
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

lisa leonard giveaway today!


I am super excited to offer a fabulous giveaway today! My friend Lisa Leonard is giving away two $50 gift certificates (2 lucky winners!) to shop at her website Lisa Leonard Designs. She makes wonderful and unique hand stamped jewelry and decor and I love each and every piece that she designs.


And if giving away two $50 gift certificates isn't generous enough- in addition she is offering my readers 15% their entire purchases on her site- Just in time for mothers day!

So if you want to go on a little shopping spree use coupon code burke15 until April 30th.


How to enter to win a $50 gift certificate-

Leave a comment telling me one thing that you are grateful for today :)
I will announce the winner at the end of the day on Friday

good luck!


  1. I am very grateful that my mom made it through her surgery yesterday and is doing well.

    I couldn't ask for more than good health for my family.

  2. I am grateful that we've been finally seeing some sun here in the Pacific NW. It's been a very long, grayn and rainy winter.

  3. all of her designs are so very cute!!

    today i am grateful for the bagel with cream cheese i ate this AM, how silly my dog is when we wake up in the morning, my crazy bf who showered me with kisses before work, my amazingly supportive family, my morning cup of coffee, and music playing while i get work done.

    wait, did you ask for just one thing? because i clearly cannot name just one.


  4. I am grateful that we did not blow away in the crazy NC storms that came through on Saturday. Tornadoes very close to our house - we are so thankful....

  5. I'm grateful for family. My mother fell and dislocated both of her shoulders last week. We got the call after 11 p.m. and my husband jumped to action and we were packed and out the door for a two-hour drive in under an hour. While there, my brother never tired of my calls as I tapped him again and again for information and emotional support.

    Lisa has some beautiful items. Thank you Lisa and Alisa for this giveaway!

  6. Grateful for everything and everyone I have in my life!

  7. I am grateful, for being here, and see all the lovely things that surround me.

  8. I am grateful for 16 month old daughter who just learned to hug and kiss me back. I love it!

    I love Lisa Leonard's things! I saw her shop on Super cute!

  9. I am grateful for my three strong and healthy boys...and for having the opportunity to be able to see all the wonderful talent that inspires me on blogs just like yours Alisa...thanks!!

  10. Grateful that I get to attend a concert this evening with my lovely husband.

  11. I am grateful for my family. I am grateful we are all healthy & sage. I am grateful that I can provide for my kids & they don't have to go to bed hungry. I am grateful that I don't have to want for anything even if we don't have that much.

  12. I'm grateful for my amazing family! I don't get to see them as often as I'd like (I live halfway across the country from them), but they have always been supportive and enthusiastic about every dream and whim I've ever had!

  13. I am so grateful for the health of my babies and husband. Several events in the past month have reminded me that nothing is more important to me than their health and safety.

  14. I am grateful for my husband, daughter, and little one on the way! I am also grateful for a wonderful giveaway today!

  15. I am grateful for my Amazing Boyfriend, my family, my friends that are my other family, my awesome dog Luna and the sunshine outside my window...

    Yeah, couldn't pick just one, but thanks for having such an awesome giveaway.

  16. Today, I am grateful for the beautiful love letter I woke to from my husband this morning.

    {I am also grateful that I had several fun new posts from some of my favourite blogs in my google reader this morning, like this one!}

  17. I am thankful for my body that manages to keep on keeping on despite the abuse i put it thru :)

  18. I am grateful for my wonderful husband and my sweet little girls, they make it all worth it.

  19. I am grateful that my daughter is learning to walk again after chemo knocked out her legs.

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  21. I am grateful for another day. <3

  22. I am grateful for my mom. She has been taking care of me since my hip replacement on April 5th...She has literally taken care of me as if I was a child again, being a mother is a full time joy and I sometimes have forgotten that she enjoys it. She has told she has loved this time with me which she might have never had if it weren't for my surgery.... I could not be more thankful and grateful for the love that we share:)

  23. I am grateful that I have the ability to make my own choices in life.

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  25. I am grateful for a successful start of my new children's resale shop.

