I am thrilled for you two!

  101. alisa, congratulations!! i'm sure she will be a beautiful little girl and i look forward to hearing more about her! i'm a little jealous about that no morning sickness thing. :) i experienced it with pregnancy #1 and i did with this pregnancy too (i'm due to go any day now, another little girl). anyway, i'm so happy for you.


  102. Congrats, Alisa! Good luck with the pregnancy and keep us posted.

  103. Congratulations to you both.

  104. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Congratulations! :)

  105. what wonderful news...a whole new amazing world is about to open...


  106. Congrats!Although you think things won't change I am sure we will get glimpses of a happy mum and you will feel many more changes than you think!But these are happy changes and we will be happy to share them!Motherhood is creation and creativity too!AriadnefromGreece!

  107. bonnie leukert5:31 AM

    Congratulations on the wonderful will be great parents. You are so close to your mom and now you will have a little angel of your sweet.

  108. Oh, I am so happy for you! She is a lucky little girl to have you both for parents. And I, for one, WANT to see baby pictures.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. Thats wonderful news. I am very happy for you, children are a blessing, I know you will enjoy they wonder that they add to your life.

  111. congratulations! what fantastic news! This little girl is going to have some wonderfully fabulous handmade goodness surrounding her!


  113. PatriceM6:05 AM

    Congratulations. I am a faithful reader of your blog and just love your creative energy. I am so very happy for you.

  114. Congratulations!

    My husband and I think that having our 3 children was the best thing we ever did. And now we are love with grand children - another one of life's miracles.

  115. Congratulations! Babies are a lot of work, but sooo worth it. You will be an awesome Mom.

  116. Congrats Alisa; good luck to you and your family. It is awesome news.

  117. I hardly ever leave a comment on your blog as you always have so many, but I had to comment on this. Congratulations. You have been blessed and babies are awesome. I'm delighted for both of you.

  118. I just had to comment today. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for y'all and I can't wait to be seeing and hearing more about this sweet little girl.

  119. That are great news, congratulation! :)

    And I think it will be great for a kid growing up in a house like yours :)

  120. a baby girl! wonderful!! she'll be the most stylish baby (and of course the smartest) in town!

  121. Wow! Now THAT is a big secret. Congrats to you and your husband! So exciting : )

  122. What exciting news! Congrats to you both!!

  123. Congratulations! Blessings on the rest of your pregnancy and as you start your new life with your beautiful daughter!

  124. Congratulation!!! I felt the same way about children and after raising two, having them was the very best decision we ever made!!!

    Love every minute of this journey!

  125. Congratulations! What a lucky baby to have such a creative, kind, sharing mother like you! <3

  126. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Congratulations! I am sure she will be the most stylin' baby around.

  127. What wonderful news!

    I really appreciate your honesty about not wanting children initially because I'm in the same frame of mind. Mike and I are not planning to have children. But we just may change our minds 5 or 10 years down the road.

    Congratulations again!

  128. What a blessing! I am so happy for you both! Congratulations!

  129. congratulations, girls are the best! my youngest is 28 weeks along with 2girls and 1boy - her first (and last) - took them 7 yrs of trying...join the world of baby blankets and such.

  130. YOUR lives couldn't be better than THIS daughter on the way! CRAZY changes are ahead, with CREATIVE minds working together, when you get enough sleep, ah, even if you don't...YOUR TOGETHER CREATION, will send your CREAVTIVE venues all over the map...all GOOD, all WONDER, all THREE! ALL THE VERY BEST TO YOU! XOXOXOXO

  131. Congratulations to you both!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  132. Congratulations, Alisa! Your heart will overflow with a kind of love you never knew existed the second you see her.

  133. I can relate - my husband and I had been married for 8 years by the time our twin boys came along! Congratulations - you'll never regret it!! :)
    P.S. I love your dress.

  134. aw thats amazing, congratulations on your news :) x

  135. Congratulations !
    I´m so happy :)) for you both.
    I love your work, ideas, colours...
    I think you are a great and shiny star.
    I´m sure , she´s going to bring you much more inspiration. Whishing you all the luck.

  136. oh so happy for you! hugs xo

  137. Oh my goodness! Alisa, I couldn't be happier for you! This made my day! :) I cannot wait to see the sweet baby girl! Congratulations. All of motherhood comes naturally! You'll fall right into the swing of things!

  138. Congratulations! :)

  139. Kittyj10:33 AM

    Congratulations! That is so exciting! Your baby will be welcomed into a fantastic and loving artful family!

  140. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I am so happy for you. You will never be sorry and you will learn a lot from your little one. Enjoy Peggy

  141. Oh that is wonderful news! You give me hope, because I have also put off having children, not knowing if it's something in the cards or not. It;s wonderful to hear that the possibility is always there!

    Yay for you both!

  142. Oh Alisa!!! Congratulations to you both! This is so exciting. A little girl, sigh.

  143. I understand not wanting to have kids, but I'm glad that you change your mind. I'm also glad that you got what you wished for. Thank you for sharing this very personal news with us.

