
Monday, July 05, 2010

updates from the studio


It's time for a couple of quick updates-

I will be at the International Quilt Festival-Long Beach teaching two mini workshops at Make It University in July!

Friday, July 23rd
Recycling Remix

Also...Stop by Quilting Arts Booth and visit me at Open Studios Friday evening from 4:45-6:45pm- I will be working on and demonstrating all kinds of fun stuff!!

Saturday, July 24th
Fantastic Fiber Flowers 11:45am-12:45pm


There are still a few spots left in the classes that I will be teaching at the Cloth Paper Scissors Retreat- CREATE!

Larger Than Life (6 hours)
Date: Wednesday, August 25
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm

There is nothing more energizing and liberating than working big and this class will introduce you to working larger than life with paper, fabric, canvas and paint. Forget about being confined by the size of your surface and start embracing what it feels like to get inside of your painting and mixed media projects. We will experiment with reaching, crawling and stretching around our large canvas to get up close and personal with the creative process. You will learn a variety of messy and beautiful painting and collage techniques to use on a large surface. Alisa will share a number of useful exercises for creating a large composition - from free writing to using graffiti to finding your artistic voice, be prepared to go big!!!

The Trashy Clutch (6 hours)
Date: Friday, August 27
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm

A unique purse made entirely from recycled materials and covered in layers of paint is the perfect accessory for any artist. From fusing plastic bags, incorporating fiber, and transforming junk mail to altering cereal boxes--this class will challenge you to completely rethink your materials and supplies. It will introduce you to different ways to create “mixed media fabric” that can be painted, sewn and transformed into a unique and one of a kind clutch handbag. Come prepared to learn lots of quick and easy ways to make over household trash with paint, free writing, sketching, creating pattern and all kinds of simple but colorful techniques. This class that will include both mixed media/painting techniques and simple sewing!


I am happy to announce that I have figured out my online class problems!! I will be moving all of my online classes to private blogs so this means everyone that is currently a part of these classes will continue to have unlimited access!!! The process will be time consuming but well worth it! Thanks to everyone who took the time to email me with feedback about online class options-it helped SO much!


And last, I have all kinds of new things to share in the weeks to come- brand new art, videos, projects, tutorials, inspiration and more!!


  1. Love your work! I'll be taking a class with you at Create and let me just say...CAN'T WAIT!!

  2. thank you for working to make the classes the best that you can. THANK YOU!!!!!!

  3. You are one very busy artist. I am sorry I am missing all the events. Happy creating...

  4. Yay! I love your blogs, so inspiring :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hurray for the fix on your on-line classes....i am so enjoying the 2 i am taking....