  26. I am grateful for a wonderful life. I never thought I would be where I am today, but I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be.

  27. The sun, spring flowers, friends, children, yes, these things are such a delight to be thankful for.

  28. I am grateful for my healthy family. And I am also grateful that my sewing machine has been repaired and will be coming home today! :)

  29. I am grateful that my friend survived the car accident she was in last night because of a drunk driver. It was really bad and I'm just happy she's now stable.

  30. i'm grateful for the coffee keeping me going after a long night. oh, and my family, of course. :)

  31. I am grateful that I feel moved to create some art,finally, after one year of being stick in the muck after my darling Husband passed

    Heart Hugs,

  32. my best friend and husband Richard of 42 years may 31. thank you for a chance! xo

  33. Barbara L.9:34 AM

    I'm grateful for my kids having jobs and homes at least for now. And the weather in AZ is perfect at this time of year. And we are going to OR in June!

  34. I am grateful for my daughter's laughter.

  35. I am grateful that even though we got a ton of snow last night, that hopefully it will be gone very quickly with warm weather coming out way.

  36. I'm thankful for the much-needed sunshine today and for my thoughtful boyfriend who brought home two new gorgeous cookbooks for us to make spectacular curries and Italian dishes.

  37. I am grateful for today, my day off to enjoy with the family.

  38. I love Lisa's designs!
    Today I'm grateful to have such supportive friends in my life.

  39. I am grateful for the life that I have been blessed with. I'm healthy and happy and I also have such a great family, awesome husband and great friends.

  40. I am grateful for forgiveness - to receive it and to give it is an amazing gift.

  41. I'm so grateful for my job. It can be stressful at times, but I love the work. And in these uncertain economic times, I'm more purposeful about being thankful for employment.

  42. This may sounds horribly materialistic but today I am thankful that my ex-husband saw fit to pay some child support so I could buy gas (at a whopping 4.49 per gallon!) Coincidentally, I am also thankful that I got sole custody - my boy (now grown) is an awesome human being!

    Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!

  43. I love Lisa's designs!

    I am grateful for my friends and family! I am looking forward to seeing some faraway friends this weekend!

  44. i'm grateful for Jesus!

  45. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I'm grateful for a God that loves and blesses me every day.

  46. I am thankful for a lot of things, but today in particular I am thankful for the miracle of spring and that it comes every year and I am able to enjoy it. Thanks!

  47. Sally9:51 AM

    I am grateful that my honey gets up with me every morning at 5:30am to make me breakfast before I go off to work. He works at home and could very easily sleep in if chose to.

  48. That I have a stable job. And my doggies are all healthy.

  49. Today i am grateful to have spent the morning with creative spirits, got my inspiration mojo back!

  50. I am grateful for the friends that are coming over tonight for a fun dinner. Each week I look forward to the making Wednesday's dinner and having it enjoyed, with great conversation!

  51. I am so grateful for my DH and his supporting my art and need for art retreats ;)

  52. I am grateful for a new niece who was born happy and healthy last Thursday. I am also grateful that I get to meet her this weekend!
    Thanks for a chance to win!

  53. I am grateful for a world full of people who care even when I am at my lowest.

  54. Thanks Alisa! I am grateful for my beautiful, supportive girlfriend. She makes me feel loved even on the worst of days.

  55. Amanda Susan10:02 AM

    I am grateful for American Idol tonight and snuggling with my dogs

  56. I am grateful that every morning when I wake up, I have a chance to start over.

  57. I'm grateful for fun blogs such as yours to read while I'm trying to stay awake at night while I nurse my 9 week old! I almost look forward to his 3am feeding so I can catch up on my favorite creative ladies in my reader. :)

  58. I am grateful that each day is a new day and we can put the other ones behind us.

  59. Today I am thankful for my two best, blog-reading buddies, Lana and Britt. My Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies. They exude the meaning of love and are always right by me as I read my blogs and comment!

  60. I am so very grateful everyday, for little things that make me happy - my husband, my daughters, my friends and my kitties.