  144. Well let me add my congrats here! That is some great news! Glad you haven't had morning sickness. I want to see how you paint up the nursery!

  145. WooooHoooooo!! Congrats Alisa!

  146. your art is amazing and i am sure your little one will be also, congrulations!

  147. Hi Alisa, that is wonderful news. Congrats, Helmi

  148. congratulations Alisa! I'm very happy for you:)

  149. Congratulations! That is amazing news. All the best!

  150. Congratulations!

  151. Congratulations, Alisa and hubby!! This is such wonderful news!! My daughter and her hubby had their first baby in December '10 and little Mikayla has been such a joy in our lives. She is my first grandchild too so a big event and I was there at her birth....such a beautiful experience!!

    Btw, I had five children and no morning sickness with any of them. We might be in the lucky few, I guess. :)

  152. Congratulations Alisa! Thanks for sharing with us:) You and your husband will make awesome parents :)

  153. Congratulations Alisa! I love the picture you started this post with!

  154. congratulations alisa! wonderful! ciao!

  155. What exciting news! Congratulations!

  156. That's amazing!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best wishes to you and your family!

  157. Congrats!! So happy for you. Children are such a blessing! I just had my first daughter 2 mos ago after having 2 boys (4yo and 2yo). She is sweet as pie :) Can't get enough of that newborn smell & those chubby cheeks. So many things to look forward to! Many blessings!

  158. Congratulations on this new journey. In 4 months you will know true love. xo

  159. such wonderful news to hear! for me, it will be okay to read about your pregnancy or the baby and your little family.

    i'm a big fan of yours and your blog. congratulation, alisa! say hi to the baby from indonesia :)


  160. Alisa, I'm so happy for you. You'll be an amazing, creative mum!

  161. Muchisimas felicidades Alisa, que todo vaya bien.

    Fijate que hace poco un dia al visitar tu blog pense "esta mujer esta siempre muy ocupada con mil cosas, se le va a pasar el tiempo de tener niƱos" je, je y mira por donde, pues eso que me alegro.

  162. Congratulations! Wishing you a wonderful new adventure!!

  163. Congrats to you both!

  164. Congratulations!!!!

    I am so happy of knowing about the new!

    Kisses from Spain

  165. Congratulations!!! What a great news! Many good wishes to you from Serbia! :)

  166. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Congrats! There is nothing like creating a masterpiece in your womb. She will be beautiful inside and out because you and you're hubby are. Wishing you more love, joy and peace than you can hold!

  167. Fabulous, I am so happy for you! You'll be an awesome Mom.

  168. Congratulations on your most precious gift! She will no doubt be a beautifully artistic and gifted princess.

  169. Congratulations! I'm right up there behind you (I'm four months along). I understand you not wanting to share incredibly personal things on the blog, but you know how it is.. you have a certain type of relationship with your readers. Wonderful news! I am happy for you and your fam!

  170. Congratulations! Your world is about to be rocked and everything will be different. Priorities totally shift once you have experienced the miracle of childbirth. Your art and creativity will be richer, fuller and life in general will just get better ;)

  171. fantastic news. thank you for sharing such a wonderful part of your lives with us.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. Wow! Congratulations! Kids are an amazing blessing! You are an inspiration and thnaks for sharing your heart! x

  174. Clair McLaughlin12:54 PM

    Wonderful news! Congratulations!

  175. Alisa...wonderful news. You will be making all kinds of wonderful things for your baby girl, I'm thinking.

  176. Wow, great news! Congrats!

  177. Wonderful news and congratulations!!!!

  178. that is one lucky baby girl to have a mommy like you! wishing you health and love!

  179. You are about to have a very blessed little girl :) Congratulations!

  180. I am so happy for you!!!!!

  181. LIttle girls are so much fun!! Congratulations! I do hope you'll share some pictures of the nursery. I can only imagine how creative it/you will be!

  182. Congratulations. Your artwork is so lovingly crafted, I'm sure you will be a great mother too!

  183. Congratulations in a very big way!!!

    Being a little "terrified" shows how much you care about your sweet little girl. ;)

    Enjoy this very special time, and be prepared for how much this new little life will inspire even more creativity. Fun.


  184. Congratulations, what wonderful news. wishing you all the best.

  185. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Very exciting news! You'll love having a little artist in the family. You really do 'love to create'!


  186. I'm so sorry my RSS wasn't working so I totally missed your big news... congrats! A little girl is great, and I can know, have one myself and an other one on the way!

  187. Probably last to leave a comment. But couldn't not extend my joy and happiness for both of you. You will raise an amazing child...and your creativity will zoom beyond your wildest imagination. I admire the way you have introduced this new news.

  188. No you are not the last to leave a message...l maybe! I have been away from my laptop helping my son and his wife move house. They have had no wi-fi,TV or digital radio for l didn't know about this amazing news. CONGRATS and l am so happy for the three of you.xxlyndaxx

  189. Yay!! Truly a wonder-filled new adventure awaits!
