
Saturday, January 15, 2011

a last minute golden globe party

Do you ever feel like you want a good excuse to play dress up? To put on a big frilly dress, red lipstick and do something special? Well if I am going to be honest and this is embarrassing- I DO! I spend my days in yoga pants and t-shirts, I rarely wear makeup any more, shave my legs once a week and if I am going to be really honest I typically forget to put on deodorant.

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The other day while browsing at the mall (for yet another pair of stretchy pants) I found myself in the prom section reminiscing about high school dances (funny because back in the day I never enjoyed them). I was wishing I had an excuse to try on dresses when it hit me... who needs an excuse?! I proceeded go wild and grab handfuls of fluffy, sparkly dresses and tried them all on! While practicing my best red carpet pose in the mirror, I remembered that the Golden Globes were this weekend- (tonight actually) and being an award show junkie I decided right there in the JC Penny dressing room (not very glamourous- I know!) to have a last minute Golden Globe party. A perfect excuse for a little dress up!

Here are a few ideas for your own last minute party!

Number one reason to have an award show party is to dress up- even if its just a little bit! Don't go out and buy a dress but instead find something fun (or funny) in your closet to wear for the evening. Make sure to take silly photos!

Not in the mood? Put a flower in your hair, sparkly earrings or some pretty shoes. I think I am going to wear my pajamas, an updo, a flower in my hair and red lipstick :)

Nothing says glam like bright lipstick!

Force your loved ones to dress up.

And by force I mean nicely ask if they will wear homemade bow ties :)

Have everyone make their winner picks early in the evening.

Pull out the pretty glasses and plates!

Since it's last minute don't make anything too time consuming. Instead turn your dinner into small appetizer size portions

or stick a tooth pick in everything!

Play movie trivia at the commercials

and most important, kick back and have a little fun :)


  1. I love the aged look in the photographs!

  2. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This looks like my kind of fun!

  3. Love this and can SO relate. My home and work attire (thankfully) consist of sweats and pajama pants.

    What a great post. Love the photos.

  4. Looks like way too much fun! You have a delightful sense of humour!

  5. ...and the winner! This looks and sounds like such fun!

  6. I've often wanted to try on some glamorous dresses at the mall too! Maybe I will!
    Love the idea!

  7. Better save a seat for me on that couch...looks like too much fun for me to just pass up...might take a bit to get there, though.
    PS. I do believe I have one-upped ya on the leg shaving... ::snicker::

  8. OMG! Great post, Alisa! Now I want to go try on prom dresses!

  9. oh you wonderful girl, fabby ideas, love the photos. you are so right, who needs an excuse. I have never tried on prom dresses, but i do love going into shops and trying on all the hats lol

  10. Quelle élégance... Bises

  11. What fun!! Love your photos

  12. a terrific idea. what a way to love life

  13. Love your creative idea for a home party!

  14. Tooo Much Fun! And here I thought I was the only one who could forget to put on deodorant....LOL
    You Look Marvolous!!!Many Blessings, Deborah

  15. I love your photographs ! If I may ask ... how you process them in order to give thm this aged look ...

  16. whyducks10:35 AM

    You look stunning!

  17. Omg, you just make me smile! And the cherry on top is your honesty! You are so much fun! Something we could all use more of!

  18. Becky1:05 PM

    how do you do that with your images? I have Elements. is it possible to do with that?

  19. I love this idea! And the vintage effect of your photos...

  20. I have been to so many balls (my husband is in the Army) and didn't enjoy the shopping experience but I bet it would be great if it was just for fun. Super photo of the cat.

  21. have fun at your party! isn't trying on prom dresses fun?!

  22. I love that you played dress-up with all the frilly dresses for no real reason at all! Your photos were a treat as usual! I am watching the GG tonight and I will wear dark red lipstick for fun.

  23. i love this so much!!!!!!

    all of it!!!


  24. Anonymous6:01 AM

    well... I HAVE had those days where my hair is accidentally perfect, and I MUST go somewhere to take advantage of it!

  25. You look more beautiful than Natalie Portman did!

  26. Maria2:53 PM

    Love it, love it, love it. Plus your cat is adorable.

  27. Great post. Made me smile on a dreary day.

  28. Such a fun post! That picture of your men "dressed up" cracks me up.

  29. I have been searching everywhere for this photo effect. Can you share?

  30. I love dressing up too, Alisa! It's the best way for anyone to feel like a celebrity. Me, I don't care if there's a party or not. When I feel like it, I dress up! Only in my bedroom of course. I even apply for a cash advance loan just to get my hands on the latest costumes and party dresses. Ha ha! Btw, that last minute party seemed like fun! You must be good to have pulled it off.

  31. Whenever I've felt sad, frustrated and tired, I wear my best suit and take myself portrait. Do some camera experiments and layback and say to myself - with these good looks I should never feel bad. You might think I'm bragging but that's how I recompose myself. Dressing up is like the blanket of my sorrows and ego - it is self meditation in a sleek way.

  32. Having a good outfit also increase your self confident, that's why I make sure I have a proper attire for any occasion.

  33. Wow! This is such a great post - that I am just discovering now. What a fun idea. Especially love that you roped in the rest of the family. Might have to try this. Especially the taking photos for posterity part....