  61. I am grateful because today it was a bright sunny day and I visited my Godson and gave him his present for Easter and he was so happy and smiled and hugged and thanked me!AriadnefromGreece!

  62. I am grateful for my wild and crazy puppy, Lulu! When she looks at me, my heart just jumps!

  63. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I am thankful that my children are happy and healthy!!!

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  65. I'm grateful for freedom and my wonderful family.

  66. I am greatful that I have 3 wonderful healthy children, an amazing husband and an awesome job.

  67. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I am grateful for my 2 beautiful and healthy (most of the time) children. grateful for my wonderful friends, who are like a family to me.....

  68. I am thankful for 2 beautiful children and a loving husband!

  69. i'm grateful for family and friends. my grandma's been in the hospital for 5 days and it's made me realize how important it is to stay healthy & happy.

  70. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I am grateful for Easter Break!!

  71. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I am grateful for my children! They mean the WORLD to me ;)

  72. Wow, what awesome craftsmanship... or craftswomanship!

    Today, and every day, I am grateful for the people who love me, who allow me to love them in return.

  73. i am grateful for my health, and the perspective on life I gained when that health wasn't so great. Also, the excitement and promise of the future!

  74. I'm grateful for my brother and my mother...
    Lisa's things are wonderful! Thaynk you for the giveaway! :)

  75. i am so very grateful to have my job. I lucked out and got it right out of college 2 years ago and have kept it since. Such a blessing in these hard times!

  76. I am truly grateful for my life and that the Lord is in and a part of it!
    Loretta's Giveaway

  77. I am grateful that I have nothing to complain about.

  78. I am grateful for my dear New Song choir friends who support me in all my endeavors. We make beautiful music together too!

  79. I am grateful for friends to go walking with.

  80. I am grateful for the sun in april and a wonderful afternoon at the beach in Holland ...

  81. I am so grateful that the Lord blessed me to be a grandma. My grandson is such an incredible blessing.

  82. I'm grateful today for my family, for new friends I've made as I've created my blog these past two months, and for the old friends who are always just a call or a text away. I'm thankful that my friend Tony's dad's cancer isn't as advanced as the doctors first thought. I'm thankful for my new part-time job, and pumped that tomorrow I'll be able to leave Wisconsin (where it's still winter, I'm afraid) for sunny Florida!

  83. I'm grateful for jeans day at work! It's cold and rainy here and somehow wearing jeans makes me feel more cozy. :)

  84. I am grateful for the opportunities my job presents with from time to time. Today I got to join in on a live video feed from the International Space Station.

  85. I am grateful for family and friends, today and everyday!

  86. I am grateful for aging with good health, hard-won wisdom and contentment.

  87. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am grateful for all flowers around the world! I love them!

  88. i am SUPER grateful we live back in the States and have been in one house for almost a full year now. i am so thankful for the stability and peace of mind it brings us and our sweet kiddos.

    thanks for hosting this! i LUV Lisa L's stuff!

  89. whyducks11:11 AM

    I am grateful today for the sunshine and the spring flowers!

  90. I am very grateful for my puppy Cooper. He always knows when I need a good cuddle and kiss.

  91. I am grateful for the opportunity to offer small acts of kindness to those around me.

  92. I am grateful for friends -

  93. I am grateful for friends -

  94. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I am thankful for a peaceful morning with great coffee and even better music playing in the background

  95. I'm grateful one of my Dad's kidney's has stopped bleeding & hopeful his 2nd will follow its lead and stop today so he can go home after 12 days in the hospital! Thanks for this opportunity Alisa!

  96. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I am grateful for my supportive husband. He makes every burden easier to bare :)

  97. I am grateful for my friends who gather every wednesday to exercise and have coffee. even after all these years we support each other in good times and bad and laugh and chat about the years ahead of us. happy day to you! ciao!

  98. I'm grateful for everyone before me here in this list who has the courage to share what they are grateful for. Especially the ones who have experienced personal struggles, loss and triumphs - they remind me how much I have to be grateful for :)

  99. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband and 3 sweet kiddos. I'm amazed each day by those blessings!

