
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Inspiration: Feathers

I have been spending A LOT of time in my sketchbook lately working on all kinds of new ideas, textures, colors and concepts. This week I have been inspired by feathers- so simple yet complex, truly beautiful and amazing.

check out some more feather inspiration!


  1. that wristband is pretty BA

  2. Your sketchbook is amazing. Thank you for sharing so much feather inspiration. Happy creating...

  3. I like your feathers, the drawings are very personal, you managed to put such energy even in such a soft thing!

  4. great looking pages in your sketchbook!

  5. beautiful sketches, dreamy pictures, thanks.

  6. I love that you posted this. i am gettin ready to start a piece for my sister-in-law and I needed to study feathers for my design. It's gonna be the first of a series that needs lots of feather work! Thanks a mil!

  7. We all SO admire your creativity and often wonder where you come up with all your good ideas and beautiful work, but this post and your sketches/drawings show how firm is your art foundation, your ability to see and draw, which so obviously informs all your other work.I think I'll grab this idea of focusing on one thing each week and then drawing it and taking off from there to do other original work.

  8. Love it all, but my favorite picture is of your sketchbook! Ha! And the coat is great too.

  9. Love your inspiration ideas and especially love what you've done in your sketchbook - beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. how fun! your sketches are beautiful! and that vase, i want it!

  11. love feathers, thanks for the inspiration:) and your sketches are gorgeous!

  12. How strange, I just cut out a picture with a sweater that made me think of your cloth style and paintings, I don't know why, but I guess it is kind of serendipitous. Found it online, you have to see:


  13. hi alisa
    i came over from craft gossip this morning (i think?) to see those cute banners you were cooking up. i decided to stay awhile and found this post that i absolutely adore! my nickname is feather (rhymes with...heather!) and so is named my blog. anyway, i've been trying my own hand at artistic renditions of the feather itself...i just love this post. thank you so much! and, i'm following you now, so see you soon!

  14. i like the feathers.. i've been envisioning wings and wings.. angel wings.. and the phoenix.. been thinking about getting a tattoo too.. and your feathers are so inspiring..
    thanks ^*^
