
Friday, December 04, 2009

A Dream Realized

Since returning home from our Thanksgiving trip to Colorado I have been working around the clock on my big purse order (which has a pretty tight turn around!) Thankfully I am right on track and so close to being finished! It dawned on me today as I was sitting amidst my colorful pile of creations that this is what it feels like to have a dream come true. As I am sure most of my readers are aware, I have always wanted to be a full time artist (and while I currently have lots of irons in the fire) my most recent dream in the last five years has been to apply my fine art background to growing a little handmade purse business....and after a ridiculous amount of hard work, rejection and dead ends and distractions (which continues and will always be a challenge in a creative life and career!) and so much creative shuffling, updating and planning- today, regardless of what happens next, I finally felt some satisfaction (which is hard to come by in my complex mind...I am never satisfied!!). As I took a step back looking at my ginormous pile of finished clutches I thought-

WOW this feels really, really, really good- I think this is what it feels like to have a dream realized :)


  1. Congratulations!

    Taking time to savor the moment and realize you're dreams are coming true is a sure route to living thankfully.

  2. This is so great Alisa.....i'm really happy for've worked really hard!

    Love, Violette

  3. Must be wonderful to live the DREAM....

    gosh you must go through some black thread !lol


  4. oh congratulations on your big order, some star will see it, and want one, and then you will be known as the handbag goddess to the stars....

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Good for you, and one of your dreams coming true!

    Best Regards,Barbie

  6. an inspiring post! Love your purses!!

  7. This is so fantastic! You are an inspiration to those of us who sincerely appreciate your dreams!

  8. Doing what you love and having the success that you need is just so perfect ! Congratulations for making your dreams come true. That hard work is part of it, but so is that courageous heart and the wonderful creative imagination.
    Brava !!!

  9. Gorgeous eye candy! Keep dreaming. I love seeing your dreams come true here.

  10. peggy1:31 PM

    you have worked hard and long for this day and I am happy that you recognized that you have "made it", good girl, keep it up. your good. Love ya Peggy

  11. Anonymous8:31 PM

    you totally rock

  12. Lisa E8:31 PM

    that was me with the rock comment

  13. Congratulations! I hope you know you were a success in my eyes long before this and I'm proud to be an online student! Your art is so happy and amazing! Hugs!

  14. What a wonderful DREAM!! May no amount of rejection every stop the thrill within our souls.

  15. I just had to say Congratulations :-)

  16. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Brim over I agree but I about the collection should secure more info then it has.

  17. I love all these photos. Nice blog too. Thanks for sharing.

