
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

updates from the studio


Things are moving fast over here and this last weekend I hit the wall...hard! I have not been sleeping very well and my problem isn't about feeling tired (I'm exhausted) my problem seems to be that I can't turn my darn brain off- it is filled to the tippy top with ideas, deadlines, planning, budgets, dreaming, projects and SO much more. I keep waking up in the wee hours and my brain just starts going....Did I email that person back? Did I ship that order? Should I use purple dye or blue dye for that fabric? Can I really make that deadline? Did I remember to book my hotel? Did I remember to charge my camera battery for the morning? Did we lock the front door? Why is my husband snoring so loud these days? And my brain just keeps going until I am wide awake and starting my day at 3:30am. Well, this weekend it caught up with me and I crashed on the couch while working on the computer and watching the X-Games. Thankfully my husband covered me in a blanket and let me sleep a good part of Sunday away. (He then proceeded to snap photos of me sleeping- he has a new camera and I am not joking when I say that he sneaks around taking candid photos everywhere- it is turning into a problem!)

This week I seem to be back to a normal sleep schedule, I have been making progress with my to list and once again it is time for a pause to share a handful of updates!

larger than life

At the end of this month I will be traveling to Chicago to teach at the first ever Cloth Paper Scissors CREATE Retreat and I am so excited!
My classes only have two more spaces left- Larger Than Life and The Trashy Clutch
so if you are in the Rosemont/Chicago area I would love if you joined us!!!

I am so excited to share that I am in three Stampington and Company publications that are all on stands now! Thrilled to be featured in the recent issue of Artful Blogging!!


Graffiti shoes in Altered Couture!


And a few of my past projects from past issues are included Hand Crafted volume six!


I will be closing my Etsy shop for the month of August and will reopen in September. I am in major work mode over here with my book and this month is crucial for me with deadlines. So closing the shop made the most sense in maintaining a little bit of sanity! But I am planning to open in the fall with ALL new stuff, a new look and more. I will keep everyone updated!


Color Your World -my latest latest online class is underway and so far I am having such a creative blast sharing my favorite color theory and inspiration!

monochromatic exercise

So far we have covered basic color theory, creating with monochromatic color schemes, looking for color inspiration and now we are on to incorporating more than 1 color in projects. There is still time to join in on the colorful fun! click for more details


And last...I am SUPER excited to have joined the blogging team over at I Love to Create and once a month I will be posting some creative tutorials with their products. Stay tuned later this month for more info!!

ok that is all for now...time for a cat nap!


  1. You are awesome! Thank you for all your creative energy and ideas!

  2. Congratulations on all the wonderful magazine publications! Very cool!

  3. Congrats on so many successes in so many areas!!~~ You are such an inspiration.
    I hope that you continue to sleep well, girl. I'm sure it's hard to keep the juices flowing when you're so overbooked and sleep-deprived.
    Thank you again for all you do to make the world a brighter and more beautiful place, and encouraging others to do the same.

  4. I can relate to not being able to turn the brain off. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and being published.

  5. Oh Alisa. Your problem is that you need a wife!
    I love your work, your energy, your creativity... and that black and white painting above your sofa. Talk about leaving notes around the house!

  6. I want to take your Larger the Life class. How do I find out if the class is filled. It is so cool to hear about all the wonderful things happening in your life. Who needs sleep, it's overrated:-)

  7. Congratulations on your feature in Artful Blogging! I opened it up the other day, and was thrilled!

  8. I so get waking up and the brain kicking in - I'm naturally an early riser and I can't get back to sleep once I'm awake - too many things going on in there! I'm from the Chicago/Rosemont area and would absolutely love to attend your seminar - but I just got a brand new job and asking for time off would be a no-no right now. I love your ideas and creativity. You're truly inspiring. Congratulations on all your successes!

  9. LOVE that painting above the sofa! I assume YOU did that!

    And congrats on all your successes...can't wait to meet you at CREATE!

  10. Your blogs never let me down. Your creativity is such a blessing, and so freakin' inspiring :)

  11. Kittyj8:09 PM

    WOOHOO! I hope you will re- list some of your old items in your shop cause I'm not caught up with all your lovelies!!!
    Congrats on all the creative excitement!

  12. whyducks3:57 AM

    What a lovely photo of you almost in a cocoon. I find it helpful if my mind wont stop working at night, is to keep a pen and paper by the bed and I just write down all the things I am worrying about, then and I can relax and sleep. The list is there in the morning for me to sort out!

  13. Wow, you certainly are busy! Thank you for taking the time to share your creativity with us all, it's such an inspiration!

  14. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Felicidades Alisa!!Me encanta lo que haces y sobre todo tu personalidad emprendedora, pero el mundo es demasiado competitivo. De vez en cuando hace falta tomar un descanso para dejar atras el stress. A los que tenemos siempre la cabeza llena de ideas creativas que se agolpan para salir, nos pasa lo mismo. Paciencia y que descanses.

  15. Felicidades Alisa!! Tienes toda mi admiracion. Me encanta lo que haces y sobre todo tu personalidad emprendedora, pero el mundo es demasiado competitivo. De vez en cuando hace falta tomar un descanso para dejar atras el stress. A los que tenemos siempre la cabeza llena de ideas creativas que se agolpan para salir, nos pasa lo mismo. Paciencia y que descanses.

  16. You are living your dream despite the sleepless nights, you have so much to be proud of! Congratulations on all of your successes as well. I received your stamps and bracelet and LOVE them! Glad I got my order in before you closed shop! Thank you for all that you do!

  17. Oh you poor dear. Sorry to hear you were having trouble sleeping. That makes a hectic life even harder. Glad that things are coming together for you. You are a tremendous talent. No wonder so many people want just a little piece of you! Congratulations on all your successes!

  18. Congrats on your success! You are very talented =)

  19. You look SO comfy! I hope you start to sleep better soon.

  20. ALISA!!! CONGRATULATIONS on the offer to be part of I Love TO Create... YOU GO GIRL!

  21. You deserve to sleep in once in awhile! Talk about burning the candle at both ends! I'm loving your new class, and congrats on all your current and future artistic endeavors! Hugs!

  22. Thanks Alisa, for always being such a pleasure to work with.

  23. Thanks for your continued support of our Stampington Publications! It's great to see your continued growth as an artist.
    As always, it's a great pleasure working with you. Jennifer
