
Friday, February 05, 2010

Video Preview of New Purses!

In a quest to keep myself from having another meltdown, I am taking the weekend off and away from my blog to CATCH UP on other things!! But I will return on Monday with some fun news, updates and lots more inspiration. I will leave you with a video of preview of one of my many projects- new purses! Enjoy!!

purse preview from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

music: printemps by coeur de pirate


  1. Great video! I hope you get done what you need to get done this weekend. I made a heart yesterday ... but got so into the sewing part I forgot all about the opening for the stuffing : ) Felt good tho...thanks for the idea.

  2. Just love the purse you made and your video...great music too. Hope you have a productive/fun weekend!

  3. great idea! what kind of paint do you use?
    have a great weekend! and on monday I 'll be back...I can use some inspiration from you!!!

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    lovely, i just added even more bran-new emo backgrounds 4 my blog

  5. Kittyj5:11 PM

    LOVE it!!! I have one of Alisa's purses and it's a BEAUTY!!!

  6. Alisa, I just love it! Its the perfect way to start my day painting in the studio.
    PLEASE tell me who the first musical artist was and today's treat. I just love the the upbeat music!!!

  7. peggy4:57 AM

    Love the video, I just love watching you work. Good, you need to take off work, its hard but you'll be better for it. Love all your great ideas and the purse is wonderful. Peggy

  8. I enjoy the videos -hope you have a good break. I recently posted a sketchbook tutorial, and linked to your graffiti style. I'm looking forward to getting the Tulip products in the UK.

  9. Love the purse! and the video... I think I want one... purse, not necessarily the video, although that would be cool too. thanks!

  10. Love your work, your videos and your purses! Have a wonderfully restful and restorative weekend!

  11. oooh mai...came along via ro brun and am in love with your blog.....yvette

  12. Just found your blog and am just loving your work!! The music you use on the videos is great and I love watching you work. So glad I stumbled in here.....


  13. What a great video! I love seeing the process and the final product. Your class is wonderful, too.

  14. I hope its okay, I linked to this amazing video

    I really admire your work and have been lurking your blog for some time now.

    Of you want me to take down my post or anything I will.


  15. Great video and love the purses.
