
Monday, April 05, 2010

a few updates from the studio

I am back from a week in Colorado and while my week was spent dealing with family stuff (thankfully everything I went to deal with has worked out) I was able to accomplish a lot and was able to work and create from the road. I returned to San Diego yesterday just in time for a 7.2 earthquake with lots of aftershocks- YIKES! But I have brought back lots of inspiration and creative fun to share this week and then I am off again, this time to Oregon. Before I forget I wanted to share a few updates!

☆☆Tomorrow I will be hosting a live chat- ALL DAY
Tuesday April 6th 9am-5pm EST
I will be be online to chat, answer questions and just get to know all of you out there!

It will be held on my public Ning site "Redefine Creativity"

To participate follow the link to the invitaion below

☆☆☆ Just a reminder that I will be teaching in Portland, OR at Art on a Lark Studio on April 17th and April 18th there is still room in the classes- visit here for more information

☆☆☆ I am THRILLED to announce that I will be teaching at the first ever CREATE- a mixed media retreat from Cloth Paper Scissors, August 25-29th at the Rosemont Hotel just outside of Chicago! More details coming very soon!

☆☆ I am in the midst of creating my next online class and I will be sharing details very soon! Just a reminder- all of my online classes are available for registration at any time and have unlimited access to create and your own pace :)


  1. Looking forward to your online talk, I'm already in the ning group - yay! Also excited to see what your new class will be online :)

  2. I'm going to be teaching at CREATE too! I look forward to seeing you there!

  3. Finally, a retreat near me! So hope I can afford it... Looking forward to hearing about it!

  4. charmi10:06 AM

    Hey Alisa i missed your all day chat :(..would you be able to post a link of the chat transcript ??