  100. Today I'm grateful for the simple joys in life. My 5 year old asked me to color with him. We spent the morning filling a poster-size paper with color all the while he chattered to me. I am grateful for these moments.

  101. I am greatful for being alive and having an opportunity to make this world a little better for the next generation.

  102. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I am grateful for all the spring flowers I saw today while out thrift shopping! Warm weather is coming! :D

  103. I'm grateful for my wonderful husband. He's an amazing support.

  104. I am grateful that I get to stay home and be with my two wonderful children.

  105. I'm grateful for the great sales that I encountered and toddler who tolerated my shopping and stayed awake in the car so she could nap at home!

  106. I'm grateful for my loving & supportive husband. And a 2nd close is that we got our power back a little bit ago after having tornado sightings & a fierce storm all night. Thanks so much!

  107. I am thankful for this beautiful 90 degree weather we are having here in VA! I LOVE it! I'm also thankful for great giveaways:-)

  108. I am grateful that I might be able to take a nap this afternoon! That's pretty awesome.

  109. Sooo grateful for my BFF and our long runs on muddy trails.

  110. I am grateful that the nightmare I had last night about my little boy being taken from me was just that, a nightmare and that he was safe in his bed the whole time.

  111. I am grateful for Spring Break next week!

  112. I am grateful for the 24 gifted 5th grade students I am looking at right now that are busily at their laptops creating a Glogster poster on their "colony expertise"! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with these future citizen stars and hope I am enhancing this future in some small way.

  113. so cute !
    I'm grateful that I had time today to make things with my children (little bird houses with carboard) to celebrate Easter !

  114. I am grateful for my wonderful family.

  115. I'm grateful that it's spring again!

  116. jeannielucky12:04 PM

    I am grateful that school is almost out for the year!

  117. I'm grateful for second chances, MANY second chances. And also for nice people like you and Lisa who offer the chance to win some beautiful jewelry.

  118. I am thankful my beautiful baby girl is a major chatterbox. And that she eats her veggies like they are going out of style.

  119. I am thankful for the amazing, compassionate man my son has become and for the 18 precious years I have had with him.

  120. There was a big storm last night and now everything smells so clean and fresh. I think we'll put on boots and go for a soggy walk!

  121. I am grateful that my plans to move to this beautiful Island were successful- something to be grateful for everyday!

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  123. I'm grateful for my new baby boy. He will be 9 weeks on Friday!

  124. I am thankful for my parents. I never realized how much they did for me until I moved out.

  125. I am grateful my baby daughter slept in all morning!

  126. I am grateful for my Son's Stepmom. She has really been an angel and truly loves my son as much as her own. Because of her my son is able to have a relationship with his Dad and I have a new best friend. She is truly one of the most caring and giving people I know.

  127. I'm grateful for the grace of God and his resurrection as we enter this Easter season.

  128. Oh my....I am grateful for so many things and it's hard to narrow it down to just one. I am so very grateful for my husband. We just celebrated our 33rd anniversary.

  129. i'm grateful for my sister in laws.

  130. What a generous giveaway! Her jewelry is lovely!

    I am thankful for my faith and for my family that I love dearly. :)

  131. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm grateful to the sun that allow me to sling the hammock outside today, so my two boys and I can take a nap together for the first time this year!
    Thanks for the inexhaustible inspiration of your blog...

  132. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I love this. Wow . . . thank you for introducing Lisa to us and thank you to her and you for your generosity.
    So many things to be grateful for. I will say . . . I'm most grateful for my faith and what Easter means to me. I'm also grateful for my family, my daughter, our freedoms, for art, laughter . . . you. :) I could go on.

  133. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I love this. Wow . . . thank you for introducing Lisa to us and thank you to her and you for your generosity.
    So many things to be grateful for. I will say . . . I'm most grateful for my faith and what Easter means to me. I'm also grateful for my family, my daughter, our freedoms, for art, laughter . . . you. :) I could go on.

