
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

a few updates...

open to the public and FREE!
This will be an interactive event full of inspiration and creativity- I will be signing books, getting messy and giving you the opportunity to create!

(yep,another one of my shameless plugs for Oregon!)


I just updated my shop with a handful of new goodies and there is more to come!


I will be hosting a live chat- ALL DAY
Tuesday April 6th 9am-5pm EST
I will be be online to chat, answer questions and just get to know all of you out there!

It will be held on my public Ning site "Redefine Creativity"
I created this site for others to connect after a class has ended or a retreat is over or if you just want to get involved in some additional things that I offer. If you have taken one of my classes (online or other) this is a place to keep in touch and continue to share your work, connect with others and find inspiration. Feel free to invite your friends, share your work and be creative. While I won't be teaching classes on this site I will using it to host live chats and other creative opportunities!

To participate follow the link to the invitaion below


And last, I was asked by a reader yesterday if I would show my wreaths in context to the space they are in- great request and easy to share! I actually have another growing art wall in our bedroom where I alternate my favorite wreaths with the seasons!


  1. Love that purse! And your wreaths are so cool...

  2. The OR coast is gorgeous, isn't it? Unfortunately I live inland by the CA border so I won't be able to make it to Seaside....I so wish I could! My partner and I have been talking about moving to Astoria so please have a reading again when we are closer! Best of luck and thanks for sharing the wall.

  3. Yay, thank you for answering my request! I would never have guessed you hang a whole collage of wreaths and frames. So pretty!

    BTW, I think that heart wreath is my absolute favorite.

  4. SO jealous of Oregon. It was lovely to meet you at CHA a few months ago and I know everyone will have a wonderful time at your library event!

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Lucky people at the library!!!! Please come to NY for a workshop!
