
Monday, January 03, 2011

updates from the studio


I am back home from holiday travel (and SO happy to be sleeping in my own bed) and all ready to jump into 2011. But first I have the very unpleasant task of cleaning (I am drowning in clutter!), organizing and doing all that preparing for everything that comes next. A few more days and I am ready to get creating! I wanted to start the week and the new year with a handful of updates which will continue in the weeks to come.


If you are attending CHA in LA January 28th-1st, look for me at the ilovetocreate booth! I will be doing a make and take project and would love to meet and interact with any of my readers...i heart you guys. As the show gets closer I will post my schedule.

I am THRILLED to be teaching at Donna Downey's Inspired Artist Workshop in Concord/Charlotte, NC!!! The four day event is jam packed with six amazing teachers, workshops, mini workshops, events and the opportunity to challenge, grow and expand your creativity. Visit Donna's site for all the info


I am also SUPER DUPER excited to be teaching Oct 11-17th at Art Camp for Women in Winter Park, Colorado in the Rocky Mountains! If you like nature and art- this is the retreat for you! Its just me teaching so there will be all kinds of 1x1 time together to hang out, eat good food, sketch our surroundings and make art together. Space is limited (to create a more personal retreat experience). Head over the the site for more info.


My next online class will go live in February and here is a hint- it's all about sketching! Later this week I will be announcing all the details, opening up registration and even giving away a couple of slots in the class :) so check back for more details!

I am in the midst of some MAJOR website changes and business updates. I can't quite give all the details yet but in the next couple of months, I will be working on growing and expanding in new ways. Just know that soon, very soon I will be launching some fun things.

Photo 42
Remember this post that I shared before the holidays? Well, I am preparing to dive into my own personal goal of giving more than ever this year. In addition to finding volunteer and giving opportunities that fit into my life and make use of my gifts, I want to include all of you. I want to hear about your stories of giving, opportunities that you are involved in or how your life has been affected by "thinking outside of yourself". My plan is to share inspiration, stories and opportunities every couple of weeks with the hope to connect and inspire a spirit of giving. To submit a story or giving opportunity for review email me at

And last...I have been given permission to share the title of my new book- Sew Wild -and while I can't yet share the cover or anything else for that matter- just know that this book is all about sewing MY WAY and it is looking AWESOME!! I am beyond excited for the release in the fall. As always I will share info as I am able!


  1. Sounds like you've got an exciting year ahead of you! Good luck de-cluttering and Happy New Year!

  2. This New year is full of possibility.. for all of us! hugs to you.. and welcome back home!

  3. All the current changes and good news sound so exciting! The book title has me super intrigued I can't wait for more details!!

  4. So thrilled to see you'll be coming to Inspired this year!! Can't wait to see you and your work. mac

  5. Oh my gosh Alisa,
    You are making me tired just reading this! When I first opened this post...the first thing I thought was....WOW...of course she can create awesomenssss with such a fantastic and inspiring look so relaxed and at peace in the first photo. I am so excited about all of your opportunities that you have shared so far...I can hardly wait to see what else you are up to!!
    Happy New Year and I hope that 2011makes all of your dreams come true xOxO
    ps...did I mention that you are amazing and such an inspiration to me and I am sure tons and tons of others....OK...that's it :)

  6. Congrats on your successful year and here's to 2011 being even greater for you! xo

  7. Such a wondrous and exciting new year for you. Looking forward to all that you share. Happy week...

  8. Looks like a lot of cool things in store for 2011! Congrats on your book. Can't wait to hear more about that sketching workshop!

  9. Your 2011 looks like it is going to be wonderful! I look forward to reading about it. :)

  10. Your plan for the year sounds fabulous. You are such an inspiration to me in all that you do and accomplish and you are super creative to boot. I love reading your blog and basking in the beauty of your photographs. I hope our paths cross this year.

  11. Que vos projets se réalisent tous pour notre plus grand bonheur à nous tous...

  12. Happy New Year, and congrats on the upcoming book!
    I can't wait to hear more about it.
    All the best to you this year, Alisa!

  13. Happy New year Alisa! It has been a pleasure following your blog over the last year or so. Looking forward to the new stuff you have up your sleeve!

  14. YOu are an inspiration! Many thanks!

  15. Wishing you a very happy new year 2011 from bottom of my heart. Waiting for more news from you.

  16. Happy New Year Alisa! I have had a great time following your blog this year and reading your book, looking forward to what you have in store for 2011. I will be at CHA also in Soft Flex Company's booth and will swing by and say hi!

  17. Oh! I'm so excited for you! It was awesome to write a book about how I sew and be able to share it with everyone. I can't wait to see your way of doing it! I'm a HUGE believer in doing things your own way and not following all those rules. I'll be signing up for your sketch class this weekend :)

  18. this struck me as an amazing are a star on the rise. a shooting star.......congrats in all you've accomplished and all you will accomplish this year.