  134. I am grateful for my studio space today. Although it's small and way too cluttered, it's a place that still is my sanctuary.. I always feel so alive when I sit down to create there. I am happy for that special space in my home. xo hugs bonitarose

  135. I'm greatful for my kids and my wonderful husband!;)
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  136. I'm grateful that the tornado that roared thru the Midwest last night missed us!

  137. I am grateful for being able to grow a little person inside of me! I never realized how wonderful the experience would be!
    And because I am not just grateful for one thing, i have to mention the other ones too :-) And of course I am grateful for my loving husband, who takes good care of his wife! :-)
    Then I am grateful for the sunshine we have, my loving family which are living on another continent, my friends, who keep in touch with me, even though they are spread all over the world! I am grateful for being happy and having a great life!

  138. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I'm so grateful for my 8 month old son and awesome hubby!

  139. I'm grateful for my amazing husband that does so much for me, and works so hard so I can stay at home!

  140. I am grateful for being healthy, I am grateful for all the wonderful teachers that float around me at school, the teachers that build up my life!

  141. I am grateful for life in general. My amazing husband and awesome family especially :) Thanks!

  142. I am grateful for good books and a peaceful day...just what I needed today.

  143. Meghan T.1:01 PM

    I am grateful that my children are healthy and happy, thriving indviduals! :)

  144. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend so many hours in God's word today (bible study this morning, seminar this afternoon, church tonight)

  145. Wow! Her stuff is GORgeous!!
    Today, I am thankful that both of my children have found love with wonderful people. :) I always wanted more kids, and now I have them! :D

  146. I am thankful for all of the little things in life that make me happy - smiles, sunshine, hugs, laughs, time with friends and family. These things are blessings and are enjoyed every single day.

  147. I am grateful that we sold our house and found a new one to love. In that order. And tylenol. And Nanas.

  148. I am grateful for many things - but today I'm really grateful that the semester has ended so I don't have to stay at work late to teach... - it also means that I'm done marking assignments for awhile which is also awesome

  149. I am grateful to have my unique, amazing, and hilarious 10 year old son, makes all my days so much better!

  150. I'm grateful for the sun and the blue sky we have had today, and also to have find the time to do some quilting in my busy day

  151. Allison1:35 PM

    I am grateful for the love and support of my fabulous husband who is all that I could ask for and more.

  152. I'm grateful for the rain today. I live in Colorado and it has been so dry. Fire season is just around the corner and we really needed the moisture. The spring showers we've been getting the past few days have been a blessing.

    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  153. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I am grateful for my family and friends, our good health - and your blog and the opportunity to win one of Lisa's wonderful creations.

  154. I am so, so grateful that our home was not hit by the tornado in our area last night, and that myself, my husband, and our babies were able to get to the cellar so quickly.

  155. I'm grateful for the chance to pursue an MFA

  156. I posted on gratitude today.

    I'm grateful for my family, for my golden boy who greets me at the door EVERY day with kisses, my loving husband, my job, good health, my house, flowers, the sun, for art, for jewelry, for finding your blog!

    Thanks for showing us your friend's website if I don't win the certificate I might just have to splurge and get one!! Beautiful work!
    You're the best!

  157. I am grateful for the 20lb block of clay that has held my children's attention for two days!!

  158. I am grateful that my little black cat who swallowed a necklace cord did not need surgery and is coming home today! Plus a bazillion other things...
    Thanks for the chance !

  159. I am thankful for a steady job that I love.

  160. for the sun and spring and budding trees.

  161. I am grateful for the snow (yes, on April 20) because it is providing needed moisture for my garden that will be planted when it warms up. Hopefully, I will be grateful for that soon as well. =)

  162. today I am grateful for my family. I am grateful for my fiance. I am grateful for my pup & kitten. even though my job grates at me, I am grateful for my amazing co-workers. I am grateful to be here.

  163. Today - I am grateful for my family. my husband and my daughter. they're both amazing and I couldn't ask for more!

  164. I am grateful that my mom is such a fighter! A year ago she was so ill that her doctors gave her only hours to live. She has fought her way back to a happy, wonderful life. She is my inspiration!

  165. I'm grateful for my job at a neonatal intensive care unit. It's a privilege to take care of the tiny humans. They are the bravest people I can think of.

  166. I am grateful for my lovely grandchildren who we had a hard time getting.

  167. Lindsay2:18 PM

    I am grateful for the sweet smell of a toddler who quickly runs into and out of my arms.

  168. Bonnie Leukert2:24 PM

    I am very grateful for all those things we take for granted in breathing.

  169. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I am so very grateful to see my family again this Easter - it's been a long year.

  170. I am grateful for time in my studio with a fabulous art friend, laughter & Bob Dylan!

  171. Today, I am grateful to be in continued remission from cancer. I'm grateful to have an amazing husband, a snuggly dog, a funny daughter and a loving God in my life.

  172. I'm grateful that my daughter is recovering from being in the ER on Friday!

  173. I'm very grateful my daughter is recovery from her illness and recent stay in the pediatric ER!

  174. just one thing i'm grateful for? which to pick... i'm grateful for my wonderful, loving, generous parents! who are coming to visit me on friday!!

  175. i'm so grateful for your willingness to motivate and inspire us each and every day, alisa! thank you!! xo

  176. It's gray and wet and windy outside in Toronto today and while everyone else is complaining about the miserable weather, I can't help but feel so thankful that I am not navigating the aftermath of a tsunami or an earthquake at this very moment. Sending love to everyone around the world, especially in Japan, right now...

  177. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I am so very grateful for the beautiFULL life I have and the beautiful people in dogs and cats included :)

  178. I'm grateful for a chance of rain :)

  179. I am thankful for people who admit they've made a mistake when they've made one. Example, my car repair today. The dealership admitted they'd made an error in fixing my car (didnt') and is going to go back at it and fix it. Frustrating for me but it could be worse. I could be looking at a huge repair bill.

  180. I am grateful for little tiny moments of peace in a crazy crazy day...

  181. I am grateful for the idea of possibility and a small seed of hope that is blooming deep inside me.

  182. I am thankful (because I live in Indiana with the ever changing spring weather) that I am able to feel the changes. God has blessed my body! Even if my sinuses and body ache.

  183. I am grateful that during my surgery two weeks ago the surgeon was able to get all of the cancer!

  184. I am grateful that I get to stay home with my two little ones, even if it has been a very "trying" day. :)

  185. I am grateful for the unconditional love of a grandaughter, I couldn't live without. She makes me laugh and loves me just as I am.

  186. i am grateful for little boy giggles.

  187. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I am grateful for the down and out fella that came to my door today. He had been all over offering to do any little chore for only $7 and had had all doors slammed in his face. He needed the $7 to have enough money to rent a room for a month....$207. He wasn't asking for a penny more...not even for a meal. He made me realize that everyone doesn't have it as easy as I do and that I should be grateful for EVERY little thing that I have. He cried and hugged me. I hope that he finds a job soon. I'm going to be worrying about him now. At least he'll have a roof over his head for a month.

  188. I am grateful for my healthy, sweet family.

    mama3davis at gmail dot com

  189. I am thankful that my sister is coming to live in Seattle this summer! I've felt really alone since we moved to the west coast and seeing family on a regular basis will be awesome!

  190. I am grateful for my healthy baby girl that will be born in June :).

  191. i'm grateful for art, music, books, food, love, health, and all the things that make life enjoyable.

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  194. Jillian P4:18 PM

    I'm grateful for the birds singing. As I sit doing my work I can hear them calling so cheerfully as they build their nests, never worried about the past. It reminds me that with spring comes new life. Baby birds for them and my high school graduation and the start of a new world for me <3

  195. I am grateful to be able to spend time at the beach with my family this Easter weekend.

  196. Anne-Marie4:25 PM

    I'm so grateful for many things...however, the first thing that comes to my mind right now is the never-ending love of my husband. I've been very blessed.

  197. I am thankful for my family!

  198. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I am grateful that I helped a child who has lead poisoning today..

  199. I am grateful for my husband who takes care of me everyday :)
